New age mystical nonsense
My religion doesn't teach to kill the infidels and round up 20 (or is it 30 I forget) virgins (15 year old girls I suppose) in the name of Allah - All religions are not the same. A very large percentage of young Muslim men think it's OK to kill for their beliefs.
Why do people believe in Obama? Not that he's a religion, but some call him "the one (chosen)", and believe he's the answer to their prayers.
The only people that call him the chosen one is hannity and rush. And they do it in a make fun of him kind of way.
And that is not looking at all the craziness that the bible was used for so a very slanted view.
The crusades ended up killing millions? during the dark ages, because christians wanted to spread the word.
The witches hammer ended up paving the way to killing thousands of women because they were deemed evil.
Anyone that questioned the bible with facts were murdered (ie world is round, earth revolves around sun ect)
Slavery was sanctioned by the bible.
The halocaust and nazis used the bible as its source and that they were doing gods work.
The racism that continued in the US was pushed by people holding the bible as the reason for it.
Now gay rights is being suppresses with people using the bible as their source of good.
Same with killing and bombing abortion clinics, they are religious people that are fighting gods fight.
And those are just a few of the larger points. Christians are no angels.
I believe in the Bible is the word of God, and i can't wait to see the godless to put thier faith in the Antichrist, just as you see them blindly fallowing Obama, just as the Germans followed Hitler. Yes, I believe I will see this in my lifetime.
I do not put my faith in the that the bible was not written by men that had an agenda. But you don't seem to understand that because we don't believe in the words of the bible, we are already used to questioning things, we tend to not blindly follow without reason anything, much less anyone claiming to be our saviors.
And that is why you are wrong, we that have not been sucked into the dogma of the bible will not blindly and unquestioningly follow anyone. It is the people that have always placed their faith in imaginary beings that have no proof that tend to blindly follow into the traps that con artists provide.
If you think you are the only person you need to believe in then you will obey your own selfish desires, and you have no sense of right or wrong, except what feels good, or what scares you. Fear is a good motivator. Those who say they don't belief in religion, or God, are still capable of being deceived, or am I supposed to believe you don't experience feelings of failure and guilt?
Where do you think that we don't know what scares us? That is rediculous. We have morals and a clear understanding of right and wrong, trying to think otherwise is silly.
And fear? I fear falling off a cliff, hell I fear getting stung by wasps. We are all humans, this is what very religious people tend to forget because of some superiority being 'godly' gives you. We are all fundementally the same.
Anyhow life without belief would be pretty boring. Would you rather see parking lots instead of stained glass, and reduce marriage to a contract that's signed at the courthouse? Religious is also a club, it's a sense of community, and tradition, for what it's worth.
Not at all! Look at the world, you fail to realize that not believing in god doesn't stop us at the wonders of our world. I look at things like plants and am just amazed.
I love seeing animals and how they interact and how human it really is. How animals take care of their young, or care about the group they are in. Anything you look at is amazing.
But we don't have to stop there and say praise jesus. We get to look deeper and make connections and try to figure out the processes that made it that way! It is amazing, how can we be bored in this world.
And before anyone jumps into not believing in an afterlife, science is still there for you. Energy cannot be destroyed. So I am not saying that when I die I will be able to remember, but when I die and the plants and animals start to break down my body I will become part of them. And part of everything else that interreacts.
Even deeper look into string theory. We are all connected to everything else it is amazing when you start to see that you even have a pull of gravity on the earth.
The world is amazing, and it has not outgrown god, there is still plenty of room for god. Our understanding has just outgrown the bible that was written by man.