SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
yea the sm-90 has multiple uses,thats why i was reccomending it over the floramite. i used it my first time and it actually took 3 times to kill them,then a couple more times to permanently remove them.


Well-Known Member
who'd it help if i clip the infected leafs first!
i have concentrated neem oil i used for my vines when they got powdery mildew

is this all just the mites, or there also a deficiency of some sort?



Well-Known Member
do you have any buds forming? if not i would increase your humidity a bit. they like drier conditions. however that wont fully take them out.

im an old school guy that rocks neem oil and dawn soap..... but like i said before i'd let JBerry guide you.

i woulda been tried floramite but that shit is damn expensive and i've heard some iffy things about it.

but i dont think JBerry would fuck ya up. I'd go with his analysis


Well-Known Member
jberry, you seen that pic i just posted from his album?
yep saw it...

- it sucks bcuz their hard to get rid of... like even when you get rid of the actual mites for say a month or more, the eggs can stay dormant for a long time and are extremely hard to kill, so usually right when you think they are gone... they arent.

preventing them is not so hard.

sog, once you DO get rid of them, i would suggest to continue spraying for them anyhow as a preventive measure... - I havent had mites in a year bcuz ive been spraying floramite every 30 days (never ever on flowers though).


Well-Known Member
who'd it help if i clip the infected leafs first!
i have concentrated neem oil i used for my vines when they got powdery mildew

is this all just the mites, or there also a deficiency of some sort?

you never know fucking with mites bro

they will suck the life out a plant. and eventually turn shit yellow and brown like in your pics...

thas why im still iffy on diagnosing your nute deficiencies

neem oil by itself will not take them out. the dawn soap mixed with neem drowns them sorta speak suffocates them dawn immobilizes them

as far as you trimming/pruning the leaves.... i say sure it couldnt hurt.... HOWEVER!!!!

i would just do your 1/3 of the bottom lollipop and try to save the rest anyway...cuz you do want single colas right?


Well-Known Member
i see the suspended eggs, and few black dots
so what my next move guys, I'm lost here


worry about the spider mites first like i said the sm-90 worked for us really quick. we found them on a tues or wens and the next day got the sm-90 sprayed everything including the clone and mother room and we havent seen them since.

after you kill the bugs we will get your other problem taken care of i would start with mixing the cal-mag direct and not with any thing and use a little less of everything also.


Well-Known Member
ty jberry
how should i go at applying the floramite
which fogger do you recommend or had good results with?



Well-Known Member
grodrowithme has a point

the sm90 is considerably cheaper than the floramite....i think i picked up a gallon @ 20-25 bucks at bghydro.

if the sm90 doesnt work you can always get the floramite. but as i said before you're on your own with the floramite cuz i have no experience with the floramite as i dont want to steer you wrong or get to lying to ya.... so JBerry is gonna have to hold your hand on the floramite in reference to dosing ratios and application rate


Well-Known Member
worry about the spider mites first like i said the sm-90 worked for us really quick. w
ty grodrowithme
i will l have the problem fixed first thing in the morning
i cant go to sleep knowing this now

i'm a bit confused between the sm-90 and the floramite
whats the difference, which one will kill the buggers faster



Well-Known Member
this is the best thing ive used yet i use neem oil out side and the sm-90 inside and its organic also

CAL-MAG MIXING: we were having problems and the guy at the grow shop told us this about the cal-mag. when you mix the cal-mag mix it directly in the res/water when you mix it with other stuff it combines with other chemicals and turns into a completly different chemical and is no longer beneficial to growing. so pretty much when you mix it with any thing but water it screws it up.

we had spider mites one day went and got the sm-90 sprayed they were dead and gone sprayed 2 more times to make sure havent seen 1 since.
interesting about the cal/mag mixing info, i have never heard that b4.
dumb luck for me tho, cuz i happen to put all my cal/mag in first so i can keep track of its ppm... dumb luck i tell ya!
wonder where yer hydro guy got that info from tho, im not completely convinced but i'd rather be safe than sorry so im gunna believe him 4


Well-Known Member
The spotting on the leaves looks like it could be a pH fluctuation issue.


And from Nietschze's plant abuse thing in the FAQ
ph Fluctuation:

Both of these leaves in figure 6 and figure 7 are from the same plant. It could be over fertilization, but more likely it is due to the pH being off. Too high or too low a pH can lock up nutrients in the form of undisolvable salts and compounds, some of which are actually toxic to the plants. What then happens is the grower then tries to supplement the plants diet by adding more fertilizers, throwing off the pH even more and locking up even more nutrients. This type of problem is seen more often in soil mixes, where inconsistent mixing of the medium's components leads to "hot" spots.



Well-Known Member
i'd go as high as 60-65%

also keep in mind..... bugs move slower in colder when you do spray....try to spray when lights are off....

once the lights come on and it warms up a little those little buggers are up and moving

and oh yea, if you want a really cool mother nature solution...... bring on the lady bugs and praying mantis...

those buggers will run for their lives (if the lady bugs and praying manti dont eat them first) lol fun to watch too


Well-Known Member
JBerry, you metioned a fogger earlier
can you elaborate, are we talking regular ticks fogger/bomb?
if so, by noon tomorrow there will be nothing with more then one molecule in my attic



Well-Known Member
i'd go as high as 60-65%

if you want a really cool mother nature solution...... bring on the lady bugs and praying mantis...
those buggers will run for their lives
ill up the room to 60-65

i need them gone,
how many ladybugs and pray-mantis do i need to get the job done once and for all
i don't want them running to hide in my attic, want spider mites blood for getting to my girls



Well-Known Member
I'm glad this amuses you ;-)


u ass hat.... you know im not amuse by this. i hate it for you.

im referring to you booting up! declaring WWIII on these biatches!!! lol NOBITCHASSNESS!!! lolll

i think JBerry is referring to something like this:

and my bad take back the ladybugs (they may not do a good of a job as)...... go for 'predator mites'

here's your link for the predatory:

link for the floramite: