Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
There are very few permits to grow handed out in canada.
Atleast from what I have read. And they also seem to be taking a swing backwards
with medical laws.


Well-Known Member
check it out ... might be a choice worth considering ... I'm obviously biased ... born and raised here ... but seen a lot of the rest of the world ... so far ... still like home the best ... though Aussie came pretty darn close .... that requires anotrher trip .,...hahahaha!
Maybe I should think about going Canada instead;) aloha Tahoe:leaf:
thanks man ... I am very pleased. my temps are 70-78F and 40-48%RH.
Wow these are coming along nicely

What's your humidity Tahoe?
The Us spent 6% more than they made for two decades, and is now saving 6-7% .... that's a swing of 13%. US GDP is 70% consumer spending.. The math does not lie. But there are lots of others around the world that are in similar circumstances, some worse some better .... but the US as an economy (IMO) has decades of pain ahead. and yes that means Canada will feel that to a great degree as well - as long as it takes for markets to shift and adjust.
Canada is looking better and better as the shit gets closer to hitting the fan. The growth the US has seen in the past 2 decades just isn't sustainable, and our leaders in washington are some of the dumbest SOB's on the planet. I suppose that's a poor reflection on the voters, but I'm afraid we're in for some hard lessons...
Aloha Buddy
Aloha and thx for the insight GreenCross and Tahoe:leaf:
I haven't run into anything problematic ... though I guess the Divorce Act and the virtual killing of any male in divorce.
From what I hear canada's law's are'nt that great.
what's not so great about Canadian law?
There are very few permits to grow handed out in canada.
Atleast from what I have read. And they also seem to be taking a swing backwards
with medical laws.
yea for sure ... got relatives in ferndale ... awesome!!
Central Cali is where its at!! ;)

ALL year long.... inside and out ;)
100% agreed!!
And yea, the MJ laws are still pretty backwards. With glaucoma I asked my doctor about a medicinal card .... he merely chuckled. I expect we will talk about it again. I'd really like to be a grower for a select few patiewnts. I would really enjoy that. Working with ur hands, producing some medicine, helping others out, feeling good, making medicine. That's what sounds cool.:weed:


Well-Known Member
LMFOA!!!!! I'm a bit of a heathen i don't like tea, never have since me nan made me drink a cup when i was a kid, scarred me for life lol


Well-Known Member
hahahahha ... hey folks the room is pretty open .... no worries. luv that british stuff .... I actually even played cricket .... in middle school don't ya know. Yea I went to an ole english prep like school, cane n'all! Taught Latin no less! What I want to know IS how does that guy change his clothes and always get to the next place he has to be, he's not breathing hard or nuthin? ho's he do dat?:o

I musta picked a bud from the the nitro pile. Cuz, holy fukin blow my shorts off .... what a freaky Sunday morning this is .... pics? I probably couldn't at the moment ... maybe later. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Good for you T, got the luck of the draw this fine sunday morning! The sun is shining here but it's only about 60f. I'm pretty sure our summer like weather is over. Enjoy your day!


Well-Known Member
hey man ... a lil'chilly huh? here to (8C this am) ... fall is in the aire, particularly first thing in the morning. The days are still hot and beautiful. The coming week is supposed to be some fabulous hiking weather so I think , I'll, uhh ....ummmm ...go hiking. for those with outdoor grows here, time is quickly getting lost .... I would expect that you would want to git ur plants down and dried by the end of September .... we can have snow ANY month of the year ....but by October you're gettin pretty certain its gonna come soon. Baja .... start thinking Baja ... hahahaha!
Good for you T, got the luck of the draw this fine Sunday morning! The sun is shining here but it's only about 60f. I'm pretty sure out summer like weather is over. Enjoy your day!


Well-Known Member
Yeah not very warm this morning. It's a little below normal but not much. This has been a strang summer from the beginning, we've only needed the ac for about 2 weeks all summer. Most of the people outdoors around here haven't had the results they usually do.

The DQ looks great, so many crystals!!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks yea ... its gonna be a great great lady .... sry if you told me already ...what parts u in? we had a late late start to summer and really very little real summer ... but in all pretty nice .... I know it has played havoc on the farmers/grain/hay producers .... the wrong weather at the wrong time .... :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Yeah not very warm this morning. It's a little below normal but not much. This has been a strang summer from the beginning, we've only needed the ac for about 2 weeks all summer. Most of the people outdoors around here haven't had the results they usually do.

The DQ looks great, so many crystals!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds exactly like our summer. The Black swamp is in northwest Ohio, near the coast of Lake Erie. I don't mind this weather, fall is my favorite time of year!!