should I?


This is my first grow. Its an early skink. Im not sure if i should harvest them know or not? It's been pretty wet here as of late and im worried mold is gonna set in. There not getting much sunlight anymore so im contemplating if it's worth harvesting them now or risk it? What do you guys think.


Well-Known Member
it looks really early to me.. you've still got fresh hairs goin.. i think rain is not that huge an enemy - but, watch out for frosts!
it looks to me that you need at least a few weeks..


Active Member
oh no, way to early. give it a month or two. but even on a cold cloudy day your plant is still gettin them U.V's man.


Well-Known Member
Early Skunk from Sensi? I grew it this year and have already harvested, I had some problems with mold here and there but overall yield wasn't too bad, it says it's a mold resistant strain but if humidity and rain persist it succombs to the moisture, mine started flowering in mid/late July, you must have planted late! Wait it out, they are fast flowerers but that's with decent temperatures, once light starts to dwindle and temps drop the process slows down, pretty satisfied with the Early Skunk though, got 2 monsters!


Early Skunk from Sensi? I grew it this year and have already harvested, I had some problems with mold here and there but overall yield wasn't too bad, it says it's a mold resistant strain but if humidity and rain persist it succombs to the moisture, mine started flowering in mid/late July, you must have planted late! Wait it out, they are fast flowerers but that's with decent temperatures, once light starts to dwindle and temps drop the process slows down, pretty satisfied with the Early Skunk though, got 2 monsters!
Yea sunlight and temp are pretty low. I guess i'll just let it be and see how it is in a month or so. any ideas on what i can do to try and speed up the process?