Ron Paul Revolution


New Member
the numbers are in for the dems... seems like the media is holding off on releasing info for the reps... kind of makes me suspicious! lol

The Repuke party is done for. the only hope is Ron Paul and in reality, sorry to say, he hasn't a chance. The Dems are no better, The only thing positive about hillary is Bill. those clowns running for repukeville Juliani and McCain are wat too far to the right.


New Member
the victory will come when the media treats him with dignity.

Fat chance, The media is bought and paid for by big corporations, why do you think he is getting no play. He is the dreamers candidate. I quit dreaming about great saviours when they blew Bobby Kennedys head off, thats when I woke up and figured it out. I may be cynical, but it has come with a large dose of reality. They kill those that want to change the status quo. Without a coup, we'll never change the direction of the country. We have to vote for the lessor of the evils, sorry. I really hate to burst your bubble, but it will take a revolution from the inside and you must have the military on your side, but those guys are so brainwashed that those odds are slim to none.


Well-Known Member
he's the only one reaching my generation and the people after me and as long as they get an introduction to his school of thought we're all set for a better tomorrow.

the left party loyalists are finding it hard to explain why they can't vote for Ron Paul, most of them just hide and throw out something about Kchinic or whoever that guy is while feigning a real understanding. the best part is that everyone knows they are faking it, even they do.

there's hope, and that's all it takes sometimes.



New Member
he's the only one reaching my generation and the people after me and as long as they get an introduction to his school of thought we're all set for a better tomorrow.

the left party loyalists are finding it hard to explain why they can't vote for Ron Paul, most of them just hide and throw out something about Kchinic or whoever that guy is while feigning a real understanding. the best part is that everyone knows they are faking it, even they do.

there's hope, and that's all it takes sometimes.

Dream on. The dream died for me with the Kennedys, Martin Luther, Ghandi, Most every peaceful leader has been tanked.


Well-Known Member

Paul Campaign Raises Over $5,000,000 In Third Quarter

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - The Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign raised $5,080,000 during the third quarter of 2007. That is an impressive 114 percent increase from the second quarter.
Cash on hand for the Paul campaign is $5,300,000.
"Dr. Paul's message is freedom, peace and prosperity," said Paul campaign chairman Kent Snyder. "As these fundraising numbers show, more Americans each day are embracing Dr. Paul's message."
Ron Paul's 114 percent increase is in stark contrast to the decrease suffered by Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and John McCain. Romney's fundraising was down 29 percent. Giuliani was down 40 percent. McCain was down 55 percent.



New Member
Paul Campaign Raises Over $5,000,000 In Third Quarter

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - The Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign raised $5,080,000 during the third quarter of 2007. That is an impressive 114 percent increase from the second quarter.
Cash on hand for the Paul campaign is $5,300,000.
"Dr. Paul's message is freedom, peace and prosperity," said Paul campaign chairman Kent Snyder. "As these fundraising numbers show, more Americans each day are embracing Dr. Paul's message."
Ron Paul's 114 percent increase is in stark contrast to the decrease suffered by Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and John McCain. Romney's fundraising was down 29 percent. Giuliani was down 40 percent. McCain was down 55 percent.

well, maybe there is hope, but Juliana has like 40 million and all the rich pricks behind him.


Well-Known Member
But his fundraising is int the shitter. VV
that's exactly right. Ron Paul is the only candidate who is picking up momentum - and he's doing it at the most pivotal moment.

i'm seriously thinking about letting my kid wear a Ron Paul t-shirt to school in hopes that they will make a fuss and i can get him some air time. :)




Well-Known Member
in another example of corporate media telling America who to vote for, and has yet to prominently MENTION the Republican fund raising numbers.

they discretely hid an AP article about Ron Paul's "longshot" campaign raising a surprising amount "almost" equal to McCain's... while he actually raised more.

all day on Monday their front page was carrying on about the Dems money... no mention of the Reps???? disgusting.



Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm sure the socialist neo-cons and liberals are going in on a pitcher of beer tonight!



New Member
yeah, i'm sure the socialist neo-cons and liberals are going in on a pitcher of beer tonight!

I thought you were a Neo-Con. You used to be all about GW Bush and what a savior he was. Hey, my memory is not that bad. You used to stick up for that %&*@# a lot. Well, Maybe change is good, eh. Progression out of the dark side,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
nah, i've never really been into the whole neo-con ideology. it's always put me on edge because it's just as much socialism as modern liberalism is. they just want to consolidate the businesses BEFORE the governments but it turns out the same way in the end.

i voted for Bush but really against Gore and Kerry. i don't think i'll vote "against" anyone again. if my guy isn't on the ballot it's up to me to try to get him on there next time... seems like that's the purpose of voting. voting against people is hypocritical and fundamentally flawed, imo. people go to war and die for this right and i'm going to show up to vote just so i can settle with the lesser of two evils? no thanks, not my America.

i do defend Bush when people are being reckless or ignorant because there really are a lot of things he has done well. i have defended Clinton too. partisanship is obsolete, the truth is forever.



