Obama for president in 2012



Then correct me...what percentage of the country believes your conspiracy theory on 9/11????????????????????????????????????

Go read a book or something.

without taking to the streets with a clipboard there is no way of knowing

if you put a pull on the internet with a yes or no choice, people are going to stack the poll

i can tell you this though, where i live (the capital of the most populated state in the nation, the numbers are some where around 3 in 7 that believe 9/11 was an inside job

id say thats quite a bit


Well-Known Member
The Idea that it is a repub-dem battle is the smoke screen. a republican sweep in the next election will NOT keep everybody from being broke for a very long time (why it hasn't completely collapsed into a depression is to allow time to adjust) ...oh of course they would like you to think this...it gets them a $100,000+/year and lifetime healthcare.

And don't think it is not part of the plan to keep the people divided over red or blue "Conservative" or "Liberal"...nobody wants to pay taxes....most people care for their fellow humans...given that our own needs are met, we are generous and charitable, and feel good about it....but the system of scarcity and competition keeps us fighting to keep our heads above water and maybe send our kids to college (cuz somehow we have been led to believe that this is the answer)...so we look for somewhere to place blame, rather than uniting under a common belief in Life, Liberty, and Freedom.

I do not know if the president was born elsewhere. If he was it of course is his ticket out of the mess he volunteered for. I just have trouble swallowing that this is a REAL issue not something that is just made up. I believe that it has all been verified, and it just isn't something that is put up on the bulletin board for all to see...I also do not think that is a bad thing. But do I think that somehow a Nigerian citizen snuck into the presidency while nobody was looking, or just forgot to ask for ID, again cuz he looked and sounded American? Nope. But I can imagine right wing talk radio making this shit up.

I have seen the other side of 9/11. This and the fact that I love my country (I am a 13th generation American and a descendant of a signer of the Declaration of Independence.) is why I have trouble believing the conspiracy theory. I am in no way convinced it was a scam, but the other 2/3 of the zeitgeist stuff is spot on....maybe it is there agenda to use 2/3rd truth to deceive...I don't know.

Regardless of whether you are fascist, conservative, liberal, socialist, pinko commie, or are too completely absorbed in your art to have an opinion on politics...and regardless of what side of the aisle your Senators or Representatives sit on, during the August recess, call/email them to support and co-sponsor Ron Paul's H.R. 1207 bill to audit the Fed. This is getting alot of support and could become a reality. This is a real chance to keep from being poor for a very long time. Put transparency in monetary policy. If it cannot stand up to transparency and future scrutiny, it is not sound and should not become policy...short term or long.

When asked on a PBS morning show why bailout money was given to companies that were "too big to fail" after their irresponsible financial practices, while small business' get no stimulus, Fed Chair Ben Bernanke said, "I was not going to let another Great Depression take place while I was presiding over the Fed...I had to do it"....sounds pretty selfish to me. He just does not to be remembered historically as being a major factor in a global monetary crisis...he has studied global monetary history.

Again the Blue vs. Red is a smoke screen. It is deliberate. We are all Liberal about some things and conservative about others. We are not the same and it is OK. We do not have to take sides.

When it comes out that BHO is a Nigerian Mercenary sent in by the DNC to hand the US over to the Socialist overlords....we will be united against them for sure...then the Republicans will have control for years to come...taxes will stay the same, or go up (they always do) we wont have all the big government which is not a bad thing, and then we can all till be poor for a very long time, but instead of the only people with money being government employees it will be defense contractors and agra-biz.

These politicians in general like to spend money. Very few withinthe republican party are actual fiscal conservatives...they just spend $$ in different places. The conservatives rally round the flag and dump huge sums of money into "offensive " weapons systems disguised as "defense", while opposing the liberals spending a fraction on social programs, because to oppose defense spending is to accept early retirement.

Meanwhile the constituents are screaming about the problems in their communities and are asking their reps to help...so they try to add stuff to the defense bill and get accused of taxing and spending while trying to be "political" to the people they are sworn to serve....the conservatives just use fear of the godless baby killers to distract from the fact that things are not so rosy in the red neighborhoods...but at least the babies are safe until they are born.


You don't have to be born in the USA to be president. One of your parents has to be an American citizen. John McCain was born in Panama.
I think this is not the case. John McCain was born either on an aircraft carrier or on a US Base I believe which may count as US soil.



