Busted by the wife


You said you ruined 2 relationships due to weed. Your wrong.
2 random women ruined 2 seperate relationships due to their ignorance. If this one does the same then sorry she is not worthy either.


Active Member
hey man i was somewhat sort of in the same boat as you once before.i know what you mean about it taking control of you i've been arrested before because of it. but only because of some dumbass dude was driving that had to have this cop pull us over, but anyways...i remember once tellin myself when i quit smoking to go on probation..its always the first week or two thats always the hardest.but after then you can actually feel a change for yourself.and thats the truth to.im sure some people on here know what i mean.just give it alittle time and patience and im sure things will work out for you.being a heavy smoker does a take a toll on you and you do want it esp if you havent had it in a few days.im sure you know what im talking about.after 60 years, you definitely have some experience and have been around the block.wish you luck man:weed:


Active Member
You said you ruined 2 relationships due to weed. Your wrong.
2 random women ruined 2 seperate relationships due to their ignorance. If this one does the same then sorry she is not worthy either.
that's it to man..i'd never quit for anybody or any1 unless due to some extreme conditions that would probably never happen anyways


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine just signed his divorce papers after only being married for maybe a month. And he just smokes it, no grows. Whats with people's hostility towards weed? They think it makes you a "criminal" or something. By definition, yes, but most people who smoke are everyday joes/janes.


Active Member
A buddy of mine just signed his divorce papers after only being married for maybe a month. And he just smokes it, no grows. Whats with people's hostility towards weed? They think it makes you a "criminal" or something. By definition, yes, but most people who smoke are everyday joes/janes.
thats pretty crazy man..i wish everybody had the same output about this.i mean its only a dear plant thats grows on earth! i hate when people exaggerate it out as being as the serious stuff like meth, coke, herion and all that.i mean everybody has there own input but weed does get you the least highest so from what i've told.but its only grass.this makes me truly think about only dreaming it were legal over here.

Big Blue Bud

New Member
Well you could turn the tables possibly.:wink:

If you are the one providing for the household this will work.

Tell her it's what you use to cope from so much work and that if she doesn't like the weed she doesn't like you because that's who you've always been.

If you both work do this.:finger:


Well-Known Member
Well, looks like I picked a good UserName. This was the nick-name my military buddies (heads, everyone of them) gave me because of how I looked when stoned. My appearance gave it away. Anyway, the title above will be written on it.

My wife found my two-plant growth. I couldn't deny it. I cut it down and she took hold of it. Don't know where the relationship goes from here. I'll keep my hydroponic equipment for now. Meanwhile, I just got an oz at the same time, and now I gotta puff it away quickly.


That's what you get for being shady with your wife, shouldn't have married her if you can't be honest and straight with her. Sorry man, truth hurts and Im blunt.

Not to mention you risk her freedom as well.

Happy toking on that once, it cost ya enough. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Just remember that someday there is a possibility that your wife or girlfriend could become your ex-wife or ex-girlfriend. They are the first ones that will rat you out, and not think twice about it, just to get back at you.....