
Well-Known Member
youre on day or week what of flower? you have this working to your advantage, at this stage they start to stretch, and part of that stretch is new leaf growth. so leave it be, and it should actually fill in appropriately, appropriate meaning your bud sites have the most leaf, so those should in theory grow tall above the new fan leaf development.



Well-Known Member
Well that certainly sounds good Shak! Hopefuly at the worse it will just stunt their growth for a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Shack, I was actually thinking the exact same thing at the time of trimming. Kind of that it needs the light, and the only leaves available to process it are those which are going to bud. I fucking hope that works too man. Knickers, don't scare me like that! =P haha

Hopefully it still looks happy tomorrow.

Oh, and today is day 19 of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Shack, I was actually thinking the exact same thing at the time of trimming. Kind of that it needs the light, and the only leaves available to process it are those which are going to bud. I fucking hope that works too man. Knickers, don't scare me like that! =P haha

Hopefully it still looks happy tomorrow.

Oh, and today is day 19 of flowering.
Day 19 and they just started showing female pre-flowers?? You have a good bit of stretch coming your way. No worries, you should do just fine. My last grow stretched about 6-7" in just the second week and about another 4" or 5" the next week. I had to LST the two shoots to fit it under my light! I was full sativa though, yours look strongly indica, expect just a little less than that for stretch. You should be alright.. JUST NO MORE TRIMMING! once your screen fills out up top, feel free to pinch off fan leaves under the screen, they'll just rob everything up top thats actually exposed to the light. BUT!! HOLD OFF ON TRIMMING THOSE!! let the plant use those as energy stores and in a week or so as they start to look limp and discolored, trim those. Make sense??



Well-Known Member
Yea, thanks Shack. Yea. I think that I may have had a small light leak that stopped them from really getting into some strong flowering. Oddly the male was in the exact same conditions and showed perfect preflowers earlier than the ladies did. Regardless, I understand... no more trimming. haha. I think that I will be fine. The independent chutes are just going to have to really on their respective fan leaves to get any light for em. They are pretty squatty though, definitely indica dominant. I can't want to flower some Snow White clones, that mother is fucking squatty as hell.


Well-Known Member
Trim NOTHING ELSE. Let your plant grow. The plant will eat the leaves and they will fall off on their own. Trust me on this.


Well-Known Member
I promise, no more trimming haha. Honestly, it looks like it's doing well. I am just about to switch to week 4 nutrient levels for them.


Well-Known Member
you know an extra dose of seedling strength nutrient added to your week 4 bloom nutrient might help the plant recover a little bit. give the extra "umpf" it needs to recover. i could be wrong about this, so wait for a second opinion, i just think given the state its not a HORRIBLE idea.



Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i was suggesting. you're using the FloraSeries? seedling strength according to your feed chart of the FloraGro (if that's what you're using) in addition to whatever you're mixing up for your bloom nutrients. no more than seedling strength though, just wanting to give the plant what it needs to get some healthy green growth to come back, really won't take much.



Well-Known Member
do you struggle to keep your ph under control. Mine seems to be creeping up all the time and it's getting on my tit's.


Well-Known Member
Shack, I am using Humboldt nutrients, besides that I know nothing to be honest. If they don't look like we are seeing some progress tomorrow I will probably do that and add some more in there.

Craig, I don't have problems keeping my ph under control at all. I can go a few days even without needing to adjust it. How is everything going for you?


Well-Known Member
Fuck, I just woke up with a bad gut feeling and it was right. There was a "night" phase tonight for my girls, they were drooping downwards, but it wasn't a light leak free time. I got interrupted earlier by a friend and had to get out quickly and then I had to go to work. I guess I just forgot to seal it up all the way. I ran in there are got it sealed up so I guess the next 4 hrs will go nicely.

I am so stoned but I can't fall back asleep.


