should i start flower? 5 week veg 600 watt


Well-Known Member
Oh yah, dont let them get any higher before flowering. looks like your space is limited. and they can double in size under flowering


Well-Known Member
they will more than double and u will be so crowded in there. i think u are already going to be crowded in there before they are finished. make sure to cut the lower stuff that looks like it wont be much, or get much light. cuz it will suck good juice that your tops could be gettin more of


Well-Known Member
they will more than double and u will be so crowded in there. i think u are already going to be crowded in there before they are finished. make sure to cut the lower stuff that looks like it wont be much, or get much light. cuz it will suck good juice that your tops could be gettin more of

agree completely


Well-Known Member
shit i didnt see the big ones on the side. ur gunna be la little fucked unless u get another light cuz u will be raising the light to keep from burning the biggies while the little ones will be ass out cuz the light is further away, they will grow smaller and stretch. it would be a good idea to scrog the big ones until the smallones catch up. put all the big ones together and get some 2 inch chicken wire and make you a little scrog section u wont be disappointed


Active Member
well it does seem croweded but the closet is 8' high
and i didnt know they would grow so big

what if i topped my big ones to slow growth while the little ones caught up?


Well-Known Member
if they are almost done flowering, proximity to the light, does not hurt. if they get there really quick, you must raise that light


Well-Known Member
i have 8 plants

i have 1 plant that vegged 5 weeks

two did 4 weeks

two did 3 1/2 weeks

and the rest about 2-3 weeks

here some pics
1st off lower that light about 5 inches to optimise growth 2nd put them in the dark for 24-36 hrs to optimise and knock off about 2-3 weeks of flower and it boost starts flowering as well . i do it all the time and then within 2-3 days i have pistils showing and etc . and make sure you still have the same time that the lights come on at so 36 hrs is always the best for total dark period b4 switching to 12/12


Active Member
1st off lower that light about 5 inches to optimise growth 2nd put them in the dark for 24-36 hrs to optimise and knock off about 2-3 weeks of flower and it boost starts flowering as well . i do it all the time and then within 2-3 days i have pistils showing and etc . and make sure you still have the same time that the lights come on at so 36 hrs is always the best for total dark period b4 switching to 12/12
ok thanks
i will do that


Active Member
and i tried to look for somewhere else to put smaller plants but really dont
i have lowered the light more
and we will see how it goes i have started the dark period


i have a grow journal that i will keep postingon
if u guys wanna check it out

its under 600watt closet grow 8 plants

thanks for the advice guys real good help


Active Member
and when u guys say to cut everything on the bottom of the plants
u guys just mean leaves? or the whole branch?


Well-Known Member
whole branches or new growth sprouts.if they are not gettin light they arent gunna amount to nothin. they will just grow scraggley little nugs that will be a pain to trim and be immaturish when the rest of the plant is done. plus like i said they will be sucking the good juice that the nice colas could be drinking more of. look at my scrog in my sig and see what i mean for the lower stuff


Well-Known Member
I would cut the bottom branches off as well. Like the bottom1/4 of the plant. As far as the younger ones im sure you have thought to just stack them on something to make all the tops even.


Active Member
I would cut the bottom branches off as well. Like the bottom1/4 of the plant. As far as the younger ones im sure you have thought to just stack them on something to make all the tops even.
yup thats excatly wat im doinmg i put some old books there just to raise the tops up

and ok so how do i know what branches to leave on?