First time, what now?


So this is my first mreal attempt at growing, and I am wondering what to do with this one now? For starters, is this pot going to be big enough? And how far away do you think she is? Its supposed to be 90 day seeds, and she's eight weeks old. She was pure voulnteer.

The other one I found about a week ago, I had taken it for dead a while back. Its about 3 weeks older than the first. I have about 15 more girls, but I don't see them much and these are my babies. Do you see anything I could do better?



ever try using sugar water in a spray bottle and misting the buds with it -I heard about it and im afraid to try it.


looks great but dont use like anything miracle-gro at all that is where i messed up at and i was crushed, then squirrels!, and u mite want to put like chicken fencing around them thats what i did.


Thanks guys. I have been giving both of the rabbit manure with an occasional triple 13 mix. I have some educated help on the others, but theses to were mine so I wanted to see what I was missing in them. Ad this guy is so old school, so I like try to double check everythiing.


oK help me PLEASE! I just broke the main stem off about midway through my plant? Trying to hurry and decide what to do? Tying it up for the moment. Its pretty bad. Can I clone from the main stem. I may be better off, I believe this ones a goner??? Please reply! Going out to tie her up.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Breaking the main stem won't kill the plant, it may sulk for a day or two but it's not flowering yet so I wouldn't stress over it.
You might be able to clone the top of the plant, I always learned that you have to be pretty quick from cutting the plant to planting the clone but it might work, although if the stem has a woody appearance/texture it won't root. Do you know anything about cloning?
Btw when the seeds/strain guide says 60, 90 days or whatever they are referring to the flowering time, which will only begin once the plant gets at least 11 hours of continual darkness, probably later in the year depending where in the world you live.


I don't know if I can save her or not, thanks for the reply though. I'm so lost. I searched the best way to repair the stem on here and I wet some tissue and wrapped up the tissue and toothpicks with some duct tape. She is wilting pretty bad. I want to cry, I smell pretty strong too. Just a reminder of how idiotic that was I guess.

I pullin in my driveway to see my dad cutting my grass, which never happens, so I was trying to move her from the middle of the yard in a panic but that damned pot is heavy! He didn't see it, but I'd almost rather have dealt with him than this.

Yeah, I finally figured out what 90 day means, even though I can't convince the guy I got them from of it. He thinks its 90 day till flowering. He's an older guy I've known a while, But he's very stubborn. He's never bought smoke and always grown. He has nobody to teach and wants to leave it with someone so I guess thats me. Man I hope she comes out of this mess!

And I don't know anything about cloning but I got some directions and am going to try to save a few of these broken stems.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Here's a great cloning method I was shown a while back, I couldn't get it to work before I did this and now every cutting I take has roots within 14 days.
Fwiw, it's probably not a great idea growing in your parents garden. Besides the obvious worry of them catching you, if someone happens to spot it or if cops come over for any reason and you don't have time to hide it, the owner of the property is responsible for it, even if you tell them it's yours.
I could never advocate growing on someone else's property without their knowledge and consent, it just wouldn't be fair to them.


Oh I know, been worrying about it a bit. But it is my yard, he just came over to cut the grass. Which, like I said, never happens. But, no worries, got 14 acres here, and half of it is all grown up, so thats where they will go form now onw. Thanks for the link :)

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Ah right, I see. It just sounded like you were growing in your parents yard!
Hell if I had 14 secluded acres I'd struggle to stop myself planting a shitload of bagseed just to see what happened, and try to learn as much as possible from it. But hey, you know your circumstances better than me.
Any more q's hit me up, I'm glad to help.


I took these around 5 pm today. She looks pretty rough. Still not sure what to do. I'm thinking that I should go a head and top it. The bottom limb and leaves are growing double time now, in all sorts of crazy direction.

I know she will probably not flower but I'd still like to keep her as a mother. The clones I tried for are looking pretty nice. Well here they are...


Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Yeah I would try to get a few cuttings off that new growth, even though it's late in the season to be starting clones, you could let the mother plant flower if you don't take too much foliage off, hedge your bets a bit.


Well I'm in Florida, we usually stay in the 70's throughout October. And I have everything to start some clones inside except Rockwool or Rototrooter? Is there anything else I can use? What about those little peat plugs? Anyything? I have CFL's coming out of ears because I use them at work. but only 60w. Would a few of those be sufficient to start them off on? I just want totry a little bubbleponics becasue it seems cool, just a plant or two, not much room. Then next year I'll know a little more about that too.

You think that that top will survive? I thought that maby if I cut it it would make a new cola or two. It just seems so far out there that it will perk up. I guess all of the old leaves will fall off and maby the new growth means it will grow new ones?

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
It's hard to see in the pics but I don't think that top will grow back now. If you cut the top off it won't just grow a new top, one or more of the lower nodes will grow up to become the top/s. Whether you cut the dead top off or leave it there is pretty much up to you. I'm of the opinion that a plant will hang on to leaves as long as it's getting something out of them, as soon as it's used up all the stored energy it'll let the leaf go, and so I never pull leaves off my plants, I just pick up the ones that have fallen.
Maybe shawty could do with a bit of wire mesh around her to keep the rabbits away?


Whats up ? I lost my internet acces so am using friends. Will get updated pics uploaded soon. No idea how long it will take on this old laptop. My broken girl has healed up nicely, I gave her a bit of nute burn. THe other is flowering!!!! Yay! Weird though, it looked really good for 2 days, then kind slowed back a bit, like just new growth.

My pet rabbit ate my clones, so I got some more. They are 4 days in a bubble jar. What should I add to their water? I didn't use gel but did use a rooting powder. ANd should I have really cut the fan leaves in half? Get different responsed to that from the threads. Sorry for all of the Q's, but I have limited time to surf. :(

Also had some 6 footers turn hermie. What are your thoughts on that. I had no idea so we snatched themup, now I learn that we could have just pulled the balls off daily. They had some really nice buds. They are ahead of my babies at home.

Do you know of a DIY blooming solution?

Wow, I guess thats enough, Thanks so much for being so helpful in my thread. I tried to read up on youra but your never asking for help. just helping ppl!! Awesome guy.


So here are some new pic stem filled out much better than expected. Shawty is the one in the fencing now. The others are budding but I've got to get something good on them to get them fatter. Also are pics of my clones and some that are started.

The last pic I need some help on. What does this look like to you? We've pulled up about 30 male plants so far, and 4 that have looked like hermies. Now we have one hermie far away from others that we are letting it see what its gonna do because the buds look good. This pic is of one we pulled. Did we do right?


my bad, forgot the pics

So here are some new pic stem filled out much better than expected. Shawty is the one in the fencing now. The others are budding but I've got to get something good on them to get them fatter. Also are pics of my clones and some that are started.

The last pic I need some help on. What does this look like to you? We've pulled up about 30 male plants so far, and 4 that have looked like hermies. Now we have one hermie far away from others that we are letting it see what its gonna do because the buds look good. This pic is of one we pulled. Did we do right?

