AK 47 x Super Silver Haze and ISS/ROMULANxSSH


Well-Known Member
Well, good day all, how the hell's it going? ......

so here be some grow updates....
I had some thinking to do about the present batch's hight and root structure,
And decided i'm Not going to us the Veg Aero system for my next batch,
They'll go straight into the 12h systems..

I took a Full new batch of HSS clones,
changed the rez water and restocked it,
1 of the 4 clones that went thro with the dead pump has died,
and only 1 is really showing root growth..... damit
So i left the 3 in the freshly stocked cloner hopin they work.....

Wow did i ever hack the crap outa my old mom's....
he he he he
I only cloned off 2 and hacked the other 3 down to the same hight as them...
Fuk did i ever waste a lota potential clones again!
But i got this batch full so oh-well.....

Gave my new Moms there first fertz yesterday,
And man do they love it!

Everyone wuz saying my Mom's look like a jungle!
What about these Flower systems!
It's all i can do to squeze betwee them or the wall!.....
When in the Aero systems my plants are getting taller then me!
LMFAO, and to think i'm aimin for SOG.....
It is, but on a way taller scale....


See my grow...https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/107075-ak-47-x-super-silver.html

See my All in One DIY...https://www.rollitup.org/do-yourself/212657-all-one-diy-aero-cloner.html


Well-Known Member
OMFG i hate electronic PH testers!..... :evil:

fuk'n thing like 1 month old and can't read wortha shit!
I've clean/calibrated the fukn thing a million times now,
calibrates fine then won't read right!

I never even noticed it till my frigin new clones started to look like the stems were rotting....
Checked everthing with my testers and got nothin wrong,
so i desided to try the old Dropper PH test.....
And OMG!
Fukn electronic one was saying 6.1 and the Rez wuz Actually Below 4.0!......... :o

I got the PH adjusted fine the old fashioned way, but not to sure if the clones will survive....
Already pretty certain it killed the 3 new strain clones i had in there,
lets see if the Hiawiana Sweet Skunk will survive! :cry:

And, after dealing with the cloner it wuz time for the flower Aero systems :-|
the 2 week old rez wuz soo far PH down i changed it out,
all good now but there is some leaves damaged on them.......

The Older 5 week old Rez wuz right round 4.5, so no probs bringing it up,
didn't see no leaf damage on those ones,
yet that is.... :-|

SO....LOL, I HATE them..... :evil:

As for the rest of me grow,
it's going great....
New Mom's and old Moms doing prime,
so i ain't too worried bout the PH prob.....

Sorry no Pics, friend borrow my cam...... :-?

..................................... :joint:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Bummer dude. I just calibrated mine the other day and it was off by .4 not bad but still off when your shooting for 6.5-6.8 and your getting 6.9-7.2 Hopefully it all works out for you.....


Well-Known Member
You just need to stay on top of testing their calibration with test solution and keeping the tip moist by putting the cap back on.

Ya, i did all that, and calibrated every few days,
always in water with cap on,
i didn't really trust the digital to start so i wuz supper carfully to keep on it,
and i even retested everything in the first week with the drop's, worked good for a month, i use the PH7 calibration and it PH's off that fine...

I took it into my hydro shop to get warrentie, but gotta wait, he been having too many probs with the PH testers so didn't have 1 to change out.....

As for the plants.....
the clones lookin rough, and i mean real rough....
But my New moms are just going nutz and the old moms got almost a full nuther batch on them to replace the clones if i need....

My 2 week old batch wuz affected,
but they looking pretty good now,
new unscared or marked leaves comin out....
had to pull off a buncha dead fan leaves off tho...

And the oldest batch is doing just fine,
they seem not to have been affected,
they wuz obviously strong enough to take it, thankfully....

Still no cam yet, won't be loaning it out again,
but it should be here tonight,
so i'll update some pics hopefully latter.......

.................................. :-|


Well-Known Member
HA HA..... got my cam back!

So here be some pics....

New Mom and clone room, my poor clones! but them New Mom's looking awsome! ......

Old Mom's, they could give me a full new batch soon if i need it.........

And the flower room.....

just look at those poor ladie's! But at leaste there roots are white!

An then there's the oldest batch, just bout 6 weeks now...

................................. :joint:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Looking good my friend. I just had the same problem with my areo, I went to test the ph and add nutes and got high. I was so high I forgot to turn the pump back on. 7 hours without water. They all look like they are going to pull through though. Keep up the good work.....


Well-Known Member
Good day there all..

Well, the PH problem wound up killing the clones and the 3 week old flower batch! :evil:

But, oh well, leason learned, the hard way again! :twisted:
Don't let it get you down.....

