i didnt say the whole building burned evenly.. if it had it would not have collapsed like it did. the fires were scattered all over the building, which weakened random parts of the frame, making it weak enough in certain points to make the system vulnerable enough for a castostrophic failure.
one side did go quicker than the other... you just didnt see it. look at the video again. the collapse began in the south east corner when 1 of three trusses on the 7th floor failed from overheating due to an fire that occured from leaking diesel fuel tanks that were ignited by damaged electrical circuits. the collapse started from floor 7 and the shockwave that occured from it traveled vertically up through the structure, shattering columns like they were made of glass.. you have to understand the mechanical forces at work here in building that weighs millions of tons. note on the roof of the building how the penthouse corner collapses before the rest of the building.... this is because it was directly above the truss on the seventh floor, and was shattered from the concussion wave.
to clarify just how much force is at work here ill use this:
say a cubic inch of concrete weighs an ounce. i have no idea if this is true or not, but just pretend it is for examples sake. each floor of wt7 was roughly a square acre, and 6 inches thick. thats alot of cubic inches of concrete per floor, times 47 floors.. alot of weight. that weight can be computed as potential energy, because gravity is pulling it down constantly.
the weight is dispersed evenly through a verticle system of trusses. the trusses on the lower floor support more weight than the trusses on the upper floors, for obvious reasons. each truss supports what is directly above it. if a truss on a lower floor fails, it releases the weight its holding as energy in the form of a concussion wave. then gravity takes over
support columns are concrete. concrete is brittle, like glass. so as the concussion wave travels up through the concrete columns, it shatters them just like automotive safety glass shatters. when concrete is shattered it behaves like sand. so when a truss fails, and the energy/weight that truss was dispersing is transferred to the concrete columns that shatter from the force of transfer... the whole building goes