Its used for water not soil. Test your water before giving it to the plants. It should be at 6.5
I know he's testing his water. Actually, I think he's calibrating his meter for the purpose of testing his water for a soil grow.
I'm curious about how he is going to calibrate his meter because I know nothing about calibrating Ph meters because I don't know anyone in the state of Ca that Ph's water for soil if it comes out of the tap.
His water is for a soil grow... assuming he lives in the US and that he's doing a soil grow his PH isn't that critical because it's soil.
Not jacking your thread bro I'm just saying that nobody is Phing 10/100/500/1000 gallons of water a day for their soil grows. Not even filtering.
I think you should learn all you can about that meter for other grows.
And hey, that Miracle Grow Organic soil...add some Perlite and it's great dude.