So, i cleaned and restocked the cloner last night,
managed to get 25 clones outa the old stripped mom's... :mrgreen:

The new moms are looking awsome, hope 1 of the new strains will be ready for the next full clone batch, gonna FIM them tonight... :mrgreen:

Those old Moms look good, and fukn eh have they ever produced for me! :mrgreen:

I stuck 1 of the old Moms into flower a few days ago,
and the oldest flower batch is just going fukn awsome!
Buds and Roots everyware! at leaste they weren't affected! :eyesmoke:

.......................................... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Good day all, how ya doin....

Well, my lady's are all coming along Awsome.... :weed:

The new clones havn't got roots yet, but starting to think it's cause i tryed using a timmer again! 1min on 3 min off, and again they are slow..... So.. i took the timmer out and got her runnin 24/7 again... :leaf:

Those New Mom's ever looking good, they will be ready for the next clone batch for sure! So looking forward to getting a dif strain going then what ive done already... :-P

Them olm Mom's are doing great too, only keepin them 4 in veg incase of problems with the next clone batch, then they going into 12h....:weed:

Man oh man i luv this Aero system! Those Big Lady's are soo sexy with all those buds...everyware!
I'm starting to bring the PPM's down now, they ain't got too much longer left! :leaf:

.................................................... :weed:


Well-Known Member
I lost 3 in the last batch, Hash plant/chemo haze and Black domino.... And i'm trying to get new cuttings from the donar....

But i still got the Chemo and Gremlin along with my original AK47xSSH, RomulanXssh and Hiwiana Sweet Skunk....



Well-Known Member
Good day there all.... sorry for the abcence, my PC died, it's working now....

So here be some updates of my show!

I made a DIY float valve for my Rez outa PVC and a Plastice toilet float valve, and yes water to the room too, lol, man it's nice to have a full Rez all the time... :-P

All the new moms are looking unreal Sexy! they are soo ready for cloning already! :weed:

The clones are gonna be going into 12h in the next day or so,
then i'll be putting the cloner into the new clones section (presently under construction) with my new 2' 4 bulb T5's.... then it'll get restocked with Chemo this time! :leaf:

My old moms are looking old..... that 400w mh gonna be moved into the rearanged flower room and get a 400w HPS in it, then all moms will be under the 2 x 4' - 4 bulb T5's......... :weed:

Man are those flowering ladies ever looking fukn sexy! they got buds everyware! they are a bit behind sqedual thankz to the ph prob a while back, but back on track now! :weed:

......................................................... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Good day all, how ya doin.....

Here be some updates for ya,
i got my remodeling goin on, slowly but surely,
finally got the 2nd Flower Aero system cleaned and and reloaded with the clones,
now i can put the bud dryer and cloner into it's new cubby hole under the 2' t5's,
after it's all setup it'll get a new batch of clones,
I'm almost back on track finnaly!
i'm gonna be building the portable AC unit i use to cool the intake air room into the flower room,
LMAO, almost wish i had bot a smaller one now! but oh well,
it WILL solve my heat problems!
I also desided i'm gonna be putting the old Veg system into the flower room after the remodeling is done... :leaf:

So here be some pics for ya..

I gotta get the Veg room rearanged now, lotza room in there without the cloner.. :weed:

Those poor old mom's, but they are still producing good clones!
they are 14 months old now! :clap:

Here's ware the bud dryer and cloner will be.... :leaf:

The second Flower Aero system stocked and running good,
The First Aero system is just doing fukn awsome! all those buds everyware! i gotta start getting the PPM's way down now i think, they gotta be done soon, hard to tell how far they behind thankz to the ph probs a while back, but i think it stunted them by 2 1/2 weeks... :weed:

.............................................. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
sup man, the new moms look great. I'm always reading your updates as I'm sure others are but I rarley have something to chime in with, but thanks for the updates---I envy your garden! :clap: :weed:


Well-Known Member
lookin good, epix!

sup man, the new moms look great. I'm always reading your updates as I'm sure others are but I rarley have something to chime in with, but thanks for the updates---I envy your garden! :clap: :weed:
Thank ya Thank ya..... i luv my garden too!.... :hump:

So all, here be some updates...

I got most of the renovations done now,
only gotta hook up the 400w hps and add the 3rd grow table....
Changed my flower room from 8' x 5' to 12' x 5', soo much more room to fill with mary jane!

well, my Old mom's are doin alright i guess, lol, poor old girls, threw 1 into flower and it died! lol.... those new Mom's are doing fuking awsome, i really gotta get those girls spread out in there, just as soon as i move the Rez, it's to full to move right now! :hump:

I love my new little cloner cubby hole and my new T5's for it, and all setup on my new DIY Bud Dryer! :hump:

I'm gonna get the tables spaced more and get the 400w hps and 3rd table setup, it looks soo spacies in there now!
the new flower batch got roots going everyware already, fukn eh...
The old flower batch is just awsome! Buds everyware and getting thick now too, lotza crystals and still white hairs! :weed:
