Not sure about being upfront, obviously there is still some stigma attached to growing with some people. As for having for places and growing if they are all yours I'm sure you can do it without a bother. I would suggest a rooftop terrace, a big one. I only grew 3 plants this year, but next year I´m gonna have 10+ and there will still be room leftover.
Yes a terrace would be great in the city along with a bedroom lit up.... and countryside by the mediteran..
I think i would try to get intouch with some poeple in metnoined in the article or ask people at smoke cafes seems like people are very freindsly and willing to help...
as for growing outdoor i know that it gets colder in winter, but its quite warm during summer, how many crops can u yeild in summer like how long is the growwing period....
Ohh yea i forgot to ask, are landlords allowed to come by and and inspect the property, and what if they find the grow there could they kick me out and call the cops..... like if its legal to grow up to 5 plants wouldnt i be legallly in the right and be the victim of the landlords neo con attitude