CFL Soil BagSeed Rubbermaid Growbox - Flowering Grow Journal


Active Member
chkd your journal topher good stuff as well man!! will stick by to watch yours!!! =) happy grows to all you cfl-ers! =)

Hehe, I am trying to get everything under control... I have a large amount of info that I have learned, but a small amount of available cash put put that info into good use... So it is a balancing act of what to choose that will make the best improvement. I hope to get my plants healthy like yours very soon. =) bongsmilie
First off thanks for all the new posters. I've had alot of nice feedback on the girls and advice/questions are always welcome:)

Sad day. I think I might have a male in the bud chamber:(

No big, I'll check again when the lights come on in an hour, but I thought I saw something last night. If this is the case, I'll kill him and move one from veg to flower to take its place. Then I'll have and excuse to plant again to repopulate the veg box.:leaf::joint::leaf::)

NOTE: If this all happens I will post pics of the little ****** before death. I will also be starting a Grow Manual to follow the new crop from seed to smoke!!! Subscribers stay tuned, I think the grow log is about to get more interesting. There may even be a hydro rubbermaid grow in the future if I can get my hands on some worthy seeds. Any suggestions on strain? Posters please list strain, u s a source, experiences and yields by style of grow:) :peace:
Hey thanks for the advice earlier, and nice grow. Im just starting my first grow and switching to all cfl's now to reduce heat thanks to you, and some other members of the forum. take a look the links in my sig
Killed not one but 2 males in my bud chamber:(

Have moved both plants from veg box into bud box, thank the ganja gods we still have 1 budding beauty (with hairy ass buds as fat as my thumb and swelling!!!)

I'll post pics tomorrow since I watered tonight and I'll get some fresh seeds germinating yet tonight to repopulate the veg box. Its experiences like this one with the males that is why I run 2 boxes in my grow, so I can always just replace and rotate to keep a good crop going. If I plant now there will be plants ready to take the place of my most mature plant in flower, if I plant to many I'll just spend the $50 bucks or whatever to build a secondary flowering chamber. Wouldn't that just suck a**? lol :leaf::joint::peace:
Still uploading pics, just wanted to post this rt quick. My dad had a birthday and I got him a bong, and I made a stinky bouquet with the males I cut out my grow.

He works evenings in this stupid factory thats gonna put him in an early grave. so he's a med mary patient and I had this waiting for him for his birthday when he got off, then we got high as hell and watched weeds on showtime. Its a great show if you get it where you live check it out:joint::leaf::peace:


Nothing real important here. Just thought this bong looked cool with the blacklight on it lol. Yep I'm stoned:leaf::joint::leaf::peace:

Also threw in some plants of my bud room b4 I took the males out and pics of the pollen sacks (kinda fuzzy bad camera) and pics of the male murder. I hang them for drying and then use the males leaf to blend in my weed so it lasts a bit longer, also its good to mix in with joints so they burn more evenly.

Then, just so the males don't make this post too depreasing, I'm posting some pics of the buds on my female thats still in flower.


Okay so the lights are off right now, but I do have some shots of the new setup in the budding chamber, and some new pictures of the buds. The Veg Chamber is offline right now since those plants are now taking the place of the dead males in the bud box. I'll get the new crop germinating by this weekend and start the seed to smoke log as soon as I have new seedlings. :leaf::joint::peace:

Temp: 84'
RH: 55%
pH: 6.4

Enjoy the pics:hump:



Active Member
Hahaha. I am still getting a kick out of the wrapping paper! Soooo blazed. LOL Are you gonna change it for mylar or just keep it? Peace! bongsmilie
Hahaha. I am still getting a kick out of the wrapping paper! Soooo blazed. LOL Are you gonna change it for mylar or just keep it? Peace! bongsmilie
Lol, I would use mylar I just can't get any where I live. Hell where I am the closest hydro grow shop is almost a 6 hour drive. I thought about using foil, but didn't want the hot spots. This solution may not be as reflective, but I definately have never had a heat issue with x-mas paper, and it was just sitting in the basement anyways so I figured that it was just that much off the cost of my grow. Honestly if mylar was there for me to use I would, best stuff for a grow hands down. The only way I could think to get it would be to turn a bunch of hospital balloons inside out. I'm to stoned to b tearin up balloons man, lol:hump:

Just put 8 seeds in to germ. Got them from a "farmer" friend of a friend. They were bigger than the bagseed I've been using. All fat brown and speckled. He said that I'd be surprised by them. Wouldn't tell me the name though, just said he tell me more about them once I got them growing. Looks like more weed roulette for this crop:) I'll post another update once they crack. :leaf::joint::leaf::peace:


