Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

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New Member
I'm married but I could have women dripping off me at any bar. Just drop a few C notes accidentally on the floor. The cheap seats come running!

Now the one that didn't come over interests me. :wink:


Well-Known Member
I'm married but I could have women dripping off me at any bar. Just drop a few C notes accidentally on the floor. The cheap seats come running!

Now the one that didn't come over interests me. :wink:

Are women really that......I dunno how to say it....

money hungry?

I would see right thru that and laugh. :lol:


New Member
Now see, you would catch my attention... :wink: yes some women are just like that...some are more subtle than others but many react just that way. I've done it on vacations with my wife as a gag before. She just sits at a nearby table and watches. It's hilarious!


Well-Known Member
Now see, you would catch my attention... :wink: yes some women are just like that...some are more subtle than others but many react just that way. I've done it on vacations with my wife as a gag before. She just sits at a nearby table and watches. It's hilarious!
Lol. I think I would just want to sit with you and your
wife and laugh with the two of you. :lol:

I would be laughing so damn hard after they all came flocking



Well-Known Member
I'm married but I could have women dripping off me at any bar. Just drop a few C notes accidentally on the floor. The cheap seats come running!

Now the one that didn't come over interests me. :wink:
The only thing you're dripping is arrogance. It's literally oozing from your diction, tone, and demeanor. Money makes you feel so powerful, doesn't it?


Active Member
There needs to be a 3rd. Party..All these fuckers are puppets......

Third party would be nice. Are president is not popular anymore that's why he got in the house in the first place but i didn't vote for him its not my fault.
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