Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide


Well-Known Member

Temps 74 res 68°
PPM 190
PH 5.9

Swapped the res with r/o. PPM 20, PH n/a. I took the water and used it in the other two systems.
Added some bloom nutes to the floro res and just added to the kids res.

I removed about 20% of leaf all around, I am getting discoloration on the upper leaf of the TW
So I cut most of those and cleaned up the sides a bit.

So here is Week 14 revised with a trim.


Some Bud Shots.

And a Trichomes shot

This is a good example of where the TW is, I got cloudy trichs.
Very few amber but thats cool with me. I cure for at least a month.



Active Member
Man that looks tasty! Seems like you even got some smaller buds that have grown back where you trimmed below the chain?


Well-Known Member
Yea it smells great too.

There has been some lower growth yes but not as much as I would have liked to have seen. I let them get too tall before flowering.

This being the first time around I had to start with seed and I didn't want to wait for a mother so I had to put the rapid rooter cubes in the net pots. I didn't know if they were going to break apart and clog the jets so I didn't add a screen. I wouldn't have access to repair a clogged jet.

Well, both of those things changed, These new cuttings are on collars so I will have a screen this next grow and I will be able to position the colas much better. I learned a lot about the plant this first grow. Next one will be better but I probably wont get it right until the third time.


Well-Known Member
cruzer your the bomb, congrats your garden looks awesome! Can you go a little more in depth on your curing technique? Also whenever harvest hits let me know the smoke report on that train wreck!

p.s. what do you use to get your trichome shots?


Well-Known Member
id like to hear ur curing process too :p
im checkin everyones techniques to see wat i wanna go with or mix up


Active Member
p.s. what do you use to get your trichome shots?
I don't know what cruzer uses, but there are some pretty slick digital/USB microscopes that are marketed for childrens science experiments. I bought one a while ago that was highly recommended. Haven't used it yet as I can't seem to let the plants go long enough before picking/smoking. My skin looks pretty crazy though! Will post URL later today. I think it was between $40-$60 from Amazon.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I'm still learning on every grow.
I hear ya man.

cruzer your the bomb, congrats your garden looks awesome! Can you go a little more in depth on your curing technique? Also whenever harvest hits let me know the smoke report on that train wreck!

p.s. what do you use to get your trichome shots?

Thanks man, You think this is the bomb?
Stick around. It only gets better.

In regards to curing I do what most growers do, Trim the buds on the stems, hang for a week in a dark place with a small fan moving the air. Then cut the buds off and toss them in a paper sack for a day or two then into jars. Burp twice the first week, squeeze one, if its still dry then seal them up and don't open for a month. I used to keep them in the fridge but now in a dark closet. Only once did I squeeze one and it was kinda damp. I tossed them back in a paper bag for a few days and do it again.

After a month I take out a quarter or so to smoke and put the rest in smaller jars for long term storage. If I leave it in large jars by the time I get half way through its kinda crispy. I have added moisture with a small piece of wet paper towel but I found it is better to keep it sealed.

The best trichomes shots I have seen here have been taken with those toy microscopes.
For my close ups I have used a 30x jewelers scope I shoot through with the camera setting on manual up until I got this camera.

Cannon Power shot S2 IS

Instead now I use the super macro setting without the scope. Just as good if not better.

I really don't know shit about cameras. I wanted the quality of a 35 mm with the ease of a point and shoot.
This is the answer. Camera for dummy's.

I bought it used on ebay for $80
Well I paid $100 but once I got it the camera body was scratched so I bitched and got a $20 refund.

Its still tough to get decent shots with all that reflection in the cabinet though.

I guess that answered your question too Densebuds.

Eyeclops, Ha! Thats pretty cool Tom.


Active Member
I don't know what cruzer uses, but there are some pretty slick digital/USB microscopes that are marketed for childrens science experiments. I bought one a while ago that was highly recommended. Haven't used it yet as I can't seem to let the plants go long enough before picking/smoking. My skin looks pretty crazy though! Will post URL later today. I think it was between $40-$60 from Amazon.

This is the one I got:



Active Member
Hey, that looks pretty cool dense.
Now if only you can wait long enough.

Ya.. we had 3 plants in the flower tent tonight. One that had been there maybe 3 weeks straight from clone and the other two maybe a week. After getting most everything ready to build my cabinet tomorrow, we broke down and cut the 3-weeker. Amounted to 2 bowls each.

Oh well, shouldn't be a problem for too much longer! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the curing tips!
No problem man,
Keep in mind I grow indoors and the size is nothing like what you are going to get. The larger the buds the longer it takes to dry.

You may want to consider, after hanging for a few days, breaking up the larger colas to get more air the them. or cutting a nug out of it every inch or so.


Well-Known Member

Temps 71 res 66°
PPMs 60
PH n/a

I added two gallons of r/o and ppms dropped to 30 ppm.
They are not giving up much at all. Actually the buds are still growing some. Not much yellow coloring either.

I stopped nutrients and used clearex on the first and dropped to 20 ppms a few days ago, Yet they are still green.

This is much different finish then I have had in the past.
I kinda want to see how long they can go on just r/o water.



Well-Known Member
Do you have a scope to check out the trichs ?

Yea, I have one plant thats 80/20 but most are about 98% cloudy 2% amber. No clear, well except for the widow.

In the past, using straight R/O or distilled I could tell I was getting the nutes out because the ppm in the water would rise and I would change it out. After using clearex then flushing there has been no rise in PPMs.

I suppose this is normal?

I never thought I would be concerned about a plant being too green.


Active Member
Are there any "health concerns" re: leftover nutes? Or is it just about quality/smooth smoke? Just hydro or soil too?