Crystalized Thc


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I used an O of shake before and got ~2g's of oil or so using my homemade extractor :-D

I'm sure if you grounded up all of the bud nice and fine (if it is decent bud) you could get maybe 1/2g off of it? Maybe more? I'm not as well versed with it as some of the guys in here are lol.


Well-Known Member
If its some of the head stash. I took a quarter of white widow, and only got like a tiny ball, definitely not worth a quarter in weed. But if you have a half then do a halfandhalf.



Active Member
funny shit ...this guy looks like he could make his own acid so I really wanna see if he's as cool as I think...he was blew up a hydrogen balloon and a helium balloon just to show the difference between an inert gas...this guy could make chemistry fun

I remember something pretty funny from chem.. I walked up to my teacher and was asking him about solvent chemistry and extracting essential oils and he says:

"You're gonna extract some 'essential oils' from some five leaf plants huh?"

my jackassness replied something along the lines of:

"Nope, I already have that method down, butane is cheap"


lil off topic, but it's kinda funny ;-)


Well-Known Member
My mom told me about some liquid THC she did in the 70's. I told her there was no such thing as liquid THC. She described her trip, sounded a lot like PCP to me.


Well-Known Member
"T" was around when I was a youn guy. It was not syn. THC. It was I believe PCP. Maybe mixed with other items. It did make you trip if you snorted or smoked it. I could be wrong, but all the heads around me tried it for a very short time and turned their back on it. I don't think they believed that it was THC, and after a few "trips" had to admit that it did not act like THC at any dosage.

Not here to argue, gut experiences this stuff in the early 80's and it was not... Well... IT was a strong high, but it was a nightmare waiting to happen. I did many hits of "cid" back in the day, and never felt reality being pulled away from me so hard. I spent most of my time keeping myself in check and not enough time kicking back and enjoying.
Yep it's pcp. Took years to get back.


Well-Known Member
THC could be purified, but it would be beyond just hash oil or whatever. The lethal dose according to the materials data sheet for thc is something like 500 mg/kg for oral dose to rats and mice. If I am 68 kg (150 lbs) then I would need 34 grams of absolutely pure thc to die. 34 grams!! And this would be stuff that was so pure, that under a microscope there would be nothing there but molecules of thc (no oil, plant matter, etc.). I think you could hallucinate on like 1 gram or more of that stuff? That would be a lot for a liquid dropper to give you (several cm cubed of water), more like a shot of something. The stuff in the vials probably was pcp or something else.


Well-Known Member
"T" was around when I was a youn guy. It was not syn. THC. It was I believe PCP. Maybe mixed with other items. It did make you trip if you snorted or smoked it. I could be wrong, but all the heads around me tried it for a very short time and turned their back on it. I don't think they believed that it was THC, and after a few "trips" had to admit that it did not act like THC at any dosage.
my pops has told me about this stuff. he says that for a very short time there was actual THC powder coming out of berkley but as with any good thing the rippers immediatly made thier own more profitable version which is the pcp weve been talking about. he said they called it 'tick', like the direct pronunciation of 'thc'. all his reports and the reports of others sound just like the experiences ive had and witnessed on pcp.

i mean look at meth it took em10 years bet ween crank and ice but since then theyres been no problem finding new formulas
yeah, but the crank of today compared to the glass of yesteryear is hot garbage. the end product gets dirtier and dirtier with each new synth.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I think you could hallucinate on like 1 gram or more of that stuff? That would be a lot for a liquid dropper to give you (several cm cubed of water), more like a shot of something. The stuff in the vials probably was pcp or something else.
lol.. are you fucking serious? Like really? One gram to make you hallucinate? REALLY?!

"hallucinogenic oral dose is in the range of 0.4 to 0.5 mg./kg Delta 9 THC."

How about like 40 milligrams for a 176lb person.

Goddamnit can someone please research for once..


Well-Known Member
lol.. are you fucking serious? Like really? One gram to make you hallucinate? REALLY?!

"hallucinogenic oral dose is in the range of 0.4 to 0.5 mg./kg Delta 9 THC."

How about like 40 milligrams for a 176lb person.

Goddamnit can someone please research for once..

