Nutes Question


Well I had to get some nutrients and the only thing I can find near me is Miracle Gro. So I went and bought some Miracle Gro Bone Meal. 6-9-0. At the moment i've got 10 plants all almost 4 weeks in solo cups. Will be transfering soon to better soil and bigger pots. How much of the Bone Meal should I mix in a gallon of water?

Another question. I just bought some molases, should I mix it in with my water and nutes? Also how much should I mix in?


Active Member
Follow the directions on the nutrient container. If you couldnt find anything else you should of ordered online. MG Nutrient's are terrible and lack trace elements your plants will need. I suggest using multi-part nutrients that you can mix. I use Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow with Botanicare Cal-Mag for my nutrients. And for soil I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Happy Frog with added Perlite for drainage purposes.

P.S: Remember to contstantly test the PH of your soil if you plan on running MG. I used it on my first grow and my PH was always out of wack.


Follow the directions on the nutrient container. If you couldnt find anything else you should of ordered online. MG Nutrient's are terrible and lack trace elements your plants will need. I suggest using multi-part nutrients that you can mix. I use Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow with Botanicare Cal-Mag for my nutrients. And for soil I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Happy Frog with added Perlite for drainage purposes.

P.S: Remember to contstantly test the PH of your soil if you plan on running MG. I used it on my first grow and my PH was always out of wack.
Yea I didn't want to go the MG way, but I have gone all over the place near me and can't find anywhere with some decent soil or nutes. I plan on ordering some stuff offline soon, but this will have to do for now.

The MG says 1 tablespoon per 2 feet, so should I put in 1 tablespoon per gallon?


Active Member
per 2 feet? thats a weird measurement method! It doesnt say like 1 tbs per 1 gal? or anything to that extent? What ever recommendation it gives I would suggest using 1/2 of that to begin with and a month or two later bump up to a full dose. JFYI MG products lack many elements needed for proper plant development.

When you are ready to purchase new nutrient products please message me. I have successfully grown using my methods and nutrient values, so I would be more than happy to help you out.


Well-Known Member
I'm just finishing a grow with MG bone meal. Really went well.
But you can't use bone meal in water and expect to act as a fertilizer, it takes time to break down.
Usually, it's mixed into the soil when you're mixing your soil in the beginning.
That said, I did use MG bone meal in a 'liquid form', and it was excellent.
This is bone meal tea. You start with 1 gallon of water, add 1 tsp of molasses. Open top at least once a day, then close back up and shake. This oxygenates the molasses/water, and creates a molasses tea from bacteria fermentation.
Let you molasses tea ferment for 2 days. Add 1 tbsp of bone meal. Shake and aerate for 3 days. This is an unusual nutrient, not many know about it. But it is excellent. Here's what I got under 78w of cfls(yes 78w) and bone meal tea was my primary nute(plus a little wood ash for ph).



Awesome guys thanks for the info.

xplosive thanks for the offer. Once I get some money up i'm going to shoot you a PM.

Growone- That recipe sounds great. I'm going to get going on making some of that now. Your plant looks amazing! Thanks again for the tip!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
just to emphasize the 1 critical part, keep the mixture aerated
aerated molasses tea smells good, aerated bone meal tea doesn't smell great, but should not smell real foul
the smell indicates whether aerobic or anaerobic bacteria are in control, anaerobic is bad - creates a foul soup you do not want