Living in the 5th dimension


Well-Known Member
hi all! i've been busy doing nothing over the past few months, it's been a constant eye-opener. sleeping, exercise, thinking, meditating, and my favorite- eating. a bit of reading and listening to audio tapes, but that's about it.

this is what's bouncing in my head nowadays:
there seems to be a definite line that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. besides the fact that we're the only species that is obsessed with preparing it's food, we seem to be one of the few that really relies on the 4th dimension to form it's perception of it's surroundings.
it's said that that many animals cannot even perceive time, let alone remember anything for more than a short period. projecting into the future is also an ability that seems to be relatively exclusive to humans as well.

looking at the level of human technology that has been developed through the past century or so, (technology that simply wouldn't be here unless we could perceive the 4th dimension; technology that relied on combining several generations of brilliant work) we need to step up morally to ensure our survival. we need to deepen our perception, move up a rung on the evolutionary ladder.
there are far too many ignorant, ethnocentric individuals on this planet, and far too many violent technologies they can take advantage of.

so we need to find the 5th dimension. i don't think we will find it with our technology; there's not going to be some telescope that will allow us to see past time and space.
what we need to do is develop our personal awareness.

meditation is one of the very few practices that undeniably develops individual awareness. so much it goes past the physical realm, into territory that seems to hold no boundaries. entering this realm (dimension?), exclusive identification with one's body, mind, personal effects, society, etc fade. you are not only the obvious form you stare at while you brush your teeth in the morning. you are more. it seems to be rather obvious that you (we) are everything.
if all humans gained this knowledge, (and keep in mind, this is not a what-if theory, this is an undeniable experience available to us all) wars would be almost pointless.

you can know this with fairly little effort.

exactly how amazing is meditation? there are individuals living today that have the ability to not only have complete awareness during sleep, (lucid dreaming) but they can have awareness during deep, dreamless sleep.
24 hour awareness that is fully observable by brainwave-monitoring machines. scientific fact.

generally, these folks are especially gifted individuals have been practicing meditation for 25+ years. now, to many of us that brings up ideas of sitting still for years and refusing to give into any animalistic desires. a monotonous and rather brutal conception, for sure. the fact is though, many people are now achieving enormous results from combining the ascending and descending traditions. that is, these modern-day superheros honor both the divine and the carnal.
it seems to me that this is a productive school of thought for one reason. imagine sitting on a swing and trying to go all the way up in one kick. that's how the traditions of the past went at enlightenment.
they did gave us indispensable models for discipline, but many denied the flow of energies our physical bodies move with.

the main problem with society today is all the goddamned lying. it seems nobody knows how to be honest anymore, the worst part being many of us don't even have the ability to be truthful to ourselves. and the biggest example of that is the mistaken case of identity that more than 97% of the world has adopted over their lifetime.

there are no natural lines dividing us. those of us that fail to see this are identifying with something they are not. the divisions we see actually separate the things none of us are. we're all the same fucking thing. the universe is a singular being without boundaries, that is what we are.
we are One.

it's my belief that we will eventually gain the ability to perceive the 5th dimension by achieving continual nondual awareness. by definition, we simply cannot fathom that actual nature of this dimension as we are now, but by embracing both the ascending and descending currents of the universe we will in effect flex and strengthen our spiritual muscle.
i'd imagine not many (if any) of us will ever achieve this in our lifetime, but if we start molding society in such a way that would be spiritually productive for future generations, it could happen in the future.

seriously, we need to make real progress as a species and meditation offers the only real option.
MEDITATION is a concept....

you come from the same vagina as that girl = sister
pile of wood = chairs
that guy busted a nut in a lady and you were born = that's your mom and dad
watching the mind = meditation

watching the mind cultivates awareness..... can one cultivate enough awareness to become of awareness itself..


this can be done.. BY watching the mind :)
i think that in the end you will find that, while there are many dimensions, they are constructs of the human mind. by this i mean that in the grand scheme of things, it is impossible to tell the difference between the 1st and the 8th dimension. it is our human obsession to categorize and compartmentalize which has led us to the conclusion that time even exists in a linear form. this is a distinct attempt by us to understand our surroundings by observing physical phenomenon, which is inherently dangerous because the simple act of observing a phenomenon can and often does change its behavior. :peace:
i contend that dreams and reality are the same, just different facets of the same consciousness.

yeah dude, definitly true. I had this dream that i was being strangled by some guy, laying on my back and i started blacking out. However, I wriggled my mind out of it and came back to be laying in my bed, with a knot in my throat and unable to breath. it was scary. it was like i almost died, if i hadn't made myself wake up. i dunno. maybe that's how people die in their sleep?
Your mind can make anything real even choking to death,if you believe that you cannot breathe then you cannot breathe:blsmoke:
Wow!!! Impressive reading. You obviously know what you are talking about. Well written.
i think that in the end you will find that, while there are many dimensions, they are constructs of the human mind. by this i mean that in the grand scheme of things, it is impossible to tell the difference between the 1st and the 8th dimension. it is our human obsession to categorize and compartmentalize which has led us to the conclusion that time even exists in a linear form. this is a distinct attempt by us to understand our surroundings by observing physical phenomenon, which is inherently dangerous because the simple act of observing a phenomenon can and often does change its behavior. :peace:
So true. The mind is much more power than most of us are even aware of and it's abilities are limitless in certain circumstances.
Your mind can make anything real even choking to death,if you believe that you cannot breathe then you cannot breathe:blsmoke: