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The belief in God is so important. You can't really believe in evolution. We are all too young, our ancestry can only go back so far. Think about calculating the population backwards. There is no way we have been around for millions of years. Carbon dating is BS, carbon is stable but i am sure that it degrades exponentially, and different than how scientists say. I think that dinosaurs ate there way into extinction, and whatever was left we ate. A dinosaur had to be easier to kill than a wolly. And that ice age also probly killed a bunch more. There are not alot of places where non hyranating lizards live in the present day. I am sure that crusaders probly killed the rest of them.
The key thing is there has to be some sort of god, and the messages passed through religious books are GOOD! Its when people who are just genetically bad, raised wrong, what have you get a hold of that same info and twist it around to control others. To a point we must be controlled. I think that alot of religious teachings are purely good. The problem comes when religious folks raise money to ensure that i cannot have religious and medicinal freedom in my natural born country. Thats whats messed up. And, oh , how they hate gays. Why, well cause the church and its ways often lead people to being gay just to piss of thier folks. What a joke. Another instance is when they have gay kids, the born gay kind. Yea thats a mess. Anyways I would suggest we all find god, because there is just no way that someone, or something did not have something to do with our existance. We are like a mix between a monkey, a pig, and a reptile. And when i say reptile take a good close look at the skin on your hands and legs. Smooth as they may be, still the pattern is there. And the pig, well there are no other animals that are more like us besides monkeys. Pigs have our skin color. Pigs can only have colors just like Human race colors. And that is also dictated in the dermis, just like humans. And of course monkeys cause they are the closest thing to our shape and nasal structure and flat face. So we were not evolved we were genetically engineered. And the Nazis figured it out, The US has known for quite a while. Why do you think that we stopped stem cell research. Its not for lack of aborted fetuses. Its cause like in out past history some things can only be explored so far until things that change mankind as we know it are discovered. Imagine all the people that already know these things from.........anyways, there is a god. And god must be respected, and if some want to prey. Let them prey. If we have done so in one way or another for thousands of years there must be more than comfort and control. A sence of purpose, and a reason for being is always nice to have in life.
But if you want to go around life in one dimension, or i guess three then ok. But just think of how much better heaven would be then eternal nothingness. Like the time between when you fall asleep and wawke up, no dreams. Like those times when you wake up and it was like you were asleep for minutes, yet it was hours. You must understand gods time. 7 days could be 70,000 years. And that flood, yea it could have been so bad that people never forgot. It could have been a little glacial meltdown from the emmission we put off! I am willing to be our asses put out more emmissions leaving a buffett than the car does on the way home. Methan is really bad for the ozone. Burt up its ok i think. Anyways take a good look around, people are a little bit more than super monkeys!
Ok so u just have no idea what u are talking about... ok so they dont use carbon dating for dinosaurs because it only works up to 60,000 years... so right there that tells us dinosaurs are def older than 60,000 years old... they would use other methods like potassium-argon dating... and Carbon-14 dating is a proven scientific method... unlike u religious folks whose only "proof" of god is... oh wait there is no proof, you got have "Faith"... i will take fact over faith any day of the week. before u go on blabbing like ur some sort of theological scientist or some shit cuz u dont even know what carbon dating really is... and u honeslty think it would be easier to kill a pack of raptors or a 35 foot tall tyrannasaurus with a long stick... dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago and to think otherwise is absolutely proposterous!
please explain to me how god just plopped everything onto the earth! oh wait i know ur answer "faith"
and as far as ur people being good and bad speeech, evil is taught! no person is born evil.
many people in here need to look up the difference between religion and philosophy... example/ Christianity, catholics, scientoligists, etc.. are religions... buddhism, confushism, are philosphies... read up on it