The Shot Glass Grow Off - Contest Growers ONLY!


Well-Known Member
i gave the beans cpr... and it worked.
i was worried i might have let them soak submerged to long after they cracked, because i didnt see any signs of a tap
so i switched them over to a papertowel soak in an incubator...
now i have 4 cracked beans with taps! sux cuz i only wanted two and the beans are from decent stock.
i now have a moral dilemna :lol:


Well-Known Member
im gonna germinate some tonight and get them into shot glasses. i rememebr reading this thread a year ago and forgetting about it.:peace:


Active Member
Mines Dead. Game over man. My flowering tent got too crowded I guess. I went in there this morning, and she was flat on her face. It was a pitiful site.. I can't talk about it anymore. =(


Well-Known Member
Is this one a male TOO?

I have one that is clearly a female, so I want to get rid of this one ASAP if it is male...I mean, I don't know how mature it would need to be to impact females in the looks like 4 balls total around the base of the top unit. within it, it looks like other balls might form, NO white hairs at all.

I'm 99% sure it's male, but I just need someone to agree with me before I dispose of it.


Well-Known Member
Is this one a male TOO?

I have one that is clearly a female, so I want to get rid of this one ASAP if it is male...I mean, I don't know how mature it would need to be to impact females in the looks like 4 balls total around the base of the top unit. within it, it looks like other balls might form, NO white hairs at all.

I'm 99% sure it's male, but I just need someone to agree with me before I dispose of it.

Looks like a male to me dude
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I said I had a bean in the dirt at work and that I'd bring it home when it started looking like cannabis.

Looked today and had to put it in my car because it already has four leaves. Its gonna be a contender. lol


Well-Known Member
How would a DWC work? The rez has to be the size of a shot glass? :confused:
Or does the cup that the plant is in has to be the size of a shot glass and rez size doesn't matter?
I am using a DWC unit with 2 inch net cups which are the same size as shot glasses... my rez is like one gallon though