My 09 Monster Attempt


Well-Known Member
You have far and away the best, biggest, most beautiful garden I have ever seen!

By a wide margin!

My hat's off to you and your incredible wife Hodge!!

To be honest, your shit scares me! If I had ever been in the 'Nam, your garden would be givin me jungle flashbacks!!

Most excellent of you to be on here sharin your knowledge and experience, showin me and everyone else how it's done.

Thank you.



Well-Known Member
You have far and away the best, biggest, most beautiful garden I have ever seen!

By a wide margin!

My hat's off to you and your incredible wife Hodge!!

To be honest, your shit scares me! If I had ever been in the 'Nam, your garden would be givin me jungle flashbacks!!

Most excellent of you to be on here sharin your knowledge and experience, showin me and everyone else how it's done.

Thank you.

Thank you for such a heart felt compliment. Next person thru my door is getting a hug..:leaf:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
So Hodge, I was wondering. Do you use a backback sprayer for your plants. I have a one gallon and Im pretty disappointed with it. It has a remote nozzel. Going to spend the extra cash next season and get the nice backpack one.


Mornin' Hodge and all!

I need to 2nd riznob's comments 'bout the garden as it should be an inspiration to all, novice and expert alike... Very well done indeed. Rarely have I seen anything that would compare to my 'mental benchmark', which was burned into my mind many years ago. I had a buddy from HS that went to Humboldt State back in the late 70's, and when I went for a visit he took me to a friend of his in the woods. Well, lets just say that his friend was familiar with growing, and you can imagine the rest. All we could do then was take a couple of lousy Polaroids to remember the place which I had for many years... lol Perhaps I now have a new mental benchmark.

Kudos as well for your commitment to the thread, candor, and willingness to share to all, which is just as impressive as your garden and certainly attracts new members such as myself.

Alas, there is however a downside to this thread. After looking and reading here, it makes my paltry (2) little plant annual grow (which actually look like yours, but only related to level of maturity, lol), look... Well, ummm, pathetic comes to mind. <stated with tongue firmly planted in cheek>

Bottom line, way to go.


Well-Known Member
So Hodge, I was wondering. Do you use a backback sprayer for your plants. I have a one gallon and Im pretty disappointed with it. It has a remote nozzel. Going to spend the extra cash next season and get the nice backpack one.
I have a 2 1/2 gallon hand held, works fine. Just replace the seals every couple of seasons, my gardner has the backpack style. Works really well but he uses it for weed control, (Round up) so it's off limits with my garden.:weed:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Cool. Home depot sells some pretty nice ones for under 100 bucks.

I just went out to see my girls and spent 3 hours picking leaves and small signs of mold/rot. Girls are just so THICK one leaf dies inside and starts to rot. I can only imagine how much care yours need.


Well-Known Member
Mornin' Hodge and all!

I need to 2nd riznob's comments 'bout the garden as it should be an inspiration to all, novice and expert alike... Very well done indeed. Rarely have I seen anything that would compare to my 'mental benchmark', which was burned into my mind many years ago. I had a buddy from HS that went to Humboldt State back in the late 70's, and when I went for a visit he took me to a friend of his in the woods. Well, lets just say that his friend was familiar with growing, and you can imagine the rest. All we could do then was take a couple of lousy Polaroids to remember the place which I had for many years... lol Perhaps I now have a new mental benchmark.

Kudos as well for your commitment to the thread, candor, and willingness to share to all, which is just as impressive as your garden and certainly attracts new members such as myself.

Alas, there is however a downside to this thread. After looking and reading here, it makes my paltry (2) little plant annual grow (which actually look like yours, but only related to level of maturity, lol), look... Well, ummm, pathetic comes to mind. <stated with tongue firmly planted in cheek>

Bottom line, way to go.

Cool. Home depot sells some pretty nice ones for under 100 bucks.

I just went out to see my girls and spent 3 hours picking leaves and small signs of mold/rot. Girls are just so THICK one leaf dies inside and starts to rot. I can only imagine how much care yours need.
Because of my disabilities, I have help with the leaf picking. In my climate there's less chance of mold due to weather, main problem is caterpillars and the damage they do. We did get some powder mold in the other garden this season but traced the infestation back to some clones that one of the workers brought in. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Both you and your wife are great growers! It was a lot of reading to get here, but it was really interesting. The trees are beautiful! It sounds like you have been through a lot in your life and you are still so humble. You have a great outlook in life and it seems to me like you are getting rewarded for it. I will be here for the chop!


Well-Known Member
HAHA thats crazy do you freeze your meds? I really wich i lived in cali...My boy wants me to start growing with him in santa barbara he has a script...But thats a huge move from NY....I can't wait to see your harvest man!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Is that mango strain from KC Brains Hodge?
No, these are from a local dispensary.:leaf:

Both you and your wife are great growers! It was a lot of reading to get here, but it was really interesting. The trees are beautiful! It sounds like you have been through a lot in your life and you are still so humble. You have a great outlook in life and it seems to me like you are getting rewarded for it. I will be here for the chop!
Thanks, pull up a chair should be interesting this year..:weed:


Well-Known Member
hodge the mango looks great.......i had a question for you hodge ....when will i know when to stop giving nutrients and start flushing my plants