New Member
without taking to the streets with a clipboard there is no way of knowing

if you put a pull on the internet with a yes or no choice, people are going to stack the poll

i can tell you this though, where i live (the capital of the most populated state in the nation, the numbers are some where around 3 in 7 that believe 9/11 was an inside job

id say thats quite a bit
In 2007 Zogby also ran a poll on 9/11 conspiracy theories. The results were that 26% of Americans believe that "certain elements in the US government knew the attacks were coming but consciously let them proceed for various political, military and economic motives." And even that doesn't indicate that the 26 % believe that elements in the US government knew when or where any attacks would occur.

The results were as follows:
65 % believe that 19 Arab fundamentalists executed a surprise attack on America on 9/11 using passenger commercial jet liners as weapons.

26 % believe that certain elements in the US government knew an attack was coming but let it happen for various political, military and economic motives, but wasn't actively involved in the attacks.

5 % believe that certain US government elements actively planned or assisted some aspects of the attacks.

4 % were N/S

By the way , a zogby poll shows that 6 percent of Americans believe the Apollo moon landings were faked.

I'm guessing you already knew this, but you're in the 5% category..... uhh....nutjob area.

Which means 19 out of every 20 people disagree with your point of view...:lol:


Well-Known Member
I prefer "WingNut" so as to not offend the legumes They are important in the Nitrogen cycle...wait does Fox News say the Nitrogen cycle is a myth also?

If I was answering the poll, I would not be able to answer with the 26% or the 5%. If there was a category that said: Something is a little Fishy....I would check that.

But I will take wingnut...but I am consciously aware of the necessity for my own interpretation of sanity, to not think about or let my imagination allow me to believe the worse. I always come back to "well why would they do something like that"...only problem is that lately they have had plausible reasons...which have already occurred.

My friends wife with three little girls told me today that she watches Ron Paul videos and they give her hope for the future...Coincidentally, I saw one today of him speaking on the house floor on 7/30 shooting down Bernanke and the Fed backers for there reason why the fed should not be audited. It left me with hope that their are patriots that actually do their job in congress fighting for the protection of the very ideals of this fine country that we have allowed to be eroded to protect us from crime, drugs, and now terror.

Ron Paul is not right on every issue I am sure, but he seems to speak in a straight line and without a forked tongue of sugar frosted special interest.

Yay on H.R. 1207 Audit the Fed!! (I need a bumper sticker!)



New Member
I prefer "WingNut" so as to not offend the legumes They are important in the Nitrogen cycle...wait does Fox News say the Nitrogen cycle is a myth also?
Couldn't tell you...:lol: I don't watch it.

If I was answering the poll, I would not be able to answer with the 26% or the 5%. If there was a category that said: Something is a little Fishy....I would check that.
So would you check..."something is a little fishy" on the Obama Birth Cert. issue?

My friends wife with three little girls told me today that she watches Ron Paul videos and they give her hope for the future...Coincidentally, I saw one today of him speaking on the house floor on 7/30 shooting down Bernanke and the Fed backers for there reason why the fed should not be audited. It left me with hope that their are patriots that actually do their job in congress fighting for the protection of the very ideals of this fine country that we have allowed to be eroded to protect us from crime, drugs, and now terror.

Ron Paul is not right on every issue I am sure, but he seems to speak in a straight line and without a forked tongue of sugar frosted special interest.

Yay on H.R. 1207 Audit the Fed!! (I need a bumper sticker!)

I hear this over and over again. if only ppl would listen to Ron Paul??!!
Let me give you the straight dope. He is not ever going to win the presidency...ever. Never ever....ever.

It's not for lack of exposure. America is quite aware of Ron paul and his message. I know it is soothing to think it is just a matter of spreading the word, but ppl know already. He just isn't a winnable candidate. The more you run and lose, the worse you are perceived the next go around. Think Gephardt...people couldn't wait for that poor guy to quit!

Steve Forbes is in the same category as Ron Paul. Good ideas, and an excellent intelligence coupled with an honest character.... but unelectable. Simply unelectable...just like Ron Paul.

The best thing for Ron Paul to do is get on the VP ticket and then, maybe, he will serve. If he goes for the top brass ring, he will fail....again. :sad:


Well-Known Member
So would you check..."something is a little fishy" on the Obama Birth Cert. issue?
I hear this over and over again. if only ppl would listen to Ron Paul??!!
Let me give you the straight dope. He is not ever going to win the presidency...ever. Never ever....ever.
No I would not. I truly believe this is shit made up by the right wing wackos.

