a problem harvesting at different times?


Well-Known Member
I would like to experiment harvesting the same plant at different times. Does anyone know how this will affect the buds that remain on the plant? will it just force them to take longer?


New Member
I would like to experiment harvesting the same plant at different times. Does anyone know how this will affect the buds that remain on the plant? will it just force them to take longer?
i dontunderstand ur question
do u mean rejuvenation


Well-Known Member
i mean taking buds off at different times during flower. take some off, then wait a couple weeks and take some more off, then wait a couple weeks and harvest the rest.


Well-Known Member
i'm doing that right now, can be a great way of ripening the top buds, then the lower
cfl growers seem to be the biggest users of this method


Well-Known Member
Some people harvest the top half of their plants and let the lower parts mature,but other than that removing buds at different times will just leave you with mature or pre mature buds depending when you cut them,and maybe slow the plants growth because the plant tries to repair itself every time it is stressed.


Well-Known Member
Great tips. Never thought about harvesting the top and bottom at different times. Yall are brilliant. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
If you think about it for a second, it's pretty much like any kind fruit on any kind of plant. The fruits don't all ripen at the same time - you just pick the one's that are ripe and wait a few days and try again!


Well-Known Member
ok i just didnt want to stress out the plant, i guess it doesnt matter if ive already taken off my prized nugs


Active Member
THCammo is so right. Imagine your girl in a natural setting. If a deer comes along and munches on some buds the plant isn't gon'na die. The plant still wants to find a mate and is gon'na pull out all the stops to get pregnant even if an animal does come along for a snack.

My lower buds tend to mature slower, however I pluck them first 'cos that big top cola is just so darn pretty! Either way it's a good idea to harvest at different stages so you know what you like with that strain and to have an arsenal of different effects.
This is an experiment I tried with the drip system hydroponics, but I am not sure when to harvest, I was told that u have to flush the system the last 2 weeks so if that is a fact how can you take the top buds off and continue the smaller buds growth. I know if you don't flush u can get bad results with the taste and more of the bud! Can some one advise please on what procedure I should use!