can you grow good bud from not so good beaners?


Active Member
i'm on my first plant and i'm wanting to get started on acouple more in case my first one turns out male. but i'm havin a hard time gettin seeds from some good nug. thankfully my first one was from some good buds. but i've been told that schwag beaners can produce good buds just as long as you take care of the plant well. is this true? cuz there's no problem finding shwag beaners of course


Well-Known Member
Sure, It doesn't matter if it's good are not.
It will be the best weed you ever smoked because you grew it.

But yes if the smoke was o.k., it will only be better if you grow it.


Well-Known Member
Yes fresh Homegrown bagseed will be better quality than the bag cause they just dont put in the time and effort U will.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
genetics are the biggest factor in having good weed, the problem with bag seed is you dont know what the parent was, it could be stray pollen from some bull shit far away, but most of the time it wil be good, the problem with schwag is that its usually a sativa from mexico, they could be good but if your up north then you will have a hard time finishing them off before winter


Well-Known Member
dude im growing some bag seed and some clones the bag seed stinks hella crazy more than the clones i got and the clones are 3 times the size of them and the bag seed wasnt even from that good of dope but only time will find out i guess smell isnt the most important thing gotta wait for the quality


Well-Known Member
wow abandoned thread...

alot of people dont realize that commercial bagseed may be alot higher quality than they think.
think of it from a business standpoint:
your a mexican grower, ole!
your main mission in life is to provide a high quality product that people want to buy,come back to buy more, and keep coming back, as fast as you can possibly grow it.
because of this you grow very strong strains in massive quantities... quantities so big theres no way you can give every plant the tlc it needs to actually thrive to its maximum potential.
and you damn sure dont have time to be going around to every bush checking for males and hermies. who cares if they germinate? youll have another crop in the ground before the first joint gets rolled on the old crop anyways.
So to overcome this, you need good, fast growing strains that somewhat retain there potency after germination... which is exactly the opposite of what most people think bagseed is.
often schwag has its shitty taste and shitty other qualities because the grower just didnt have the time to nuture the bush, they go for quantity over quality.
experiment with this concept... take 2 seeds of an identical strain, plant one indoors and baby it like its your lil sisters cherry; take the other seed and plant it outdoors like a farmer would, with minimal fertilizers and watering... the results are quite predictable to which plant will be the better bud.......


Well-Known Member
genetics genetics and did i say genetics

you must be a good gardener as well and supply all best soil nutes ph tempature and all needs


Well-Known Member
wow abandoned thread...

alot of people dont realize that commercial bagseed may be alot higher quality than they think.
think of it from a business standpoint:
your a mexican grower, ole!
your main mission in life is to provide a high quality product that people want to buy,come back to buy more, and keep coming back, as fast as you can possibly grow it.
because of this you grow very strong strains in massive quantities... quantities so big theres no way you can give every plant the tlc it needs to actually thrive to its maximum potential.
and you damn sure dont have time to be going around to every bush checking for males and hermies. who cares if they germinate? youll have another crop in the ground before the first joint gets rolled on the old crop anyways.
So to overcome this, you need good, fast growing strains that somewhat retain there potency after germination... which is exactly the opposite of what most people think bagseed is.
often schwag has its shitty taste and shitty other qualities because the grower just didnt have the time to nuture the bush, they go for quantity over quality.
experiment with this concept... take 2 seeds of an identical strain, plant one indoors and baby it like its your lil sisters cherry; take the other seed and plant it outdoors like a farmer would, with minimal fertilizers and watering... the results are quite predictable to which plant will be the better bud.......
i think you meant pollinate, bub. the reason shitty weed is shitty is because the plants dont get the right attention, develop seeds and become less potent

does that also mean you can grow bad weed from good beans hugh
oh ya, its all about the plants being pollinated and seed ridden


Active Member
some plants through out the odd seed anyway,i was so utterly shocked to find 2 perfectly looking viability wise seeds in my killer half oz of skunk,its was lethal stuff


Well-Known Member
i think you meant pollinate, bub. the reason shitty weed is shitty is because the plants dont get the right attention, develop seeds and become less potent

oh ya, its all about the plants being pollinated and seed ridden
yeah u got me.. pollinate is what i meant... im a little :eyesmoke: lol
YES YOU CAN GROW BOMB FROM BULL. iF you have the patience and time to give the plant what it needs and TUNE in to your plant, IT WILL BE BOMB. grow it and flower it with patience. Dry it slow and cure it for at least a month and you WILL HAVE BOMB BUD. Now potency is up to GENETICS but taste and smoothness is up to YOU.
yeah u got me.. pollinate is what i meant... im a little :eyesmoke: lol
I stopped buying bags from beaners. Low quality weed and not a goddamn word of english.

To get the really good weed, you gotta see the jigs downtown or the carpet pilots on fifth avenue.


Well-Known Member
If the seeds come from good genetics, then the weed could be AMAZING! Just depends on how you grow em now ;)

Cheers :)


YES YOU CAN GROW BOMB FROM BULL. iF you have the patience and time to give the plant what it needs and TUNE in to your plant, IT WILL BE BOMB. grow it and flower it with patience. Dry it slow and cure it for at least a month and you WILL HAVE BOMB BUD. Now potency is up to GENETICS but taste and smoothness is up to YOU.
Cure for a mnth??? I was under the impression that if you dried it right, curing should only be done for a few days to a week TOPS. That's all that should be needed right??