My worst fears.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I invite my friend over from down the street then I go pick up my daughter from school. On the way back I see a Sheriff's plate on an unmarked car pull down my deadend street and ask my friend who is walking towards my house who he is and who he lives with. When he tells them they tell him to keep going.
They then turned around and I passed them as I pulled into my driveway. They then sat at the end of my street and then moved to a driveway of a house that is being rehabbed and they sat there.
I walked out with my kids and got the mail, our mailbox is at the end of the street so I could get a better look at what they were doing.
I then took my daughter to her friends house and a few people in the neighborhood drove by and stopped and talked for a second, after that they just left.
I have a little stuff in my house but nothing big and I have no plants on my property but there are plants in the wooded property that is next to mine and there are trails linking my back yard with trails that lead to the plants. There are also plenty of other trails that lead everywhere else as well but it wouldn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out they were mine.
Just as a contingency plan I have taught my kids to say that all the neighborhood kids use my yard as a crossing, they did in fact use it before we put our house here so it would be unheard of.
Anyways that Sheriff spooked me. I keep telling myself that they wouldn't come out here asking random people on the street who they are if they knew about the plants, I think they would be more stealthy about it and they would either attempt to catch someone caring for the plants or they would just outright rip them and they'd either give me a lecture our they'd try and charge me with something. I'm not familiar enough with the law to know if they even could charge me with anything in my situation. Anyways, I don't know what I'm gonna do, I'm thinking of moving them further from my house just to be safe. Don't want to hurt them but I don't know, I moved a small one and it's doing fine. They used to be in pots and I put them in the ground about 2 months ago, I might be able to pop their rootballs right out. Just don't know yet.


Well-Known Member
Ok, after talking with a girl down the street I found out that her mom has a warrant and they were probably looking for her because she does have some young guys staying at her house all the time which would explain why they asked my friend who he was and who he was staying with. It sounds logical but I still have that fear. I hate where I live. I wish I cound convince my wife to uproot our family to Holland, I don't want my kids to live here, I fear for them too.


Well-Known Member
It's a good opinion and I didn't think I was "involving" them in "growing". They are not stupid kids though, what am I supposed to tell them? That I'm growing tomato's out there? You may be able to lie to your children about marijuana but I find it better to be completely truthful. They know what's what, and they know that telling the cops the truth about marijuana will never help and only hurt. If you have kids I think you better have a conversation with them before they have a DARE class because you might be getting a visit from some very friendly officers. Honestly I think your comment was stupid and makes you come off holier than thou. Just my opinion though.


Well-Known Member
you didn't involve your kids....


my baby girl does what ever she can to get ahold of my

bongs, pipes, papers, stash, jars, plants, pots, cuttings, clones, etc. etc.

she is just naturally inclined to go for anything Cannabis related....

Can't tell she is my kid eh? I shouldn't have expected anything less....

I don't encourage these behaviors, they are self taught..... well Im always smokin.....

If I could without fear of BS cps hassle or anything....

I would start teaching my kids NOW! They would help me..... they would learn about so many different things, and do nothing but gain from it....

We shouldn't be adhering to a bunk and baseless social standard out of fear...... we should grab our balls, make sure they are still there.... stick a flowering plant in the kids arms and march them peacefully down the streets with loud speakers shouting "Would you look at that, little kids running around with POT plants, perfectly safe, perfectly healthy, even getting a little exercise and smelling the flowers!" "Drop your social stigma, look at the truth that is right in front of you, obviously the public has been misinformed, and it is now OUR duty to correct the misinformation, and rectify the unhumane activities of our governments and COMMERCIAL/COORPRATE groups."


Well-Known Member
I agree u didn't involve them i was brought up where marijuana was ok.I see no wrong in telling them to say that


Well-Known Member
you didn't involve your kids....


my baby girl does what ever she can to get ahold of my

bongs, pipes, papers, stash, jars, plants, pots, cuttings, clones, etc. etc.

she is just naturally inclined to go for anything Cannabis related....

Can't tell she is my kid eh? I shouldn't have expected anything less....

I don't encourage these behaviors, they are self taught..... well Im always smokin.....

If I could without fear of BS cps hassle or anything....

I would start teaching my kids NOW! They would help me..... they would learn about so many different things, and do nothing but gain from it....

We shouldn't be adhering to a bunk and baseless social standard out of fear...... we should grab our balls, make sure they are still there.... stick a flowering plant in the kids arms and march them peacefully down the streets with loud speakers shouting "Would you look at that, little kids running around with POT plants, perfectly safe, perfectly healthy, even getting a little exercise and smelling the flowers!" "Drop your social stigma, look at the truth that is right in front of you, obviously the public has been misinformed, and it is now OUR duty to correct the misinformation, and rectify the unhumane activities of our governments and COMMERCIAL/COORPRATE groups."
that'll be the day! lol!


