need some ideals on a PC planter


Well-Known Member
of mine or bong hits mine are on day 32 flower, and each plant has bout 25 to 35 budsites give a take hard to count em all lmao


are you going to flower now or you vegging longer... plus what strain is your plant post some pics on my thread let me check it out man :clap:
i vegged them for 6 week's, three of them started to show sex before i put them in 12/12 ( i wasnt sure on how long to veg them for )

strain - Unknown. ( bag seed )
Price - $350-400 an Oz ( 1-3 seed's per ounce if lucky.. )

They are recovering from a Ph flucuation.

the LST picture with me messuring is from last week.




KHO20 i like the last pic that is my fav plant out of all of yours how many weeks into flowering on them
yea.. my plants kinda got messed up.

between me being a newb, Ph level's and Root bound...

the plants got stunned for sure..

last picture until friday ^_-

good luck with your ladies fella's

Bonghit your buds look extreamly small how along are you on flowering
like i said from all the mess up's i had, some of them got Stunned for sure..

4th week of flowering.. last week they almost died due to ph / toxin's in the water i was using..

my next grow, or should i say the clones, will be much nicer compared to these.



Well-Known Member
4 weeks or so .... 32 days im hopin thier done in 3 to 5 weeks i really wanna give em a smoke lol the last plant is also pic 2 and 3 its only 13" tall lol and looks the best the other is bout 20 inches at the bend and is catchin up they were both vegged for 72 days


Active Member
see the last 2 plants i grew i sold them plus my grow box.. and the dude killed them but when i had them they where about 5 to 6 ins tall and the nods on them was already like a in or 2 there was 10 nods on it and they where vegged for 27 days


Well-Known Member
i have that is a good show lol oh and burn notice and royal pains is kickass too,

and yeah lst usually starts at 4 to 6 nodes is good even tho starting early is good too and i hate when people think they can jus do shit ya kno ... my philosophy if its worth doin its worth doin rite and if its worth doin rite do it the best lol


Active Member
in 10 mins the new weeds comes on but yeah i think my grow should give me a OZ that is what i am hoping for... but who knows 3 100watts for flowering and 2 100wayy and a 60 watt clf for veg


Well-Known Member
lol no clue what channel showtime is on here damn charter guess its time to search the guide lol


Well-Known Member
nope all they do is spread there goo in hopes of gettin some , bout all there good for is pollen and hash