New Member
nah, i've never really been into the whole neo-con ideology. it's always put me on edge because it's just as much socialism as modern liberalism is. they just want to consolidate the businesses BEFORE the governments but it turns out the same way in the end.

i voted for Bush but really against Gore and Kerry. i don't think i'll vote "against" anyone again. if my guy isn't on the ballot it's up to me to try to get him on there next time... seems like that's the purpose of voting. voting against people is hypocritical and fundamentally flawed, imo. people go to war and die for this right and i'm going to show up to vote just so i can settle with the lesser of two evils? no thanks, not my America.

i do defend Bush when people are being reckless or ignorant because there really are a lot of things he has done well. i have defended Clinton too. partisanship is obsolete, the truth is forever.

You're not making any real sense here. If you have but two choices and your guy is not on the list, wouldn't you vote against the one you thought would fuck the country the most, or conversly, for the one that would fuck the country least. That is my contention. They've never had the perfect candidate yet, so the lessor of two evils thing rings true, or the better of the deuce for those positive thinkers, a rare breed in politicos. I'll guarantee you if Ron Paul got to be president, people would find fault with him, even those that voted for him, probably because he wouldn't be able to do 1/4 of the things he says he'd do. Have you heard of overide?


Well-Known Member
and who do you vote for when they are both dictators? the one with lipstick? the flaw in your own logic med, is that you are choosing from one of two choices they give to you. And both of these frontrunners (or top three in both parties) are all a continuation of this disaster. If you think Hillary is going to withdraw from iraq, you are crazy... Ron Paul has a chance, he has support, he has my vote. You lose nothing by voting for him except the executive branch dictatorship.


Well-Known Member
You're not making any real sense here. If you have but two choices and your guy is not on the list, wouldn't you vote against the one you thought would fuck the country the most, or conversly, for the one that would fuck the country least. That is my contention. They've never had the perfect candidate yet, so the lessor of two evils thing rings true, or the better of the deuce for those positive thinkers, a rare breed in politicos. I'll guarantee you if Ron Paul got to be president, people would find fault with him, even those that voted for him, probably because he wouldn't be able to do 1/4 of the things he says he'd do. Have you heard of overide?

if both of my choices will "fuck the country" i want neither. there is no "more" or "less" fucking, it's fucked or it's not fucked.

let's back up. who gave me my two choices? am i so radical and extreme that it's unrealistic to expect a candidate who represents my views, and the views of 99% of the people i know?

as clekstro said, none of the top democrat lawyers have any integrity whatsoever. the people who believe them are either star stuck morons or brainwashed morons; either way they're morons. it's just the truth. the dems have created a brainless, bloc voter herd that they tend with emotional speeches, legislative handouts and never fulfilled promises...

they want us to think it's over before it began. it's not!

i look at it this way: my vote goes to the man/woman who has earned it. it's not a token gesture. it's not a party favor. my vote is a commitment to someone for four years. i will not commit to anyone that is a corrupt insider - ALL of the media favorites, dem and rep, fall into this category. no vote.

taking for granted that the dems big government, anti-liberty, anti-state candidates aren't even worth considering - the media's top three Republican candidates are also deeply flawed individuals.

one of them is using 9/11 as a trophy, not to mention a huge list of other character flaws, such as marrying his cousin. if someone called me mr. 9/11 i would vomit. this guy prances around and uses that event as a pedestal. he tramples those who died and he brings shame to every one of us who love this country.

one of them is a deeply entrenched insider who helped craft the most despicable voting manipulation scheme ever forced on the American people, with the help of a rabidly socialist, anti-American democrat, and he has flip flopped on the illegal war in Iraq repeatedly. originally he said we need 1,000,000 troops on the ground - now 150,000 is sufficient. many other integrity issues.

one of them is a member of a cult that has supplemented an ancient religious book (the bible) with an "updated" book. the bible explicitly states there can be no supplementation to it, there can be no updates - yet this cult continues to thrive by preying on the ignorance of millions. he has also flip flopped on almost every core issue, the right to life, the right to bear arms. i also find his appliance salesman demeanor to be insulting, America needs a leader with character, not a good sales pitch.

voting against people has gotten this country where it is today. i don't like where it is. with Ron Paul in office the people have a chance to take our country back. will he accomplish 100% success on all of his goals in four years? absolutely not. will he move us in the right direction? absolutely.