New Member
I think you might benefit from looking at it another way.

You took ur kids to another place....why? Because you thought the worst might happen. Maybe not the worst. The worst would be them kicking in ur door at 3 in the morning fully loaded for bear.

So when you think you are not involving ur kids.... ur wrong about that. I'm not judging you, but think it through.

Kids need their parents. Parents who grow weed and get caught..... may indeed be separated from their kids, either by court order or jail time. I agree the laws are horrible, but they are a reality.


Active Member
Outdoor is too risky
indoor is easier to maintain
good luck either way
are you serious man? outdoor if done properly none of the blame can be places on you. Indoor YOUR FUCKED. A helicopeter with infrared above a house that looks like its a fuckin sauna. come on man you gotta think


New Member
There's a guy in my county who is about to lose his home because of the indoor grow.

If you do any kind of MAJOR indoor growing.....

Always rent. NEVER risk your own house.
Tell NO ONE.
No friends over.....ever.


Well-Known Member
what you should be looking for is a helicopter hovering over your grow site, that's how they usually find guerilla sites, and the DEA usually just swoops in and rips the plants out, if no ones around, no one gets arrested... as for the foot trail, its all circumstantial evidence, there's plenty of neighbors around you, any one of those could of started the foot trail, dnt lie to the 5-0s, but you cannot be compelled to incriminate yourself, no matter how much the cops say they can "help you"......

as for helicopters and FLIRs, they can't use them without a warrant, how many times do you need to hear that? FLIR cameras constitute a search, and the supreme court already ruled that FLIR cameras cannot be used on you without a warrant.... so if they are already asking for a warrant to use FLIR, ur already in hot water....


Well-Known Member
«.kingcronic.»;3021440 said:
are you serious man? outdoor if done properly none of the blame can be places on you. Indoor YOUR FUCKED. A helicopeter with infrared above a house that looks like its a fuckin sauna. come on man you gotta think
Alright let me think for a second
1. Guerrilla grows the pigs can be waiting at the grow site to pop you
2. Not only can you be popped by them you can get them stolen by anybody
3. Any bug can wonder on your girls 24/7 any day any week
4. Your yield is the only pro the outdoor has
1. Keep your room cool don't go overboard with lights then your golden
2. No bugs have acces to your work
3. Nobody can steal your girls by just stumbling on them
4. Pigs can't set you up


Well-Known Member
Alright let me think for a second
1. Guerrilla grows the pigs can be waiting at the grow site to pop you
2. Not only can you be popped by them you can get them stolen by anybody
3. Any bug can wonder on your girls 24/7 any day any week
4. Your yield is the only pro the outdoor has
1. Keep your room cool don't go overboard with lights then your golden
2. No bugs have acces to your work
3. Nobody can steal your girls by just stumbling on them
4. Pigs can't set you up
i only disagree with the pigs waiting at your grow site... they might be there, but they dont wait on anybody.... no fuckin cop or DEA agent is gonna be allowed to camp out for 2 days in the middle of the woods, it's not a vacation.... and they're not the special forces hunting bin laden in afganistan..... not knowing who's showing up... it would be an extremely unsafe practice... it's just a bad game plan...

not saying it hasn't happened, but it's not the norm...

they rip that shit out and drag it or helicopter it outta there, sometimes burn that shit... then you see em trippin out... :leaf::leaf:


New Member
He forgot to add..... lose your house. It's a possibility if you grow in your own house. One of the reasons why guerrilla growing is so popular. It's not on your own property. A small amount of plants won't be a big deal, but there is a tipping point where the feds walk up and put locks on ur door.


New Member
They both have their own advantages in certain areas. But the RISK is much lower with an outdoor grow when it comes to LEO. No one busts down a door in the middle of the night when the weed is in a field. If the cops find weapons in your grow house....guess what. Not good.

Like I said.... each has advantages in the growing part....but as for LEO....outdoor stealth is supremely safer than indoor. There is still a question legally of attaching you to those outdoor plants.... not so with indoor.....they're yours alright.


New Member
:lol: I'm sure that will fool them. Throw some donuts out the front door too. That should give you a 50/50 chance that they'll chase after them.....


Well-Known Member
Check out Radio Shacks new police scanners. The have a new thing called "Close Call" Turn on the Close Call feature and any radio talk for like 3 blocks will be picked up automaticaly. They are really nice. You would of been able to hear every word that pig said on his radio.