SoG Grow Room Discussion

i know its a few years late for this but I've been reading through your grow and i was surprised to see that NOBODY recommended lady bugs to counter the spider mites problem. LADY BUGS
in this particular situation; i opted to scratch the run and bleach the room rather than introducing bugs to the room ;-)
Sup SoG,

I'm still alive and kickin. Just laying low these days. Glad to see your still amonst us.

Peace Cowboy

Good to see your around brother Cowboy.
still around never really left, been laying low myself

did you get something going inside yet?
I'm still in the trailer but I'm back in aero again. I developed a modular tote system to fit in the space I had to work with. Works like a champ. Guess I missed a bunch of shit in your world. I never knew you got rid of youok forwarr. It's been quite an adventure on this end. Hope to see you back in the game soon.

there was a whole bunch of things going on in my world; that made (forced) me take a brake
and they all came at once, the main thing was my OG run got crippled once i got it ready to go
i had been lining up to run 120 OG Porn Stars, started with a single cutting
that i turned it into 6 mothers, then to 150 clones; over three months period.
during that time i wasn't running anything else, once everything was ready to go in,
with all plants transpiration all at once; my dehumidifiers couldn't keep up
within that week! i got the whole room infected with powdery mildew.
which i couldn't recover from quickly, it basically killed my OP
i was facing another 3-5 months of carrying heavy coasts
which i couldn't keep up with, i was forced to shut down
from there on things got even more shifty,
the important things is i learned a thing or two and its all behind me now.

hoping this time around the MJ Gods are kinder to us.
Good to see u SoG was a bummer too see u have to scrap your build man best of luck on your future endeavors i will say a prayer to the gania gods for that one. Peace
SoG Grow Room Tour - Part 1

SoG Grow Room Tour - Part 2

Cool Cube Part 1
room is in dark cycle, lights are coming on
view of the system layout and CoolCube

CoolCube Part 2
Ok, the lights been on for about an hour,
res lids were left open to speed up heat buildup
as expected temps staring to climb up in the res
now that we got some heat buildup going
we turn on the CoolCube loop, and wait to see what happens

CoolCube Part 3
you be the judge