Does weed eventually bud from age?

swak one

Active Member
Ok so just a question... does weed ever eventually bud despite the season? I know that its is meant to flower when the photoperiod is decreased, but in the southern hemisphere, where there is no frost, will the plant eventually flower despite the photoperiods from age??? :weed:


Active Member
i was wondering this too. i plan on taking a bunch of seeds with me when i go to argentina next year.

i just figured if worse comes to worse you can always force flower. where im at in argentina is a bit desert-like. its wine country.

swak one

Active Member
i was wondering this too. i plan on taking a bunch of seeds with me when i go to argentina next year.

i just figured if worse comes to worse you can always force flower. where im at in argentina is a bit desert-like. its wine country.

How do u force flower outdoors?


ok but back to the main question... does it bud from age despite photoperiods?

tropical pure sativas will bud reguardless of light because in there natural enviorment they usually never get more then 12 hours light, so they grow to a certain size and then bloom, subtropical and temperate strains will bud when sun or light cycles are around 12/12


Active Member
No i highly doubt it, take Mothers for example. they are kept in veg lighting and constantly vegging for long peroids of time, some never see flowering, So my response is a no.


Well-Known Member
There are auto-flowering strains that will flower after a certain age regardless of photoperiod (I believe). I don't know any of them off hand but they do exist. Google it and you will find your answer.


Well-Known Member
There are a few problems with this thread:

1. The southern hemisphere does get frost - ever hear of the Andes (or Antarctica for that matter)?
2. Mother plants stay in veg because they have 18-24 hours of light.

I believe your question is would a plant flower if grown at or near the equator where the days are almost always 12/12. Without hearing from someone that has actually lived near the equator, I believe the answer is yes. As chitown pointed out, the plant would veg for a while, then flower naturally.

The closest experience I have to this is Hawaii (have a friend that lives/grows there). Plants started and finished outdoors will flower as day-light gets a bit shorter. The change is very subtle (from 12.5/11.5 to 11.5/12.5), but just enough to initiate flowering. Most growers in these areas will start indoors and put plants outdoors for flowering.

That's my 2 cents - I'm sure some will disagree with me.


There are a few problems with this thread:

1. The southern hemisphere does get frost - ever hear of the Andes (or Antarctica for that matter)?
2. Mother plants stay in veg because they have 18-24 hours of light.

I believe your question is would a plant flower if grown at or near the equator where the days are almost always 12/12. Without hearing from someone that has actually lived near the equator, I believe the answer is yes. As chitown pointed out, the plant would veg for a while, then flower naturally.

The closest experience I have to this is Hawaii (have a friend that lives/grows there). Plants started and finished outdoors will flower as day-light gets a bit shorter. The change is very subtle (from 12.5/11.5 to 11.5/12.5), but just enough to initiate flowering. Most growers in these areas will start indoors and put plants outdoors for flowering.

That's my 2 cents - I'm sure some will disagree with me.
thats as right as it could be to me. im in florida and on two different occasions certain plant would start flowering outdoors out of nowhere; i have you like that right now as a matter of fact. its really wierd cuz its the only one flowering right now and its right next to the others. its almost 4 weeks in (mids bagseed) while the white widows i have are about 8 weeks in veg. the one in flower had been growing since febuary though. you can see it in my grow journal if youd like.


Active Member
yes you are correct siin, i meant that if a plant is keep under same lighting such as 18/6 or 24/7 vege lighting, if should not see flowering unless it is one of those odd ball auto flowers xD my buddy had one of those auto flowers that was showing pre flowers in 24/7 lighting


Active Member
One of the problems here is that you guys are assuming that outdoor plants don't flower until 12/12, but they actually start flowering before then, usually when the sunlight falls below 14 hrs a day.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I totally forgot about autoflowers, heh. Autoflowers *will* flower due to age and not photoperiod, so to answer the OP, some strains will.
i've had a mother go to flower under 24 hours of light. all clones off her went streight to bud. had a real early harvest this year. woot woot.