slabhead's 09


Well-Known Member
damn, glad i stopped by this thread. inspiration for next summer... but instead of doing a big grow (of beautiful plants like yours) alone, I'm gonna hire some guys from outside of home depot, lol. yo quiero mota!


Well-Known Member
damn, glad i stopped by this thread. inspiration for next summer... but instead of doing a big grow (of beautiful plants like yours) alone, I'm gonna hire some guys from outside of home depot, lol. yo quiero mota!
hey there phreakygoat, good luck with that. Thx for swinging thru the best is yet to come.:weed:

Dammit, I had a couple of more losses. It looks like a hog destroyed one and termites got another one. I still don't know enough about that Azamax yet to use it this late into flowering. I read in another thread where you can drench the soil to eliminate pests from within. I'd hate to lose everything instaed of just a few. The one that appears to be hog inflicted just about freaked me out. I thought someone had found my grow and destroyed the plant. But why were all the others left untouched and the buds from that one still there?. Hmmm, then I started seeing the tracks and rooting. Goddamn it! Everything else needs to be watered again the surrounding soil is just bone dry and wicks my waterings away in a day or two.

More of the bud porn when I get a chance to post them.




Well-Known Member
let's start off with a walk through a couple patches.

Watch out for the snakes and ticks though. And keep an eye out for planes and copters.

Oh yeah. Remember the cottonmouth I'm sharin' my water hole with? He's still there.

more to come...



Well-Known Member
Watching the news I hope nobody is losing their grow to the Cali wildfires. It just makes me wish you all could get some rain to help out the firefighters.

One of my favorite Chili Peppers songs



Well-Known Member
Flowering is coming right along. Not sure what my yield will be. Maybe a few grams per plant. Hmmmm? I guess I could ask one of the experts over in the technical forum. Any ideas?

My damn clones started flowering too. I guess I'll have to try to revert them back to veg or just collect a few small buds.

The strain is Texas Star.
The skull is a cow.
The yield is undetermined.



Well-Known Member
I hope your heat hasn't been to bad. It's been very mild here.

Oh I think it might be done... Have you taken a sample yet?:bigjoint:

Beautiful pics, slab!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting there c. But the suspense is killing me. hahaha

Man it has been so freakin' dry the ragweed is even dieing. Lots of people losing old trees and shrubs I can't do daily watering and the girls are definately suffering. I found two heavy ladies splayed out today on the ground, cracked right down the main stem. God dammit, I never had that problem with untopped plants though. It might even be hogs and/or deer since there is hardly any natural browse left to eat. But the weather has just been more hot and dry with just a slight breeze if any at all. I hate to bitch and moan but a lot of sweat equity has gone into this years' grow. I'm getting close on a lot of them though. Fat heavy sticky buds buds buds. Yum, if I am able to collect them.


Active Member
haha! Flowering pics of the texas star are great. The cow skull is pretty sick man, looking good. Your patches are looking really good though. Maybe I missed it, but what strains are your going with outdoors? I counted about 75 seedlings in that first pic and it says first batch! Damn man, keep it growing!


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting there c. But the suspense is killing me. hahaha

Man it has been so freakin' dry the ragweed is even dieing. Lots of people losing old trees and shrubs I can't do daily watering and the girls are definately suffering. I found two heavy ladies splayed out today on the ground, cracked right down the main stem. God dammit, I never had that problem with untopped plants though. It might even be hogs and/or deer since there is hardly any natural browse left to eat. But the weather has just been more hot and dry with just a slight breeze if any at all. I hate to bitch and moan but a lot of sweat equity has gone into this years' grow. I'm getting close on a lot of them though. Fat heavy sticky buds buds buds. Yum, if I am able to collect them.
See, thats not what I wanted to hear.:? It's been dry, but today was the first day it got over 80 in about 2 weeks.

Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
haha! Flowering pics of the texas star are great. The cow skull is pretty sick man, looking good. Your patches are looking really good though. Maybe I missed it, but what strains are your going with outdoors? I counted about 75 seedlings in that first pic and it says first batch! Damn man, keep it growing!
Thanks mcone, I'm not sure what the strains are. Basically the choice seeds collected from a few pounds of high grade commercial. A bro of mine moves quite a bit of it and we'll get together, spread out a tarp and dump a couple of pounds out and sift through it. Then I have a few other friends that always save their good seeds for me. So the strains are Columbian, Oaxacan, Hawaiian. My friends say it's better than the "so-called" Super Skunk, Trainwreck, or Queen Green that's been around. idk but to me the care and nutering is as important as the strain. I mean what was there 15 or 20 years ago? Just bagseed right? Not to say all the strains are just so so, but for the number of seeds I use in a season paying $5 or more per seed is just not in my budget.

See, thats not what I wanted to hear.:? It's been dry, but today was the first day it got over 80 in about 2 weeks.

Good luck!!!
Thanks chronic, 80 would be nice. Another week of upper 90's forecast here. grrrr

But I heard of a front coming next weekend suposed to bring some relief. We'll see. ha


Active Member
Yeah slab, it has been really hot here too.. Ended up with a portable ac in my flowering room :-o.. And just got the electric bill since.. Ouch!..
I used to use the same method for getting seeds and had good luck. Keep it up man