In my reference to RP I am in no way suggesting or dreaming of him being the president. i am totally aware of this. The presidency is a popularity contest for one, RP would try to dismantle the Gov (not a bad idea), and He is no more republican than I am.

But in Congress it is good to have straight talking honest people serving the wishes of the people they represent. And you have mentioned that if we do not get congress back evened out (so we only spend when attached to defense, and Dangerous liberty stealing legislation is stuff in between the pages of bullshit, while nobody can politically vote against or the idiots on FN call them anti american and say they don't want to support our troops...such BS.) or the dollar will be inflated and devalued.

No it matters very little if there are a few new members in congress, it matters if the banking powers are allowed to continue to line the pockets of their friends while making the facts cloudy and difficult to understand.

So again, contact your reps in congress and urge them to, not RP for prez, but to support the bill he introduced H.R. 1207 to Audit the Federal Reserve.


Operation 420

Well-Known Member
The Idea that it is a repub-dem battle is the smoke screen. a republican sweep in the next election will NOT keep everybody from being broke for a very long time (why it hasn't completely collapsed into a depression is to allow time to adjust) ...oh of course they would like you to think this...it gets them a $100,000+/year and lifetime healthcare.

And don't think it is not part of the plan to keep the people divided over red or blue "Conservative" or "Liberal"...nobody wants to pay taxes....most people care for their fellow humans...given that our own needs are met, we are generous and charitable, and feel good about it....but the system of scarcity and competition keeps us fighting to keep our heads above water and maybe send our kids to college (cuz somehow we have been led to believe that this is the answer)...so we look for somewhere to place blame, rather than uniting under a common belief in Life, Liberty, and Freedom.

I do not know if the president was born elsewhere. If he was it of course is his ticket out of the mess he volunteered for. I just have trouble swallowing that this is a REAL issue not something that is just made up. I believe that it has all been verified, and it just isn't something that is put up on the bulletin board for all to see...I also do not think that is a bad thing. But do I think that somehow a Nigerian citizen snuck into the presidency while nobody was looking, or just forgot to ask for ID, again cuz he looked and sounded American? Nope. But I can imagine right wing talk radio making this shit up.

I have seen the other side of 9/11. This and the fact that I love my country (I am a 13th generation American and a descendant of a signer of the Declaration of Independence.) is why I have trouble believing the conspiracy theory. I am in no way convinced it was a scam, but the other 2/3 of the zeitgeist stuff is spot on....maybe it is there agenda to use 2/3rd truth to deceive...I don't know.

Regardless of whether you are fascist, conservative, liberal, socialist, pinko commie, or are too completely absorbed in your art to have an opinion on politics...and regardless of what side of the aisle your Senators or Representatives sit on, during the August recess, call/email them to support and co-sponsor Ron Paul's H.R. 1207 bill to audit the Fed. This is getting alot of support and could become a reality. This is a real chance to keep from being poor for a very long time. Put transparency in monetary policy. If it cannot stand up to transparency and future scrutiny, it is not sound and should not become policy...short term or long.

When asked on a PBS morning show why bailout money was given to companies that were "too big to fail" after their irresponsible financial practices, while small business' get no stimulus, Fed Chair Ben Bernanke said, "I was not going to let another Great Depression take place while I was presiding over the Fed...I had to do it"....sounds pretty selfish to me. He just does not to be remembered historically as being a major factor in a global monetary crisis...he has studied global monetary history.

Again the Blue vs. Red is a smoke screen. It is deliberate. We are all Liberal about some things and conservative about others. We are not the same and it is OK. We do not have to take sides.

When it comes out that BHO is a Nigerian Mercenary sent in by the DNC to hand the US over to the Socialist overlords....we will be united against them for sure...then the Republicans will have control for years to come...taxes will stay the same, or go up (they always do) we wont have all the big government which is not a bad thing, and then we can all till be poor for a very long time, but instead of the only people with money being government employees it will be defense contractors and agra-biz.

These politicians in general like to spend money. Very few withinthe republican party are actual fiscal conservatives...they just spend $$ in different places. The conservatives rally round the flag and dump huge sums of money into "offensive " weapons systems disguised as "defense", while opposing the liberals spending a fraction on social programs, because to oppose defense spending is to accept early retirement.

