Some Photos I Took : )


Well-Known Member
Bored tonight so i thought id share some photos i've taken that i like.Hope u enjoy.
(I think theres a face in the tree in the last pic,tell me what u recon?)



New Member
I'm diggin the pics..... That Banskia robur has sparked an interest in me. I wonder if I can get ahold of that.... TYVM... great pics.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man,i need a good camera though,they're all taken with my phone.
Yeh i love all the Banksias' (all the Proteaceaes' actually),we're lucky to have some pretty unique and beautiful natives in Australia.


New Member
Yah, it's all in the lens.... :lol:

I looked up the Banksia in my plant wholesale directory and surprisingly, it wasn't listed. I'll have to do a bit of reading on that tonite.

Aussie land is beautiful. I just wish it wasn't on the other side of the world from me... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Bored tonight so i thought id share some photos i've taken that i like.Hope u enjoy.
(I think theres a face in the tree in the last pic,tell me what u recon?)
dude i see the face too whats that shiny strip shooting behind it but man i wish we had stuff like that round here tho haha


New Member
We have white ones that look similar... always wet. Sometimes at night they will jump on me as I pass by. As you walk in the pitch black, they feel like the hand of death on your face. cold and clammy.... :lol: Freaks my cousin right out....


Active Member
nice, i like the last one you got there.... i was considering a grow in a partially shady spot. its good to see that it can be done and done well.


New Member
That's my "popcorn" grow. I'm experimenting with the colas to keep mold down to a minimum... so far the small buds do best. You don't get the big cola, but all those little sites add up quickly. :wink:


Active Member
yeah thats what imdoing right now on my indoor is going with lst for slightly smaller but numerous buds.... seems to be the best way to go when you have limited resources to grow with- space, light i get the impression that many small buds require less light than a couple huge ones, im guessing this is due to there being many more leaves with smaller branchier plants as well.


Active Member
Very nice pics.... gotta luv the Wolf Spider..... :lol: Nice set of pica all around.

Here's a few I just snapped. See if you can find the "wood"pecker... :wink:

The weed are all deep shade grown...... just goes to show full sun isn't that necessary.....

looks like your wood pecker is on the same kind of tree as my lizard!

actually the tree that the lizard was on is half pine and half something else... one was growing out of the other one... ill try to find the picture.

