15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
what do you think aabout a soaker hose in eachbottle and only running the pump once a day and at night lights off so lights on it will dry up think it will work?
just see how long it takes for the RW to dry up good,then water,repeat the process.U aint gotta water everyday using this RW.


Well-Known Member
Let em get 1/4" taproot before you put em in,so you know they root so you know theres no prob in that area if any.Keeps from peeking in the RW.


Well-Known Member
Let em get 1/4" taproot before you put em in,so you know they root so you know theres no prob in that area if any.Keeps from peeking in the RW.
alright will do man im excited and mutant lizard brought up a good point about putting the bottle caps in there and not usin the pvc but im goin woth bagseed so im gonna have males so i wouldent be able to seperate them root mass it would be a hassell u could but when i get a female im gonna make a cloner like that with quite a few bottels and clone one female a bunch thanks mutant


Well-Known Member
Thats A bad ass setup u got pit!!!:) so the 3 sprouts are in the cups right?lookin good man keep up the good work:)


Well-Known Member
well seeds r germin 6 of the best lookin ones i thought so lets see what happens buys im gonna order seeds this next go round for some guarenteed genetics ya heard but lets get this show on the road everyone in this thread please rep sicc cuz he is postin pics for me cuz i cant at the moment show a good fellow mj brother some love


Well-Known Member
im gonna turn the other box into a mother box and grow twoplants with cfs and then take clones and throw them in the closet do determine sex illl get started on it tomorrow peeps


Well-Known Member
oh yea the two plants in the back r doin good i m gonna send sicc a pic of em so he can post it for me tomorrow as well as this new setup i gotta get togther


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3064624]haha, you gon send the rest of those pics[/QUOTE]
haha yea i just got one blue bar im gettin it to you right now homie much love brother