Explain your avatar


Well-Known Member
that is creative... i dont know if i would consider it an insult personally.. it would be like someone calling you a dickshoe or shitcoat or something random... its cool they took the time to make you an avatar tho.. lol
Hahaha ...c0ckgaloshes. :lol:
Thanks for the laugh, brother. :clap:


Well-Known Member
I love those perspective messsing with ur mind drawings .... one of the simplest being ...
Me to!! I have a bunch of his drawings on my other computer, or I would share more. Not that a quick google search wouldn't be easy but I'm pretty high and don't feel like it.......:lol::eyesmoke:

I've loved his work since I was a kid looking through my moms art books of his and Salvador Dali's.:peace:


Well-Known Member
thats awesome ... I have had very similar experiences .... mental gymnastics .... I'm luvin' it! Walk On!!~~v :peace:
Me to!! I have a bunch of his drawings on my other computer, or I would share more. Not that a quick google search wouldn't be easy but I'm pretty high and don't feel like it.......:lol::eyesmoke:

I've loved his work since I was a kid looking through my moms art books of his and Salvador Dali's.:peace:
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Well-Known Member
AK-47 the strain I really want to smoke if I can ever find it.
Despite my gun enthusiasm, my avatar is not for the gun
but for the MJ. If it were for the gun it'd be an AR-15.


Dank Hill

Well-Known Member
for those who aren't familiar with the show king of the hill. my avatar consists of the main character "hank hill".. in the real picture he is smoking a cigarette. however i edited it to make it look like a joint..

why did i type this ^

everyone knows who hank hill is............................ i think..