First Grow, Using CFL's


Well-Known Member
Those look like burns to me.. but not nutrient burn or anything, just ordinary light burn..
Make sure the CFL's are a couple of inches from the leaves..
Nicely done on the LST bro,
Are you growing completely with CFL?


Active Member
AHHH i bet its from when i sprayed water!!! i didnt even think of that!!! Thanks, i still have another side to do on my LST! i have 4 or 5 tops fighting for top spot right now. im really impressed with my first LST! im gonna go for 7 cola's.

Ya i am going to do the whole thing on CFL's and see what i get. when i get some Green house seeds, i might switch to Metal Halides and HPS. only problem is i only have access to 150w HPS bulbs and 400w MH bulbs. although i should check the other store in town that might carry them. thats all i can seem to find. So for now CFL is my only resource. do you find that the top leafs being really light in colour is odd?


Active Member
Thats some expensive set up you have;) Your plant looks like its doing well!! Im just starting here myself but im investing some money into it at the beginning so that way there i can try to get a good crop going!! Good luck on the final product!!

I look fowards to seeing your grow! the more pizza i eat the bigger my box gets LMAO.

im considering going to and buying some wood today to make it a non building project haha


Well-Known Member
AHHH i bet its from when i sprayed water!!! i didnt even think of that!!! Thanks, i still have another side to do on my LST! i have 4 or 5 tops fighting for top spot right now. im really impressed with my first LST! im gonna go for 7 cola's.

Ya i am going to do the whole thing on CFL's and see what i get. when i get some Green house seeds, i might switch to Metal Halides and HPS. only problem is i only have access to 150w HPS bulbs and 400w MH bulbs. although i should check the other store in town that might carry them. thats all i can seem to find. So for now CFL is my only resource. do you find that the top leafs being really light in colour is odd?
Your top leaves look fine.. those are new grows and should be lighter in color.. don't worry.. but good that you worry.. shows care towards your plants ;)
And great that you're going to start on those haze's.. tough to grow if it's your first time, so make sure you don't pick Arjan's Ultra Haze #1 or even White Rhino for the first time.. Super Silver Haze is one of the best weed in the world, but it grows too tall.. The rest I don't really care for.. and White Widow is a hybrid.. so please let me know when you order the seeds.. :D


Active Member
i am just going to pick them up at a seed bank at the start of October, but i wont start them until this one is done. Im gong to see this one through til the end. im going to be gone for 5 days, so i hope my baby is alright it should be about 3 weeks into flowering when i leave


Active Member
ive always wanted SSH. im hoping that maybe the seed bank im going to will have the Mix haze packs


Active Member
the one i really want is either SUPER LEMON SKUNK, or Strawberry haze. i will have some help from a very very experienced grower as of October :) my dad is an amazing gardener, and used to have some plants over 8 Feet in his basement haha!


Active Member
ok so i constructed a new box. its looking very similar to another friend of mine on here accept i made a door on mine. , im just finishing up with the final touchs. then when lights out come tonight at midnight, im going to move my plant into a closet while i set up the lights.

I could only find a 150w HPS bulb today, but they didnt sell any HPS ballasts by themselves. they did sell a combo pack ballast and bulb but the ballast had this very gay arched attachment for a garage light. LMAE!!
im going to have to try the industrial district. i went to the nursery today, and they didnt have much for organics wither. how ever i did pick up some Alaska Fish fertilizer. 5-1-1. so i am going to start this while i have a friend bring me some A.N next week.

cant wait to get some new picture up for saturday, on my 1 month birthday of my little girl haha


Active Member
JKR! my plant is doing something very similar to yours while growing, those shoots that were coming out in bunches in the last pictures you posted? mine are doing the exact same thing. I LOVE IT, i have 3or 4 colas doing it.

i will post pictures of the new box i made (from wood this time, not pizza boxes) as soon as i am finished with it. i have a couple of things to tweet it with. give me a couple hours :) talk to you all soon! LOVING MY LST RIGHT NOW


Well-Known Member
Nice nice! Cant wait!! Ha. They need an IM system on here,So I dont have to refresh,you could just IM me! lol Anyways. Looking forward to pics: )



Active Member
my computer is being a bitch and it wont let me get the pictures off my camera, so we will have to wait another day. i will say that there sure is alot less light in my room since i made this box haha


Well-Known Member
I know right! Its like I barely know its there! Damn Computers! Making me live with the excitment till tomorrow....Damn it to hell!



Well-Known Member
good choice with building a grow box your gonna want that when you go to 12/12, because you don't want any light coming in when the lights off. good luck man

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
looks like a fire hazard LOL...........Dry ice gives off C02 no matter where you get it from bottle or ice. You may want to think about a grow tent you may get better climate control and they are reflective inside and insulated. I see your budget is tight so you may want to get a used refrigerator line it with reflective mylar or mirror and foil. But the tent is about 150. there about on the net. Clean and also hides heat signature.


Active Member
looks like a fire hazard LOL...........Dry ice gives off C02 no matter where you get it from bottle or ice. You may want to think about a grow tent you may get better climate control and they are reflective inside and insulated. I see your budget is tight so you may want to get a used refrigerator line it with reflective mylar or mirror and foil. But the tent is about 150. there about on the net. Clean and also hides heat signature.
Looks like less of a fire hazzard than what i had before! only wish i could get these pictures off my camera to show you! haha


Couldn't help commending you on the pizza boxes.. I'm using tin foiled cardboard beer cases LOL.


Active Member
Couldn't help commending you on the pizza boxes.. I'm using tin foiled cardboard beer cases LOL.
makes you kinda feel like macgiver!! haha everytime id eat a HUGE pizza, id add to the box. but i figured i was letting out way to many Lumens, and id spend as much money on tape and pizza just to make the box bigger, so i went and spend 20$ on sheet of 8'x4,x1/4" white hardboard.

do you have a journal?