400 watt 2 liter Hempy SOG


Well-Known Member
Great grow. :clap::clap::clap:

Considering something similar myself after reading through this. Only, I think I would stagger each "row" of 2L bottels in their age so I could harvest every 2 weeks or so. With your yield, it looks like that would come to about 1.5oz per row (i.e. 5 plants per row). Not bad at all for a 400w grow with what appears to be a reasonable amount of work.

Great takedown here and equally as good journal. +Rep.

-Butters :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I have 25 clones in rotation now, they are just over halfway done with flower.

Here is a couple Super Macro shots with my new Camera:


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
can you explain more about your buckets?
its a mix of verm and perlite in a 2l bottle with some holes cut at a certain level to let excess water drip out?
than the bottom, lets say inch, will be the reservoir and the plant will "suck" the solution from that reservoir?
and your top watering?
how often do you usualy water?
do you think it would work fine with a 25% coco 75% perlite mix?


Well-Known Member
i have perlite. what if i put the perlite on the bottom 2 inches as you did and soil/perlite mix for the top?

do u foresee any issues with that?

Use more perlite then soil and it should work ok. The soil would fulfill the same purpose of the Verm, which is to hold moisture in the root zone.

can you explain more about your buckets?
its a mix of verm and perlite in a 2l bottle with some holes cut at a certain level to let excess water drip out?
than the bottom, lets say inch, will be the reservoir and the plant will "suck" the solution from that reservoir?
and your top watering?
how often do you usualy water?
do you think it would work fine with a 25% coco 75% perlite mix?
Hempy is simple, and you have the right understanding of it.

Yea the Verm and Perlite mix is a Soil-less substrate mix. The rez for my 2 liters is 2 and 1/4 inches. The plants drinks the nutes from the rez in about 1 or 2 days.

I water every other day and alternate on a schedule to Feed one time and use water only the next time.

Read around and you will find people who have used the coco mix, I have not tried it yet.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Hempy is simple, and you have the right understanding of it.

Yea the Verm and Perlite mix is a Soil-less substrate mix. The rez for my 2 liters is 2 and 1/4 inches. The plants drinks the nutes from the rez in about 1 or 2 days.

I water every other day and alternate on a schedule to Feed one time and use water only the next time.

Read around and you will find people who have used the coco mix, I have not tried it yet.
Thank you :D
I'll give it a try with my next rooted clone. sounds like fun :D

and about using soil - wouldn't it grow mold or something if water sits in it for so long?


Well-Known Member
GangstaChronic mentioned he would use 2 inches of Perlite only in the very bottom of the Bucket. This will allow the mix to sit above the Reservoir water line.


Well-Known Member
A month ago I noticed the mites were trying to take hold again in the Veg Chamber. So I knocked them down with another spray and bought a "Hot Shot No Pest Strip"

The strip has been working good, and now the veg area is totally mite Free.


Well-Known Member
Xare, thanks for answering our questions.

Your grow looks awesome and inspiring!

i must mention though... i can get 2 z's per plant under a 400 watt if i start flowering at 12 inches...

so 4 plants vs 25 plants... Same yield.

Do you think you would get more per plant if u started flowering at 12 inches? if so... how much per plant do u think?

GangstaChronic mentioned he would use 2 inches of Perlite only in the very bottom of the Bucket. This will allow the mix to sit above the Reservoir water line.


Quick question...

Im doin something like this but im using a 600w hps in a 4 x 4 x 7 cabinet with 36 clones (6x6) under it in 1.5 gallon square buckets 12/12 from clone, i was hoping to yield more than 8 g's per plant, i thought a sog grow would yield ~1 oz per plant.... is there a reason why the yield is low or is this an average yield for a sog?


Well-Known Member
Quick question...

Im doin something like this but im using a 600w hps in a 4 x 4 x 7 cabinet with 36 clones (6x6) under it in 1.5 gallon square buckets 12/12 from clone, i was hoping to yield more than 8 g's per plant, i thought a sog grow would yield ~1 oz per plant.... is there a reason why the yield is low or is this an average yield for a sog?
It depends on the strain ALOT.
You should average about 15-20g I would estimate, maybe a full O, but I don't do the SCROG thing, too much work, I go for the bigger stuff.
I have some smaller plants tho that are 12/12 from seed, but just potted like the rest, maybe in smaller containers but as long as I get a O a piece I dont mind.

Im stoned, sorry for going on and on.


Well-Known Member
The SOG clones I have in flower now were vegged to 10-11 inches tall.

I do expect to get more yield this crop. Last time I flowered them at 5-7 inches.

So my guess is 3/4 of a lb this time.

The canopy is much more dense this run. :joint:


Well-Known Member
The SOG clones I have in flower now were vegged to 10-11 inches tall.

I do expect to get more yield this crop. Last time I flowered them at 5-7 inches.

So my guess is 3/4 of a lb this time.

The canopy is much more dense this run. :joint:
Kick ass sea bass.
I've ben playing around growing em in dixie cups, I keep pullin em out tho and moving them to larger buckets as I expand my grow areas LOL so I can never keep em goin.


Well-Known Member
Al B Fuct takes clones that are 9-10 inches and when flowered they reach 36 inches... He is a Pro at SOG and does get about an Ounce per clone.

The genetics I am stuck with don't like to stretch that much.

Tallest I have in flower now is 20 inches.


Well-Known Member
In a couple days these cuttings will be ready to transplant. Gonna setup another round of 25 hempy's and let them chill in the Veg Chamber till the Flowering batch is done.



Well-Known Member
Those rooted cuttings you see came from 5 mothers. I have 35 cuttings in the cloner ATM

4 of the mothers are from my strain of seed that I bred. But 1 is something different.

Its a clone from a female plant I grew outside over the summer and seeded.

Inside it grew alot bigger then my seed strain, nearly double in size. (In the same amount of time) I got 10 cuttings from that mother alone.

I plan on reserving 5 of those cuttings to be mothers and flowering the 5 others to test the quality. If its just as good as my seed stock I will switch to just that one. It should help yield.