Well-Known Member
So that was a little scare I had last night, but there was definitely still some good bud development from yesterday to today. I am just about to take some pictures, because I have something I want to ask. The main colas are budding up nicely, but most of the chutes along the branches aren't growing as much and most don't even have hairs yet. Pictures will be up very shortly.

Alright, so my camera is charging, sorry about the wait with that, but I did do some work to my ladies. Today is Day 57 of vegging for my Snow White Mother. I have kind of neglected her a bit while I have been focusing on the flowering ladies. I regret doing this because I watched some deficiencies form and didn't act upon them. Well, today I did finally. It wasn't too intense of neglect, she was on the same nutes for two and a half weeks, I usually change nutes once a week. So I got her a new dose and some fresh water and hopefully she will bounce back a bit. I also topped her colas and did some side trimming because she is just too damn gigantic haha.

The little ladies actually look really good. The foliage growth has increased a lot and it doesn't look like I fucked up as bad as we had thought. One sad thing did happen though, one of the stronger budding colas did get broken off accidentally, but that just means that SHACK!!! the experiment begins! hahaha So now I have a freshly topped flowering stem and I think it may have happened another place too. I am praying that we can get some fast growth and get to getting. Also, I was thinking that I may have to keep them flowering longer because of the slow start with it, is that probably true? Meaning that I am just now seeing hairs all over, and some spots are still missing them. I am on day 21 of flowering. I did start them on their next phase of flowering nutrients yesterday that they will be at until the end with flushing etc.

Going to see if I can get the camera alive enough to take a few shots real fast.


Well-Known Member
Alright, here are the little ladies. Day 21 of Flowering:

And here is my Snow White Mother, Day 57 for her:

Sadly she's not looking all that pretty. She has some light burn from the other day so I raised them and topped a bunch like I was talking about earlier. Also, she has had that speckling for a while now and again, I know I should have done something about it sooner, but I didn't. Regardless, everything should be good now. I am excited to see her recover.

Also, here is some more good news. I am not really all that broke anymore haha. That means that I will be making a small bubble cloner within the next few days to get this Snow White show on the road.

Haven't heard from a lot of the earlier journal followers in a long time, you guys still alive? Roseman? Purp?


Well-Known Member
looks like a good recovery there on the screen! BADASS!!! lol I had a feeling there was a lot of life left in those girls. I'm sure the root systems are massive on those ladies, almost "duh" moment that they would recover when you consider that. DWC is pretty sweet, growth rate is ridiculous, thats part of the reason i'm moving to soil haha. looking to see if the slightly slower growth rate of soil does better with CFL.

oh and purp hasn't even been up on his own thread for a bit either. who knows what the deal is.



Well-Known Member
Yea Shack I was really excited about it too. I hope that my little night cycle issue last night didn't shaft anything too badly. I wish there was an easier way to get that closet completely blacked out, but there isn't. I can get it blacked out, but it requires a lot of things that take a long time to set up and hang etc. I will definitely have to come up with a better idea for it in the future.

But yea, the growth on it looks pretty promising I think


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I found a tupperware container that I am going to turn into my little bubble cloner. I do have a question for you guys though. I was pretty sure that I have seen threads before showing clones just hanging into a DWC cloning system and working. These clones were cut and then put in the lid of the container using neoprene collars, and the water level was about 1" below the stem. The bubbles burst water blah blah. Now, can I do this with no neoprene collars? I have this container, and I just screwed 6 1/4" holes in the lid. I was thinking that I could cut cardboard pieces with a slit into the center, and make it a bit wider in the center. Will this work? So basically, the stem is in the hole, and the cardboard cutout holds it there.


Well-Known Member
Don't use cardboard as it can breed mold and fungus. Use polystyrene cut into circles a timcy bit wider than the netpots so they have a tight fit. Cut I line from the outside half way through and widen the end slightly making a middle hole in the disk. Stretch it open and slide your cuttings in from the side. It's relatively waterproof, reflects light, and is largel sterile.