I used it on this grow and yes I did get some burn but as someone else posted it was due to heavy watering my fault releasing to much nutes into the root system. When I re-potted I used a mix of the MG soil with nutes and a soiless mix to cut it as well as perlite and the plants are doing great in the mix now.
Next time I'll start with a diluted mix of MG and soiless to avoid burns, but it does hold moisture just like the bag says and I've found that the soiless mix's don't hold water for as long they dry up quicker I don't know why.
Next time I'll start with a diluted mix of MG and soiless to avoid burns, but it does hold moisture just like the bag says and I've found that the soiless mix's don't hold water for as long they dry up quicker I don't know why.