Meanwhile the constituents are screaming about the problems in their communities and are asking their reps to help...so they try to add stuff to the defense bill and get accused of taxing and spending while trying to be "political" to the people they are sworn to serve....the conservatives just use fear of the godless baby killers to distract from the fact that things are not so rosy in the red neighborhoods...but at least the babies are safe until they are born.

Bravo sir, nice post. :clap:


New Member
No I would not. I truly believe this is shit made up by the right wing wackos.

In my reference to RP I am in no way suggesting or dreaming of him being the president. i am totally aware of this. The presidency is a popularity contest for one, RP would try to dismantle the Gov (not a bad idea), and He is no more republican than I am.

But in Congress it is good to have straight talking honest people serving the wishes of the people they represent. And you have mentioned that if we do not get congress back evened out (so we only spend when attached to defense, and Dangerous liberty stealing legislation is stuff in between the pages of bullshit, while nobody can politically vote against or the idiots on FN call them anti american and say they don't want to support our troops...such BS.) or the dollar will be inflated and devalued.

No it matters very little if there are a few new members in congress, it matters if the banking powers are allowed to continue to line the pockets of their friends while making the facts cloudy and difficult to understand.

So again, contact your reps in congress and urge them to, not RP for prez, but to support the bill he introduced H.R. 1207 to Audit the Federal Reserve.

No, my friend, replace the Congress. Everything falls into line behind it.

IF the FED was dissolved...who do you think would take over the money? The GOVT. that's who!! Be very careful what you wish for.

Besides, the fed is going to have quite a job keeping us from hyperinflation due to Obama....... cut them some slack. Frankly, they may fail and all this talk will be moot, and I will be off country and long gone...:wink:.


Well-Known Member
Besides, the fed is going to have quite a job keeping us from hyperinflation due to Obama....... cut them some slack. Frankly, they may fail and all this talk will be moot, and I will be off country and long gone...:wink:.

Cut them some slack..you have got to be kidding. Republicans are acting childish, like it is there turn to complain about the president. The president really does not carry that much power (unless he happened to be the head of the CIA, VP, Prez, and then Prez again by proxy) except as commander in chief. So when people were bitching about bush it was 100% about the war on "Terr"

Funny last nights Daily show and Colbert were making fun of the birth certificate thing.



New Member
No one is complaining about the president except on his obfuscation of his birth certificate. It is his inane policies and a RUSH to shove it down our throats which is causing the backlash now.

yes, the backlash has begun and not by republicans but by Democrats who aren't hard left. They understand what these policies are going to do to the country, and they are gatting cold feet. Some for reelection purposes, and some for common sense and patriotism.

Just like Carter, it will be Obamas party which brings him down....if he doesn't beat them to it. it's neck and neck right now....Obama is a one term President that's for sure. The writing is on the wall.


Well-Known Member

Cut them some slack..you have got to be kidding. Republicans are acting childish, like it is there turn to complain about the president.

The president really does not carry that much power (unless he happened to be the head of the CIA, VP, Prez, and then Prez again by proxy) except as commander in chief. So when people were bitching about bush it was 100% about the war on "Terr"

Naive, to say the least. Are the politicians gonna pull over the car and smack some sense into us unruly children if we don't shut our mouths and enjoy the ride, to full blown socialism? When did elected officials adopt the role of omnipotent benevolent benefactors? That's what I'd like to know; or actually, Id like you to consider it, since I already know.

The President doesn't have that much power, except...Bush? :roll: In light of current events, that's a pretty childish assertion. Right?


Well-Known Member
ya, but look how long it took to decide not to impeach clinton, IF they do he'll be half way his term so he has plenty of time to materialize a birth certificate, close Guantanamo and pass a national health care bill


Well-Known Member
ya, but look how long it took to decide not to impeach clinton, IF they do he'll be half way his term so he has plenty of time to materialize a birth certificate, close Guantanamo and pass a national health care bill
He's not going to be impeached. This is the most ridiculous claim yet. Do you understand that legally he does NOT have to produce any other document proving his birth? He already did this. There are NO grounds to impeach him. You guys keep getting worse and worse. How far will you go?


Well-Known Member
its not my opinion or belief that obama is getting impeached, i was clarifying crackerjax statement that he was running out of time. ive read the conspiracies on this site and other places, and even i i talk about them it dosnt mean i believe them. id appreciate if you didnt group me with those people without knowing me