Umm, well right back at you. I was only going off the material data safety sheet on erowid. Where does that number come from? I was obviously taking a guess on the hallucinogenic dose dood! Its probably right though, I was thinking of some of those ethnobotanicals where the hallucinogenic dose is somewhat similar to the toxic dose, but I believe thc is more hallucinogenic than some others, but I have no idea how much of a "hallucinogen" thc is, in terms of visuals etc???.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Umm, well right back at you. I was only going off the material data safety sheet on erowid. Where does that number come from? I was obviously taking a guess on the hallucinogenic dose dood! Its probably right though, I was thinking of some of those ethnobotanicals where the hallucinogenic dose is somewhat similar to the toxic dose, but I believe thc is more hallucinogenic than some others, but I have no idea how much of a "hallucinogen" thc is, in terms of visuals etc???.
A couple of sources, the actual mg/kg:

Isbell et al. (1967) & Perez-Reyes et al. (1971)

You can also find it on drugwatch, and I would imagine other sites.

It's all good, I was rly only bustin ur balls, it's just hard to read my crazy sense of humor over the internet ;-).

In terms of visuals, I had an interesting trip.. I hadn't smoked for 7 months, and I took like 10 waterfall rips in iuno, maybe ~5 minutes or so. Everything started glowing purple (the outline of my hands, trees had purple flowers growing out of them- almost glowing, tree trunks had a purple glow to them, the sky was like a horror movie grayscale-purpleish-dark blue).. Tons of crazy shit (and it wasn't laced lol, we used to get the strain all the time around here).


Active Member
hey from all i've heard thc didn't dissolve in water ...pure or at least true thc only was around in crystallized form...but I've had this discussion on here for awhile and it's too hard to prove shit from the 70's that would've been a rarity....I've heard of marijuana tinctures from the 1800s...I'm assuming this is some sort of alcohol/marijuana elixer due to thc's alcohol solubility...but yea from what I was told crystal thc was some 1 hit shit(smokable)


Active Member
my pops has told me about this stuff. he says that for a very short time there was actual THC powder coming out of berkley but as with any good thing the rippers immediatly made thier own more profitable version which is the pcp weve been talking about. he said they called it 'tick', like the direct pronunciation of 'thc'. all his reports and the reports of others sound just like the experiences ive had and witnessed on pcp.

yeah, but the crank of today compared to the glass of yesteryear is hot garbage. the end product gets dirtier and dirtier with each new synth.

pcp is a animal tranquilizer and that would be a powder...from what i understand thc exists in crystallized form... as for meth I've heard the same thing that as they go farther from ephedrine and use these substitutes it gets weaker and weaker...the shit I've seen tricks your mind (chemically) into getting you UP as opposed to actually stimulating your body...that's why after two weeks of regular moderate use your metabolism goes almost completely back to normal and you can sleep at night. Also from what I understand on original speed you could keep doing it forcing your body on and on...but on this stuff after awhile your forced to dry out cause even doing a line won't be able to wake you up and you still feel tired. your body just gets tapped and this form of speed ain't strong enough to boost it like the old stuff.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
what r ya talkin bout? Speed is speed bro.. assuming it's clean it's the same as always ;-)


Active Member
naw man, if you talk to people that have seen speed from 60s to 70s to now you'll hear about different physical forms of the drug. they had ice, glass( if memory serves this was all uniform lil balls of speed in the 80s) and now you get big crystal rocks. but there's a big difference between pharmaceutical amphetamines and street speed. pharmaceutical speed and speed of the 60s pumps up your heart rate and gets your whole body running faster and could blow out your heart. you don't hear of people blowing there heart out with today's meth but you hear about smokers and shooters tweekin out and going crazy. from experience I know it doesn't make my heart jump faster and your body adjusts after a week or two but from what I hear about older speed you could take it and force yourself to keep going until you just faded away...the shit i've seen forces you to dry out no matter how much you do you'll have to go to sleep. From what I hear in the 60s and 80s you had loads of different colors because each cooker would use different base chemicals to extract the ones they needed, so you get yellow or green because one guy used antifreeze and another didnt (not exact chemical quote just a example) but now the shit that's out is white to off-white and not all different colors.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Colors are related to dyes generally.. occasionally it's shitty biproducts.

I'm confused? Old pharmaceutical speed was benzedrine (racemic amphetamine, like adderall). Or are we talking about street speed? Like crystal meth (desoxyephedrine)? There also used to be 4-Methylaminorex on the street (back in ~2000 or so it was around my area).. maybe it's still around. Besides that, there really isn't too much variety man.