Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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GR thinks the most convoluted conspiracy ever developed....... is highly probable... :lol:
this claim is false

GR does not believe the 9/11 commission report

this is the convoluted conspiracy theory your referring to right?

it doesnt matter how much you 2 troll, scream kick and cry

we will not stop

prepare to waste your lives in this thread cracker and rick, because its never going to stop


and you really dont like that i can taste it

Big P

Well-Known Member
hey I thought up a really stupid joke when i was munchin in my kitchen last night

What kind of car does Osama Bin ladin drive?

a Porsche 911 ofcoarse:blsmoke: ya I know pretty dumb:eyesmoke:

ok so GR and every other truther in here, if it comes out 100% proof that it was not and inside job

would you guys be ashamed of yourselves at all? would you be sorry?

like I said this thread is very offensive but imagine if your wife or duaghter died in that attack.

so thats the question, would you be ashamed of the false propeganda you have been spewing?

ill go first,

If it turned out that you guys were right I would feel like a 2 pump chump gulible bitch made son of a bitch who couldnt fight his way outa a wet paper bag bongsmilie


i would not be ashamed

i would not be sorry

dissent is the highest form of patriotism

Big P

Well-Known Member
i would not be ashamed

i would not be sorry

dissent is the highest form of patriotism

dissent from somthing that is a true wrong is patriotism

dissenting and being wrong about it is completly different and worth an apology


New Member
this claim is false

GR does not believe the 9/11 commission report

this is the convoluted conspiracy theory your referring to right?

it doesnt matter how much you 2 troll, scream kick and cry

we will not stop

prepare to waste your lives in this thread cracker and rick, because its never going to stop


and you really dont like that i can taste it
Being absurd doesn't make you seem any smarter.... hmmm.

If you don't think ur .... ahem... theory (I'll be kind) is convoluted.... you need to quit smoking dope. You've had enough.


Well-Known Member
If I were PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt about every shred of evidence no matter how contrived, then yes I would apologize. Fortunately that will never happen so I can sit here smugly knowing I have many more battles to wage! On with the Show!

"This system is totally in control of the American-Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is clear that the American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the principles and laws laid by them. So, the punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the U.S. is not uttering a single word." [Public Action]

Is an extract from bin Laden's September 28, 2001 denial of involvement in the 9/11 attacks...

When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden's Most Wanted web page, [Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI] said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11." [Muckraker Report]

But of course Bush thinks he did it, hahaha can it be more obvious?

And if Bin Laden had nothing to do with it then who was behind it all?


Well-Known Member
We all do, and if we were proven wrong, well I would have to just shake my head and just take it all in and let it be.

We do not want another government run investigation using government agents to collect all the information and all government labs to do all the research. You know, the whole fox and henhouse deal and all.


New Member
Oh I just don't believe that.... if the second one reinforced the first....you would all call for a third!!!

Conspiracy ppl never let go of it.....


Well-Known Member
ok so GR and every other truther in here, if it comes out 100% proof that it was not and inside job

would you guys be ashamed of yourselves at all? would you be sorry?
No ... I did the right thing to question. That's what a true American would do when the government's conspiracy theory blatantly doesn't add up.

like I said this thread is very offensive but imagine if your wife or duaghter died in that attack.
It's only offensive to those that can't handle the truth. If my "wife" or daughter died in the attack ... I would be like those family members demanding a new investigation. I'd want the people truly responsible for their deaths to be held accountable ... not some made up terror group, so the government can commit war crimes with impunity.

so thats the question, would you be ashamed of the false propeganda you have been spewing?
Merely your opinion with nothing to back it up.

ill go first,

If it turned out that you guys were right I would feel like a 2 pump chump gulible bitch made son of a bitch who couldnt fight his way outa a wet paper bag
I'll keep this statement for the record.


your not exactly credible yourself cracker

you make me laugh, telling me what i want as if i dont know what i want


New Member
Gosh...yah I'm not credible

By and large, everything I have ever posted is either come true or is coming true. Name a big issue, and u'll find me on the accurate side.

The truthers side is NOT accurate. It is NOT scientific. You quote anecdotal and context disoriented data created by shadow sources and kooks like Jones, who has lost his academic standing by his peers.

I face facts..... I don't scurry around bolstering up a tiny piece of any issue and then try and say the whole thing is correct. There are so many holes in the truthers diatribe.... it's pitiful.