Well-Known Member
Lol, I would use mylar I just can't get any where I live. Hell where I am the closest hydro grow shop is almost a 6 hour drive. I thought about using foil, but didn't want the hot spots. This solution may not be as reflective, but I definately have never had a heat issue with x-mas paper, and it was just sitting in the basement anyways so I figured that it was just that much off the cost of my grow. Honestly if mylar was there for me to use I would, best stuff for a grow hands down. The only way I could think to get it would be to turn a bunch of hospital balloons inside out. I'm to stoned to b tearin up balloons man, lol:hump:

Just put 8 seeds in to germ. Got them from a "farmer" friend of a friend. They were bigger than the bagseed I've been using. All fat brown and speckled. He said that I'd be surprised by them. Wouldn't tell me the name though, just said he tell me more about them once I got them growing. Looks like more weed roulette for this crop:) I'll post another update once they crack. :leaf::joint::leaf::peace:

Can't wait to see the mystery strain growing!



Active Member
Lol, I would use mylar I just can't get any where I live. Hell where I am the closest hydro grow shop is almost a 6 hour drive. I thought about using foil, but didn't want the hot spots. This solution may not be as reflective, but I definately have never had a heat issue with x-mas paper, and it was just sitting in the basement anyways so I figured that it was just that much off the cost of my grow. Honestly if mylar was there for me to use I would, best stuff for a grow hands down. The only way I could think to get it would be to turn a bunch of hospital balloons inside out. I'm to stoned to b tearin up balloons man, lol:hump:

Just put 8 seeds in to germ. Got them from a "farmer" friend of a friend. They were bigger than the bagseed I've been using. All fat brown and speckled. He said that I'd be surprised by them. Wouldn't tell me the name though, just said he tell me more about them once I got them growing. Looks like more weed roulette for this crop:) I'll post another update once they crack. :leaf::joint::leaf::peace:

hey bro! Do you have local wal-mart? lowes? hardware store? If you do, Survival blankets are 100% pure mylar! And they are also only 2 or 3 dollars each. I did my whole room with one 3 dollar survival blanket! Worth checking out.
hey bro! Do you have local wal-mart? lowes? hardware store? If you do, Survival blankets are 100% pure mylar! And they are also only 2 or 3 dollars each. I did my whole room with one 3 dollar survival blanket! Worth checking out.
OMFG Thats brilliant!!!:joint:

Going to check that out tomorrow, thanks a lot. I just got some killer crystally mids and I hereby dedicate the first bowl of this new sh*t to Topher for the tip. Props where they're due man:joint::leaf::peace: Rep+

Just think dude, you'll b lookin at this in a couple days and u can b like, "I did that, thats my contribution to the gro, where's my cut?" lol jk thanks again, stay high bro:peace:


Active Member
hey bro! Do you have local wal-mart? lowes? hardware store? If you do, Survival blankets are 100% pure mylar! And they are also only 2 or 3 dollars each. I did my whole room with one 3 dollar survival blanket! Worth checking out.
its not mylar but it works pretty good for the price.. its what i use


Active Member
maybe you are using something different? here is a link! =)


i guess there are some made with mylar thats nice to know.. i was going off the info found on this page

which says "Emergency Blankets:

These are ultra thin polyester blankets that are sold in most camping stores and are constructed of a single layer of polyester film that is covered with a layer of vapor deposited aluminum.

It is not very effective at reflecting light because it is so thin. Holding it between you and a light source, many small holes are noticed at the intersections of creases and the entire blanket is translucent to begin with, this coupled with the many creases that are in it when you purchase it takes away a significant amount of it reflectivity. It is very easily creased as well which also detracts from its ability to reflect light. And while it is reflects nearly 90% of radiant heat energy, it is only able to reflect around 70% of the light.

The largest advantage of using this type of material is that it is very cheap and therefore easily replaced. Emergency blankets can create hotspots if not attached flush to the wall so it is important that no air gaps exist between it and your supporting wall. The easiest way to attach this is to use tape (Aluminum or metal tape is recommended), as it tears very easily once it is cut or punctured. "


Active Member
sorry,, it also says "reflects nearly 90% of radiant heat energy" which makes me wonder does it add to the heat problem?


Active Member
sorry,, it also says "reflects nearly 90% of radiant heat energy" which makes me wonder does it add to the heat problem?

This is very true. The thing you have to remember is that the mylar blankets are right next to the polyester ones, they are usually a buck or two more expensive. I have polyester on my canvas door cover for my flower room... My assumption was if the light could penetrate the polyester, it would breathe through the canvas as well.

But yes, get the mylar ones, not the cheap imitation. =)
Its all good man. Picked up 2 today. Gotta say man you had me at "do you have a local walmart?" Its the one stop spot to shop for all your cfl gro needs. Everything but the weeds and seeds. Hey look at that i rhymed lol. Anyways I came home to find all the seeds had cracked and had tap roots. Pics to follow once they're in some soil. Mark your calenders folks, 8-1-09 a new grow log is started:joint::leaf::peace: