My First Grow: DWC (open thread)


Well-Known Member
So its a sad day. After the 36 hours of dark, when the timer popped on, my 175 watt mh light stopped working. Im not sure what it is. It starts to go on, then lights up, then as its trying to heat up and get brighter it just shuts off. I have tried it in its own outlet, and still no avail. I cant imagine its the bulb not working because it still lights up. Maybe the ballast is already bad? I just had it for two weeks tho. Either way ill be calling htg tomorrow to see where i can go from here.

On a side note, im not to worried because two days ago i ordered a 400 watt hps lamp from htg as well and it should get here monday next week. So if anything i can switch over to the 400 watt hps monday. Think the plants will be fine with a 150 hps and 4 cfls for a week? prolly will be ok. I added my small fluorescent lamp too but its small and i dont think will add much.

This will hinder my other grow i was planning on starting tho :cry::evil:



Well-Known Member
hey bro... i had a thought. Is that ballast switchable? Like it can do MH and HPS? Maybe you have it switched wrong. Just a thought that popped in my head last night.

Good luck with things.


Well-Known Member
hey bro... i had a thought. Is that ballast switchable? Like it can do MH and HPS? Maybe you have it switched wrong. Just a thought that popped in my head last night.

Good luck with things.
No, i have two ballasts, one for the mh and one for the hps. They are two different lighting systems. No way to mix that up


Well-Known Member
yeah, it does sound like it's a bad ballast huh? sorry to hear that. your plants will be fine w/ just CFLs for a week.

and thanks for that info. do you like your meter? giving the endorsement for the product?


Well-Known Member
Man they are starting to drink fast! Added more water today and switched over to 3-2-1 nuts for bloom.

pH is perfect

temps are perfect

dont want to get to excited early but this grow is going really well!

OHH GOOD NEWS, my 400 watt hps came TODAY! so i put that up and its f-in bright. Way more so than the little 150 watt. Im glad it came today i was worried when the mh died on me.



Well-Known Member
Man they are starting to drink fast! Added more water today and switched over to 3-2-1 nuts for bloom.

pH is perfect

temps are perfect

dont want to get to excited early but this grow is going really well!

OHH GOOD NEWS, my 400 watt hps came TODAY! so i put that up and its f-in bright. Way more so than the little 150 watt. Im glad it came today i was worried when the mh died on me.
awesome man, and perfectly okay to be excited. looking forward to seeing pics of the set-up with the new light.


Well-Known Member
Changed the res today, the ph got pretty low too in the last few days. almost below 5. Anyway got that changed out, the roots are ridiculous.

I rigged up both of my hps lights both about 18-20 inches above the plants. Figure more light the better.

I also took 2 clippings for cloning. First time trying it, really doubt it will work but well see. I got rooting solution and im using my small flouro light.

Here are the pics



Well-Known Member
There's a jungle in your basement. Man those things are getting big. They will love all the light. I'm stoked to see where things go from here. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The first signs of flowers are showing now!! I cant get any good pics right now because the lights are off, but ill have some more up tonight.

The clones i clipped 2 days ago are already standing up on their own so i feel like they are going to make it! Which is sweet getting 2 for 2 on my first try.

Pretty much adding a half gallon a day right now with the bloom nutes. 1/3 of the way there!!!

With the two clones i made im going to go straight from clones to flower. I saw the competition on RIU and it looked cool, so i want to do it for fun on my time. Why not right? its free for me!(other than elec bills)

here are pics:(going to get better ones of the first hairs coming thru)



Well-Known Member
Grow master... clone master... what's next bro?

Plants looking real nice. Any way to get the light closer, or is it too hot?



Well-Known Member
Grow master... clone master... what's next bro?

Plants looking real nice. Any way to get the light closer, or is it too hot?

haha thanks! right now with both lights some of the tips were yellowing, so i moved them to like 18-20 inches above. I dont know what do you think should i move them closer? only a couple of leaves were yellowing at the top, and it was just like a millimeter at the tip of the fan leaves that were yellow.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks! right now with both lights some of the tips were yellowing, so i moved them to like 18-20 inches above. I dont know what do you think should i move them closer? only a couple of leaves were yellowing at the top, and it was just like a millimeter at the tip of the fan leaves that were yellow.
hmmmm. well i'm not there to see things (obviously) so you would be the best judge, but from what I know heat wouldn't cause the tips to yellow... I am pretty sure heat makes the leaves 'cup' upwards... first the frilly edges then the leaf 'petal' cups... and things become crackly, like they are all dry. So it doesn't really sound like heat... so then what's causing it.. I don't know, haha.

It shouldn't be too much light. You would need the buds about 5 inches from each light to be overwhelmed with light (if I'm correct). My first two grows the buds got as close as 8" from the 400w hps bulb with no ill effect. It was cooled, but the light wasn't too much.

I would say try again for a bit, and if the yellowing comes back.... forget moving the light and just leave it.

Don't mess anything up over it... but if you can do it... it will help. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for all the info, i think ill lower the lights a little because 20 inches is a little high i feel too, and i want to maximize everything i can! If cupping or curling or anything weird starts to happen ill just move em' up.

Since im pretty new still i kinda freaked out when i saw this little tiny bit of yellow, since everything has been pretty much perfect so far haha.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
well i didnt even end up moving the lights lower, the plants are growing so fast they are already about 10-12 inches below the light haha, im kinda getting worried they are going to get to big..


Well-Known Member
So nothing really new to update, just getting a little worried that these plants are going to get way to big over the next 2 months.

I moved the thermometer to where the plant tops are so i know what the temps are there.

Added more water with nutes, and the roots are just ridiculous. I dont know how much longer i can keep up with this small container because the roots are wrapping around the air-stones and hoses!

Also, i moved my clones into a mini dwc today. Roots havnt come through the rock wool yet, but they feel pretty strong so i dont think it will be a big deal. Please tell me if im wrong!!!!

Im prolly going to start a new closed grow journal for those clones. Just so i can watch the progress since i dont think i need that much help on them.

I also might not update for a few days or a week since not much is going on, pretty much just checking water and ph.

Here are pics:

Pic #11 is of the main stem where i did the LST, pretty cool how it just split into pretty much two different plants.



Well-Known Member
The clones look good new home.

One thing about thelight... the further it is the more the plants stretch to get to it, making it bigger.

She is BIG. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
One thing about thelight... the further it is the more the plants stretch to get to it, making it bigger.
Well how close can they be before its too close? the highest point is about 8 inches from the actual bulb, while the rest are in between 8-14 inches from the bulb. Should i just let grow to about 6 inches? then keep it that close from here on out?