White Rhino x El Niño 400W grow


Active Member
Alright guys enjoy it bongsmilie

:leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:


:leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:
Im sooo depressed, all I have flowering are sum slow ass bagseed sativas!! I think about the same flowering time as yours and nowhere near as fat!!! I ordered some G13 white widow, and Dinafem Blue Widow!! I can't wait to have some fast little fatty Indicas!! Very Nice Grow and Journal.. + rep


Well-Known Member
Looking awesome, I Love the videos you put. I thought pictures of plants were enough, but I love how the pics move. Very cool. Maybe someday I can do this. I have never ordered from grasscity but always got the vibe there was something funny with them. Sounds like you had an experience. Cheers on the free smoking gift box. Anything free, is good with me. You are doing a damn good job on those girls.


Well-Known Member
nice video of the ladies man ... looking great!
Thanks bro, and thanks for the constant visits :D
Will be paying your journal a visit as soon as I finish this sentence :p :mrgreen:

GREAT SONG GOTTA LOVE TUPAC!!good vid im happy to see your plants are getting better(i had faith in your skills!!LOL)i cant wait to see in four weeks!! keep up the good work!!ALL YOU GUYS ON THIS SITE FUCKING RULE!!!!REAL TALK!!
Hahah, I was actually at one point in my life really interested in Tupac.. some of his lyrics are poetic.. Yess!! they are indeed recovering the stress upon stress upon stress I've let them endured. And to thank me, they're all still females.. :D

Ye Man I Like What You Doin bongsmilie
Pass me that bong dude.... :eyesmoke:

Im sooo depressed, all I have flowering are sum slow ass bagseed sativas!! I think about the same flowering time as yours and nowhere near as fat!!! I ordered some G13 white widow, and Dinafem Blue Widow!! I can't wait to have some fast little fatty Indicas!! Very Nice Grow and Journal.. + rep
G13 x White Widow??.. whoa!! that sounds like awesome shit!!
I think it all has to do with 4 simple rules:
- Train your plants properly (top bend fim) them. Make sure all branches have equal light distribution, make sure you turn your plants around as much as possible. Top them while they're still young so you'll have some nice cola's, Fim them at the right spots so you'll end up with fat ass nugs.
- Have a good amount of lumens on them (400W/600W+) CFL's are fun to look at, but honestly don't do as good of a job as HPS's)
- Soil quality and nutrients.
Make sure your soil is airy and can drain yet hold moisture appropriately.
- And most importantly but easily forgotten keep the growing area well ventilated. This will help avoid pests and keep the buds nice and healthy.

I had problems with heat cause I moved my plants to a different area that wasn't fit for my growing style. So we had to adjust it a bit and now it's better but still not what I would want my plants growing in.. The temps are still a bit too high.

Looking looking good man those colas are gonna start really filling in here in the next couple weeks keep the good work bro.

Thanks alot gfk!
I'm really hoping to see some swelling this coming week.
It's now or never I guess :p

Looking awesome, I Love the videos you put. I thought pictures of plants were enough, but I love how the pics move. Very cool. Maybe someday I can do this. I have never ordered from grasscity but always got the vibe there was something funny with them. Sounds like you had an experience. Cheers on the free smoking gift box. Anything free, is good with me. You are doing a damn good job on those girls.
Hahah you got that right man.. They really know how to please potheads I guess.. Cause I was so ready to just ask for the refund. But they quickly eased me out with a gift box and by that time I didn't even know it was so expensive.. I mean it's almost half the price of what I ordered from them.
And funny enough the replacement order and the gift box took 2 days to get here (it's as if the manager took a ride to my house and dropped everything in the mailbox) Which is fine by me :mrgreen:

Thanks man!


Well-Known Member
I gave her a fucking chance to grow and this is how she repays me :evil:

She got maggots all over her.. especially on the underside she had like 10.. So I immediately pulled her out (should have done so a while ago since she was the only one lagging this badly behind).
So out of 4 Northern Light's there but 1 left... And these came in the same pack as the best 2 Northern Lights I've ever planted.. Glad I overdid it a bit and germinated 4 and not just 2 like the rest.
I checked all my other girls and they're all bug free.. but I'm spraying them anyways tonight when the lights turn off.



Well-Known Member
Ok here they are now.. moved them up around a bit so there's equal light distribution through the tent.

Temp: 27.9ºC (82.2ºF)
RH: 64%
PH feeding: 5.8 all the plants
EC: 1.6 (large plants)
EC: 1.4 (small)

Plants are being fed/watered every 3 days.



Well-Known Member
Ewwwww maggots fucking suck bro sorry to hear that. Order you same organic pesticide off the internet should take care of 'em. I have organocide that works great. Although I just go to my local hydro store and pick it up. They should have some on the internet somewhere, I'm sure of it.



Well-Known Member
Thanks For Poppin By Mate They Lookin Good Man Unlucky With Those Maggots Man :evil:
No problemo dude.. and yea it sucks, but the rest are all clean.

Ewwwww maggots fucking suck bro sorry to hear that. Order you same organic pesticide off the internet should take care of 'em. I have organocide that works great. Although I just go to my local hydro store and pick it up. They should have some on the internet somewhere, I'm sure of it.

Yess actually I have some organic pesticides here.. So tonight I'll be spraying all of them to avoid any further shit. bongsmilie
Thanks for the tips bro,


Active Member
ouch!! sorry about the maggots, I've had my share of problems through this first grow! thank god for RIU....

the veg room looks great!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro!!
I got some great pics coming later.. I wanted to place them now, but I forgot my camera in the car.. and I'm one lazy pothead as you can imagine :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
nice, looks like you can fit more in there.
Yups I can, and for the next grow I shall ;)

damn roses, thats some good porn send me the link tosee some more! lol :-P
lol, more will come soon my friend..
I'll guarantee you that!! in 2-3 weeks they'll all be completely done and you'll have some nice shots to enjoy :mrgreen:

pot porn!!!! Wowzerz!!!!!! Man this shit is beautiful homie..... I cant wait and hope i get to this..... Mad propz cuz....
Whahah thanks jammin, stick around and hopefully you won't be disappointed :eyesmoke: