Well-Known Member
Doing electric can be scary but dont be afraid of it just respectful of it. I had never done any household electric before but I was able to put in a 20 amp breaker and ran that to my grow room to a 4 outlet box. Just make sure you through the main breaker and follow the wiring that is done for the other breakers you will be fine. I dont blame you for wanting to get a pro in to handle the breaker as it can look intimidating when you take the cover off but maybe you can save some money if you pick up all the materials yourself an run everything to the panel and just have him do the actual hook up. I cant imagine he would charge more than an hour labor to do it. Just hit up iam5toned to find out the correct breakers and wire gauge I wont even pretend to know what to recommend. You may also want to look into your local codes so you dont have to have it redone if you ever sell the place or god forbid you have a fire and the ins wont cover it because of the noncomply wiring or something. I think most places make you use conduit to run the wires.