Just write it out in a few paragraphs .... less than 500 word essay on what you think happened..... the truther version. Planes security, remote control, no flight 93, no pentagon hit, thermite.... put it all in a time line that can be followed. Don't just mix ur peas with ur mash. Put it in one concise and short paragraph or two.


Well-Known Member
Gosh...yah I'm not credible
Correct statement

By and large, everything I have ever posted is either come true or is coming true.
In your mind perhaps, but from most of our perspectives ... NOT

Name a big issue, and u'll find me on the accurate side.
Nothing more than your delusional opinion.

The truthers side is NOT accurate.
Yawn ... same old ... same old ... with nothing ... as usual ... to back it up.

It is NOT scientific.
again nothing more than a wrong opinion with nothing to back it. Just because you deny it's scientific doesn't mean it isn't ... which it is.

You quote anecdotal and context disoriented data created by shadow sources and kooks like Jones, who has lost his academic standing by his peers.
Still trying to discredited ONE of the many scientists and engineers that have found evidence that counters the government's conspiracy theory ... you can't refute the evidence so you try to divert the issue ... how's that working out for you?

I face facts.....
That's an obvious lie ... you couldn't face the FACT that the NIST didn't know what caused WTC 7 to collapse among other facts presented in this thread.

I don't scurry around bolstering up a tiny piece of any issue and then try and say the whole thing is correct.
Yeah ... right ... :roll:

There are so many holes in the truthers diatribe.... it's pitiful.
Another one of your fantasy. You just can't stand the FACT people want a real investigation and will never give up until there is one. Aw... too bad ... so sad.

Just write it out in a few paragraphs .... less than 500 word essay on what you think happened..... the truther version.
I got a much better idea ... how bout I keep posting the news and events surrounding 911 and you write the 500 word essay ... have fun.

Planes security, remote control, no flight 93, no pentagon hit, thermite.... put it all in a time line that can be followed. Don't just mix ur peas with ur mash. Put it in one concise and short paragraph or two.
Remember your instructions when you write it. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
As usual that has nothing to do with the issue or the evidence presented ... stop trying to side step the issue ... haven't you learn by now it doesn't work.:sleep:
...oh ... and people STILL want a real investigation. No matter how much disinformation you put out. Too bad ... so sad.:neutral:
GR, tell us how old you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting the impression you are a child on here to screw with people. You aren't even 18 are you?


Well-Known Member
http://www.911blogger.com/node/21703France 2 cancels TV 9/11 debate. Unable to find credible participants willing to support OCT
State-owned television channel France 2 just decided to cancel the historic French debate which was announced earlier this week by Jean-Marie Bigard and reported on World911Truth.org, ReOpen911.info, Infowars.com, 911Blogger.com, and many others. This has been confirmed by Mathieu Kassovitz on Friday.
France 2 supposedly cannot find four credible people that want to debate 9/11 against Bigard, Kassovitz, Laurent and Harrit. Surprised? Maybe we have judged Barack Obama too quickly. Maybe he is right when he says that 9/11 is not debatable. Even one of the most important television channel in France cannot find credible people to support the official story.
Nevertheless, the TV channel will air the October 28 show but with Bigard and Kassovitz only. This has also been confirmed by Mathieu Kassovitz a few hours after announcing the show was totally cancelled. But there will be no real debate.

... and I was so looking forward to a real debate ... could it be that France2 succumbed to political pressure or is the claim true that they just couldn't find a creditable group to support the government's conspiracy theory?
I would have much rather seen a debate ... but anyone in their right mind knows they would get creamed.
I found an interesting site from the UK ...
9/11: Distinguishing The Propaganda From The Smoking Guns
Those in control of the world have top-secret exotic technologies. These technologies could replace oil and gas, but instead have been weaponized. 9/11 was orchestrated with these technologies. They plan a police state culture and don’t mind if a limited number of people are exposed to the 9/11 propaganda, as long as the advanced technologies remain secret. See “The 9/11 Truth Movement, Free Energy Suppression and the Global Elite’s Agenda” for full information

Not only do the media censor information, they’re a propaganda-promotion tool

Five corporations now control what most Americans hear, read, or see.

Lots of interesting stuff ... check it out if and when you can. :clap:
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