PVC grow tent kills plants???


I am going to build a PVC grow tent, but I heard from not so reliable source that this could kill my plants. I do not know how just having PVC in the room could kill a plant, but still I am looking for some feedback


Well-Known Member
I am going to build a PVC grow tent, but I heard from not so reliable source that this could kill my plants. I do not know how just having PVC in the room could kill a plant, but still I am looking for some feedback

Considering a lot of people including myself have used PVC for making aeroponic systems I think whoever told you that is full of shit. So pvc away.



Well-Known Member
pvc is just plastic, whoever told you that killed their plants and is looking for something else to balme


thanks guys...It was Home Box, I think they just wanted you to buy there tents instead of making your own.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't there a bunch of grow tents that were killing plants. Because the PVC in the tent itself was putting out some kind of gas in the gorw space. When the light heated it up it would exspell it. Here's a link and some C+P's. Just beaware when making a tent that this can happen. Beware what you use in it.


Open Letter from HydroHut to the public

In the last several months, HydroHut has been made aware of and pursued a problem with some of its Huts causing a peculiar plant yellowing leading to plant whitening in certain, sensitive plants. While the issue did not arise in all plants, or all Huts, the existence of a problem was not conducive to our product’s mission.

After several months of extensive testing, false positives and much interaction with the public regarding this matter, we have found an EPA approved compound that isn’t stable in our plastic and that causes extreme stress to certain sensitive plants. In the future, this compound will be removed during manufacture.

Our focus has been directed at how to remove this compound from the plastic and to do so in a way that we could retroactively repair any HydroHut already in the field. As of February 2008, HydroHut will be repairing any affected HydroHuts at its facility. The exact process by which we repair the HydroHuts is extensive and proprietary and it will be carried out by a trainedstaff at our locations.

We fully understand that this situation with our product has adversely affected many clients. For this reason, we are standing behind our product and are offering anyone who has been affected a way to have his/her HydroHut repaired free of charge.

Any client, be they end user or store, can arrange to have his HydroHut shipped back to our Los Angeles facility for processing, free of charge. The HydroHut will then be shipped back to the client free of charge.

All inquiries for HydroHut processing should be directed to hydrohuts@gmail.com with no exceptions.

Please provide the following details in the email:

1) Size/model of affected HydroHut

2) Number of affected HydroHuts (only the HydroHut brand will beaccepted for processing)

3) Address where the HydroHut can be picked up by UPS call tag (make sure someone is there to meet the UPS driver) Do not use a PO box as UPS will not pick up from a PO box

4) A name to whom/which we can address the package going back to you, the client. (We will make a good faith attempt at getting your product back to you. If nobody is at the address to accept the package three times, the package will be sent back to Los Angeles. Any further attempts to get the package to the client will be paid for by client.)

5) Please remove your HydroHut canvas or skin and box it up. Do not pack up your poles or hardware. Do not remove your frame. Do not attempt to ship us your frame or other items. We will only be call tagging the canvas in a box. You must provide that box and properly seal that box. We will send you a call tag for a specific weight based on the email you send to us with your HydroHut details. Again, we will only be taking back your canvas for processing; no other parts or hardware will be accepted. Leave your frame set up and intact.

6) We will make every effort to process and reship your HydroHut canvas within two weeks. This is not a guarantee but it is our goal. Please note that ground shipments across the USA can take up to 8 days! Even if we process your HydroHut in only one day, there could still be 16 days of ground shipping, 8 days coming to us and 8 days going back. Be patient. Most clients will not have towait two weeks. Every attempt will be made to expedite each HydroHut.

7) If a store has new HydroHut, still in its original box, the canvas can be re-boxed in a separate box, and the canvas will be returned to the store new and folded, ready to put back into the original box. Please keep your original box at your store including all poles, hardware, and instructions. Do not send us the entire unit.

While this entire exercise may be time consuming, HydroHut is doing all that it can to rectify this problem as quickly as possible. We apologize to everyone for the difficulties incurred with our product, end-users and stores. Without a loyal standing of clients we would be nothing. It is our goal make this situation as right as we can. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us through this difficult period.

Evan Townsley
Managing Director
HydroHuts encountered a toxic plastic issue related to some plants in their tents. The manufacturers have refused to come clean with what they did in China and asking them again for months led to no divulging of the truth. As we knew that the same machine manufactured for many brands, we assumed that other brands would come forth and admit a problem as we did, but that was not the case.

Tracking down the culprit did take several months. The culprit has been sought before, 3 times to be exact but most of those years were pre-internet days and the word did not get passed around. Let us hope that our disaster and bad fortune will now lead to everyone knowing what to look for if these toxic plant symptoms ever reappear around the world.

We at HydroHut have been well bashed for incurring this problem and unknowingly passing it on. It appeared in our product two years after we began selling our HydroHuts so definitely something was changed behind our backs, but we took responsibility.

Our recall ran most of 2008 and included arranging credit for those clients affected who returned their HydroHut to the authorized store of purchase. The recall finished on December 31, 2008. We are now selling a new, non-toxic and much improved HydroHut.

Following please find a letter with a link to the actual problem and how it was studied at 3 different points in the second half of the last century and several other links talking about the plasticizer/phthalate issue itself and those effects on plants and humans as they differ greatly.

HydroHuts USA

Why PVC is bad news

Globally, over 50% of PVC manufactured is used in construction, in products such as pipelines, wiring, siding, flooring and wallpaper. As a building material PVC is cheap, easy to install and easy to replace. PVC is replacing ‘traditional’ building materials such as wood, concrete and clay in many areas. Although it appears to be the ideal building material, PVC has high environmental and human health costs that its manufacturers fail to tell consumers.
From its manufacture to its disposal, PVC emits toxic compounds. During the manufacture of the building block ingredients of PVC (such as vinyl chloride monomer) dioxin and other persistent pollutants are emitted into the air, water and land, which present both acute and chronic health hazards. During use, PVC products can leach toxic
additives, for example flooring can release softeners called phthalates. When PVC reaches the end of its useful life, it can be either landfilled, where it leaches toxic additives or incinerated, again emitting dioxin and heavy metals. When PVC burns in accidental fires, hydrogen chloride gas and dioxin are formed.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info m4a1... i been researching building a pvc growroom and that is good to take into account.


Active Member
old news the problems with this are long gone.
hydrohuts are 100% safe i use them all the time and never have an issue.
the problem, was not the pvc but the chemicals that make pvc soft.
the issue effected most manufacturers . hydrohut was the only one who had the balls to man up so they fell on the Grenade so to speak.
now i have built lots of tents using panda film and it works Great!
i use a hydrohut silver now and it is great.
[Q="M4A1, post: 3042129, member: 56988"]Wasn't there a bunch of grow tents that were killing plants. Because the PVC in the tent itself was putting out some kind of gas in the gorw space. When the light heated it up it would exspell it. Here's a link and some C+P's. Just beaware when making a tent that this can happen. Beware what you use in it.

I already hung a light in it & fired it up ! Im sure this tent will work just fine


Well-Known Member
i heard it realeases a gas thats isent to good for ya when it gets over 30c dont no if this is a rumor and true but just be carfull i do no for a fact we had i line of grow tents that were a pvc coated white plastic thing we had to stop selling them as they let of these fumes that smelled like hell we only stock now metal casesing mylar tents safest shit around