Glen Beck's a Douche!


New Member
Where is medicineman, anyways?
He's running around somewhere in Cyber space with his tail between his legs. I think he clearly sees what a mistake he made in voting for and touting the Obama Express. Med-'O-Mao is just too embarrassed to stick his nose into the forum for more than a quick jab and duck operation. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Whatever the case.. there is no good reason for us to have military bases in over 150 countries around the world. Am i truely free if im forced to pay taxes to pay some soldiers wage that is policeing the globe? No we are not free!


Well-Known Member
You got a point.

Am i truely free if im forced to pay taxes to _____A_____ that is _____B_______?

Fill in the blanks...


Well-Known Member
WAR WAR WAR KILLL KILL KILL WAR WAR WAR KILL KILL KILL MURDER MURDER MURDER ... thats all i am gathering from what you say

You got a point.

Am i truely free if im forced to pay taxes to _____A_____ that is _____B_______?

Fill in the blanks...


Active Member
Really? I didn't know the Axis countries still considered us as an invading force. I thought we, the American tax payers, were still just subsidizing their defense costs. Like Wackenhut International.
Another stellar company that we give contracts to. Oh wait, wasn't that the company doing ass shots recently. Never mind


Active Member
Back when livin was hard, advanced age denoted wisdom. Nowadays, no way...senior voters prove this election after election. Old and dumb is in vogue, I guess. Until capitalism "dies", that is. :roll:
Nowadays, being old just means getting senile and not having any clue how to use technology


Active Member
I'm sick of old people, on Medicare, going around saying they don't want socialized government medicine. What the fuck do they think Medicare is? They're selfish, they love it so much they don't want the rest of us to get it.


Well-Known Member
i like glenn beck

I like him to STFU.

I like how he openly admits that he's full of shit (yet his viewers insist he's not), and that you'd have to be an idiot to believe anything he says (again, his viewers disagree with this).

It's like, the most beautiful irony that's ever existed.


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what I'm saying. Just because you are advanced in age, doesn't mean you are wise
Indeed. Quite the opposite is true, actually. Older people have been "out of the loop", so to speak, and they never really catch up.

The old saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." is pretty much spot-on when applied to humans, too. Substitute "dog" with "human", and "new tricks" with "anything".