Spider Mites & Ladybugs? Help Please


Active Member
I just found spider mites on my plants will ladybugs kill all breads of mites?

Will ladybugs eat the egg's that are all over the leaves?


Well-Known Member
spider mites arent lady bugs first choice of food...if they are happy with the food and environment they will likely stay...if not they will leave. never tried it, but its just like everything else....survival is key.


Well-Known Member
ive had spider mites twice this year...on different plants.

there are a couple different methods to removing them completely.

if they are clone sized plants i would first spray them with warm water (this knocks off most eggs and the mites)

for clone of adult plants you should also use a alcohol/soap/water solution.. i use 70 percent alcohol and mix a ratio of about 30 percent alcohol to 70 percent water. i then drop a couple drops of dish soap. just eyeball the measurements, its not that critical. shake it up and spray down the entire plant top of leaves and bottom...let them dry out before putting them under the lights...this solution will not kill eggs. after a few days another spray will kill all the mites that have hatched. in a couple days you will have to kill the mites that have hatched from these eggs...and so on. i would treat 7-10 times with 5 days in between early in the process and shorten the days later in the process to about 2-3 days. i wouldnt advise doing this is flower. if you are in flower you are basically f*cked.

spray down the entire grow room....spidermites are known to hibernate till next season. wash everything in your grow room to be extra safe. in veg, you could also use a pretherin fogger...these work great...


Active Member
ive had spider mites twice this year...on different plants.

there are a couple different methods to removing them completely.

if they are clone sized plants i would first spray them with warm water (this knocks off most eggs and the mites)

for clone of adult plants you should also use a alcohol/soap/water solution.. i use 70 percent alcohol and mix a ratio of about 30 percent alcohol to 70 percent water. i then drop a couple drops of dish soap. just eyeball the measurements, its not that critical. shake it up and spray down the entire plant top of leaves and bottom...let them dry out before putting them under the lights...this solution will not kill eggs. after a few days another spray will kill all the mites that have hatched. in a couple days you will have to kill the mites that have hatched from these eggs...and so on. i would treat 7-10 times with 5 days in between early in the process and shorten the days later in the process to about 2-3 days. i wouldnt advise doing this is flower. if you are in flower you are basically f*cked.

spray down the entire grow room....spidermites are known to hibernate till next season. wash everything in your grow room to be extra safe. in veg, you could also use a pretherin fogger...these work great...

i have been spraying the plants with worm water everyday i got some ladybugs to try sbout 10 of them are glued to the plant's its strarting to look like some of the eggs are gone. can the ladybugs hurt the plants


Well-Known Member
i dont think the lady bugs will hurt the plants, ive heard of people using them for spidermites before. try the alcohol solution if lady bugs dont help


Well-Known Member
70-100 percent isopropyl rubbing alcohol.. you arent in flower are you? mix is 30 percent alcohol to 70 percent water...with a couple drops of liquid dish soap.


Active Member
no not flowering yet. this is my first grow ever trying to get it right. i bought the plants about 4 weeks ago from a med-store im going to try to post some pics if i can figer it out



Well-Known Member
this is my first successful grow...ive learned just to take it slow and sometimes you just want to mess with the plant...dont do it...think about everything you are getting ready to do. act like it is another house plant and everything should be fine....spider mites are a pain, just remember to wash your hands before entering grow room. i had em in veg, got rid of em and everything is fine....


Well-Known Member
the whites spots are where the mites are eating the leaves...they wont disappear. as new growth comes in you should watch for new white spots on these. the ladybugs are staying on the plant eh?


Active Member
the whites spots are where the mites are eating the leaves...they wont disappear. as new growth comes in you should watch for new white spots on these. the ladybugs are staying on the plant eh?

yeah there about 8 ladybugs that stay on there all the time. they must be eating something. eather that or there geting high lol. i will keep a look out for any new leaves that have white spots. will it hurt the plants to spray them down once a day with worm water?


Active Member
yeah there about 8 ladybugs that stay on there all the time. they must be eating something. eather that or there geting high lol. i will keep a look out for any new leaves that have white spots. will it hurt the plants to spray them down once a day with worm water?

the little bastards are back. im going to try the alcohol and soap. i have some 98% pure alcohol. i wounder if that would be better because it good for drinking. and it doesn't have all the bad stuff that rubbing alcohol has. what do you think


Well-Known Member
never used pure alcohol...i would stick with what i know works...as far as it having bad stuff in there....you arent in flower so it really doesnt make a difference. start thinking about what you spray on your plant when you have the stuff that will be smoked. again, let the plant dry off before giving her the lights again.


Well-Known Member
the little bastards are back. im going to try the alcohol and soap. i have some 98% pure alcohol. i wounder if that would be better because it good for drinking. and it doesn't have all the bad stuff that rubbing alcohol has. what do you think
so your ladybugs are not working,how many did you use per plant.


Go to your local grow shop and ask them if they have predatory mites (red ones), do not tell them what for; say veggie plants if need be. Lady bugs will work so so but will also fly into your lights thus comitting insect suicide! The predatory mites will devour the invader mites and get rid of them. You could also "bomb" the growroom with miticide, also available at your growshop/hydroponic store. The bombs are safe for your plants and you will not grow another head on your body after a few crops. Mites are a bitch to get rid of dude so you may have to bomb a few times and be vigilant about keeping your area clean and be careful what you may bring inside from outside, mites are everywhere...yesca
On the upper hand of WWIII with Spidermites. MFer's... lost an 80-topper in it's 4th week of flower to them MF'ers.
I started with lady bugs... I think they were on heroin because 90% of them crawled down into the root ball and hung out just above water line? WTF?. The few up top I watched them walk right over the SM's. I got pissed and I fired all of them by getting a No Pest Strip. Screw them all. Wow... made a huge difference in the population of SM's, and I had 2,000 dead ladybugs. NICE!. As of lately I use a 1:1 mixture of 70% Isopropol Alcohol to bottled spring water. Complete, heavy duty spray-soak. I turn the entire plant upside down then right side up and soak it down good. I then put back under light wet... yes, wet. Oh yea, I'm in flower with this NYCD. Hearty girl she is. I'm doing this to my clones and my veg plants. Amazingly 4 days and 3 applications of this so far and the plants are thriving! They shimmer after the spraying has dried and they just look healthy! I hope this continues. I'm going to spray every other day for 3 weeks to make sure all the eggs are hatched. I also spray the room with it too, then bleach it. I'll keep in touch on how the plants handle the 1:1 every other day.


Well-Known Member
my lady bugs may of worked harder because when i got them over 1/2 were dead.so the liveing must of been starveing.