nick the sick maniac
Well-Known Member
so earlier today i went outside to check on my plants in my back yard, and as im looking at my plants all of a sudden i hear a very intense buzzing sound. so i look up and i see that apparently bees have made a very large hive on the underside of my roof. 1 or 2 seconds go by and im thinking hmmm thats not good they sound a little pissed off. then all of a sudden i get swarmed by bees. i ran inside my house and got away from them but i probally got stung at least 10 times.
so an hour later i came back outside and shot at the hive with roman candles but one of the flaming balls bounced off my house and hit one of my plants and now some of the plants bottom leaves are all black and charred looking.
i really hate bees and now im scarred to go out to look at my plants now.........fuck bees!

so an hour later i came back outside and shot at the hive with roman candles but one of the flaming balls bounced off my house and hit one of my plants and now some of the plants bottom leaves are all black and charred looking.
i really hate bees and now im scarred to go out to look at my plants now.........fuck bees!