New Member
if both of my choices will "fuck the country" i want neither. there is no "more" or "less" fucking, it's fucked or it's not fucked.

let's back up. who gave me my two choices? am i so radical and extreme that it's unrealistic to expect a candidate who represents my views, and the views of 99% of the people i know?

as clekstro said, none of the top democrat lawyers have any integrity whatsoever. the people who believe them are either star stuck morons or brainwashed morons; either way they're morons. it's just the truth. the dems have created a brainless, bloc voter herd that they tend with emotional speeches, legislative handouts and never fulfilled promises...

they want us to think it's over before it began. it's not!

i look at it this way: my vote goes to the man/woman who has earned it. it's not a token gesture. it's not a party favor. my vote is a commitment to someone for four years. i will not commit to anyone that is a corrupt insider - ALL of the media favorites, dem and rep, fall into this category. no vote.

taking for granted that the dems big government, anti-liberty, anti-state candidates aren't even worth considering - the media's top three Republican candidates are also deeply flawed individuals.

one of them is using 9/11 as a trophy, not to mention a huge list of other character flaws, such as marrying his cousin. if someone called me mr. 9/11 i would vomit. this guy prances around and uses that event as a pedestal. he tramples those who died and he brings shame to every one of us who love this country.

one of them is a deeply entrenched insider who helped craft the most despicable voting manipulation scheme ever forced on the American people, with the help of a rabidly socialist, anti-American democrat, and he has flip flopped on the illegal war in Iraq repeatedly. originally he said we need 1,000,000 troops on the ground - now 150,000 is sufficient. many other integrity issues.

one of them is a member of a cult that has supplemented an ancient religious book (the bible) with an "updated" book. the bible explicitly states there can be no supplementation to it, there can be no updates - yet this cult continues to thrive by preying on the ignorance of millions. he has also flip flopped on almost every core issue, the right to life, the right to bear arms. i also find his appliance salesman demeanor to be insulting, America needs a leader with character, not a good sales pitch.

voting against people has gotten this country where it is today. i don't like where it is. with Ron Paul in office the people have a chance to take our country back. will he accomplish 100% success on all of his goals in four years? absolutely not. will he move us in the right direction? absolutely.

Well, all this idealism may be good for the uniniciated, But the reality is; There is usually only two choices. Lets say for the sake of arguement, that your vote would determine which candidate would win. Would not you choose the better of the two. Even though they are both bad, one must certainly have more of what you want than the other, then wouldn't you rather have him-her. I just don't agree with the spoiled brat philosophy of If I can't have my candidate then I won't vote, like a schoolyard game, either play by my rules or I'll take my ball and go home. How Infantile.


Well-Known Member
Well, all this idealism may be good for the uniniciated, But the reality is; There is usually only two choices. Lets say for the sake of arguement, that your vote would determine which candidate would win. Would not you choose the better of the two. Even though they are both bad, one must certainly have more of what you want than the other, then wouldn't you rather have him-her. I just don't agree with the spoiled brat philosophy of If I can't have my candidate then I won't vote, like a schoolyard game, either play by my rules or I'll take my ball and go home. How Infantile.
i would argue that it's infantile to suggest that falling for peer pressure is a wise way to make decisions - that's how most corrupt politicians function from day to day and we're not benefiting from that. if you think it's infantile to stand up for what you believe in i don't see why you're even in here posting your opinions all day.

a public servant is not like a product on a shelf, you don't pick and chose colors and options like it's a new jacket. you don't get one because its on sale or because it kind of fits... you elect people who earn it.

i would not vote if i could not see myself backing 90% or more of their positions after passing the litmus test of being pro-life and not being a liar. no life - no vote, ever.



New Member
i would argue that it's infantile to suggest that falling for peer pressure is a wise way to make decisions - that's how most corrupt politicians function from day to day and we're not benefiting from that. if you think it's infantile to stand up for what you believe in i don't see why you're even in here posting your opinions all day.

a public servant is not like a product on a shelf, you don't pick and chose colors and options like it's a new jacket. you don't get one because its on sale or because it kind of fits... you elect people who earn it.

i would not vote if i could not see myself backing 90% or more of their positions after passing the litmus test of being pro-life and not being a liar. no life - no vote, ever.

Just take your ball and go home then, you are a spoiled brat. Idealism is for idealists but is not pragmatic when choosing the lessor of the two evils, It is the way it is and untill it changes, only an idiot would not vote because he stood on principle even though the principle was nowhere in sight. Even if you do not vote, it changes nothing. Change may be brought about by choosing the best candidate presented and petitioning him-her for your grievances, but by pouting like a little schoolgirl and not voting, you are contributing absolutely nothing. It is a two party system, which means only one can win. If you are going to vote repuke, then I say, please don't vote unless your man Paul is the candidate, thank you.
