When does 12/12 start outdoors?


Active Member
I recently planted seed outdoors and wondered when i will see my males appear so I can yank them? Any help would be so kind.:-?


Elite Rolling Society
In America, sometimes in July, depending on what part of the earth you are on. It happens when the days get shorter, or when there is less daylight than the day before.


Active Member
Check a sunrise/sunset calendar for your location. That should give you a pretty good idea. I would expect to see flowering a few weeks ahead of 12/12.
You can also force the plant to show it's sex by controlling the lighting indoors. Once the sex is determined, you can reintroduce it to outdoor lighting.
yea you dufus, mine already started flowering, not in my town and been gone away from it sense june. wonder if they still alive. God i hope so, god please let them be alive!!!!! oh dufus just be patient not every dufus knows shiz.


New Member
12/12 has come and gone for you I'm afraid. The equinox is June 21st.

12/12 can be had on the equator though...:lol:

Check your locale with this site and it will tell you the light cycles for your area.


Smiley D

Well-Known Member
12/12 has come and gone for you I'm afraid. The equinox is June 21st.

12/12 can be had on the equator though...:lol:

Check your locale with this site and it will tell you the light cycles for your area.


Kinda mixed it up there guy.

June 21st was the summer solstice.

Sep 22nd is fall equinox when we will see 12/12.

OP, any comparative shortening of the light period will induce flowering hormones. Technically outdoor plants go into flower after the solstice.


New Member
Yes, my bad.....but he said he was waiting for flowers, I got confused.....I've already harvested some of mine and all the rest are DEEP into flowering already....

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Yes, my bad.....but he said he was waiting for flowers, I got confused.....I've already harvested some of mine and all the rest are DEEP into flowering already....


You already pulled girls down outside? Mind saying what?


New Member

You already pulled girls down outside? Mind saying what?
originally started with reclining Buddha but have mixed it with some good bag seeds. I always start a batch in Feb., so they finish early. I have Satori and Afri mix going as well as some Hollands Hope (hoping for better mold res.). Those are deep into flower and should be ready in about a month. :peace:

chronic Joe

my plants have shown quite a few pistils and calyxs, for almost two weeks now, am I in flower, the tips of my branches are getting hard like a ball or a bud. p.s these are for sure females i grew from feminized seeds.


New Member
Starting early doesn't mean they'll finish early, unless you force flower.
Well, mine do. When you read up on these strains they will usually tell you how many days they will need to finish. At least with my southern latitude, I can start in feb. and get a harvest in before September. I run another one 2 months behind.