
Well-Known Member
knickers got that one spot on. also be careful with your 1/4" holes in the lid. picture it, the stem hangs through the hole, cool that works. then roots develop when it comes time to pull it out of the cloner, you can EASILY damage the roots, or possibly have too much root mass (fingers crossed lol) to pull through such a small hole. rely on the collar to hold your cutting in place, not the hole in the lid. make your holes slightly smaller than your collars.



Well-Known Member
True. Well, the set up didn't work anyway. I need to get another air pump to use for it. I tried splicing one of the other ones and it lost too much power. I'll just have to buy stuff and build it, no more being cheap.


Well-Known Member
Giant touche on that Shack. Sorry, that last post I was the highest I think I have ever been haha. I didn't even remember replying. But yea, the holes would be an issue with the root so that is a good point. I also noticed that the container I was using I think was just too small. The reason that I wanted to use the holes and collars was to avoid needing to use a net pot. The net pots are too large for the container and would defeat the purpose. Basically, they wouldnt be able to hang above the water level because the container was only maybe 4" tall itself. Like I said I will get one of those 3 gallon rubbermaids and another air pump and make a very nice one. Hopefully I can do that this weekend. I have two exams this week so I am going to be a bit busy with that.


Well-Known Member
The little ladies have shown some great growth. There are plenty of new leaves and the buds are starting to develop at the chutes too, not just the main colas. I did notice an issue with my mother though. While the ladies are in night mode, she still has her lights going, and she is locked in pretty hard. In order to stop the light leaks, I think I may have been sacrificing some circulation. She looks much better with her new nutes, but I still need to change up some stuff. The vent fan at the top of her box does work well, but with the giant reflector there, I think that much of the heat is just getting trapped and never getting up to the fan. To fix this I am just going to buy a short length of simple ducting and just run it down and hang it just below the reflector to suck up that extra heat. This will definitely work. Intake is also an issue when she is all sealed up. I have 2 fans in the box, but they eventually are just circulating the hot, used air all over the box. The thing is, that if I try to leave open a tiny slit for air to get to the fan, I will have a small light leak. Now, I have an idea to run a tube from behind the main fan in the box, which is on the floor, out of the box, and under the door to get fresh air. I will be able to seal up around it 100% and I think it will keep some better air flow in there.


Well-Known Member
Giant touche on that Shack. Sorry, that last post I was the highest I think I have ever been haha. I didn't even remember replying. But yea, the holes would be an issue with the root so that is a good point. I also noticed that the container I was using I think was just too small. The reason that I wanted to use the holes and collars was to avoid needing to use a net pot. The net pots are too large for the container and would defeat the purpose. Basically, they wouldnt be able to hang above the water level because the container was only maybe 4" tall itself. Like I said I will get one of those 3 gallon rubbermaids and another air pump and make a very nice one. Hopefully I can do that this weekend. I have two exams this week so I am going to be a bit busy with that.
this might help you a little my friend... very simple design and can function just as well without netpots, just the neoprene collars. the foam will fit into a hole about 1/4" smaller in diameter than the collar.. net pots are just for well.. i dont know why this guy used net pots lol.

eHow Easy Cloner



Well-Known Member
HI im LAfreshhh an i have a FREE smoke tape coming out 10/30/09 come join the session just drop me you email an ill send you a link to your free copy. thanks peace love unity respect




Well-Known Member
Shack, I don't get it. I know how to make a cloner, what's special about this one? haha I'm not trying to be rude at all, maybe I am missing what exactly you were trying to point out to me.

I was trying to avoid buying the collars, but it looks like I am going to have to do it.


Well-Known Member
lol nothing special... haha just felt like sharing. i really dont know... probably that bowl from earlier spurred me posting that link.. :weed: lol



Hello all

After months of research, months of preparation, months of building and assembling, today I finally start my first grow.


For my first grow, I will be using 5 feminized Snow White seeds from the Nirvana seed bank. I highly recommend them to anyone who needs seeds in the US. They were very discreet and quick.

Grow Area

My grow area is a small bathroom closet that is 55.5" x 22" x 8' that is inside my room. I picked this area because I am the only person that ever goes into that bathroom and I will be able to keep it hidden. The area had no door, and had 3 shelves that were 2ft apart. I am also going to be using a 20" x 22" x 4' Veg box that will be used for my mother. I went in, took out the shelves and molding, and put the box I built snug into the hole it was made for it. (I love it when things fit) I then realized that the top of the box, and the side support that I removed would make for a perfect surface for a shelf and then another area. So I made a shelf over top of it. I then found a large closet door and put it into the door area. Sadly their was a large 4" gap on the top and left sides of the door. I then decided to lift the door up so that there was now a 4" hole on the bottom, that is now my passive air intake for the closet. I then built a small frame on the left side out of a 2x4 and called it a done deal. The door opens well and closes snug. I then lined the inside with mylar and threw in the towel.

Grow System

As it said in the title, this is a DIY DWC grow and I am loving every minute of it. I decided to focus most of my research on hydroponics and more specifically DWC. I built a main tank out an 18 gallon rubbermaid tote that has 5 net pots in the top. I also made a single plant tank out of a 5 gallon bucket that is going to be my mother tank in the veg box. Both of the lids are covered in aluminum foil tape to reflect the light. They also both have drain plugs in the bottom that are currently waiting on a little bit of marine caulk to finish the job. The big tote is using an Aqua Culture 20-60 gallon double outlet air pump AND a Tetra Whisper 100 Gallon double outlet air pump. Attached are small air stones, one 12" bubble wand, and one 6" air stone circle. The air is boostin'. The bucket is running with an Aqua Culture 20-60 Gallon double outlet air pump and a 6" air stone circle that is doing just great.


I am going with CFLs for this grow obviously for the small size, safety, efficiency but most importantly, the low heat. In the veg box I am running a power strip with 6 600 Lumen 14W "daylight" bulbs on splitters. On the other side, I have a power strip with two of the 1-to-3 socket converters on it. There are 2 800 lumen 14W "daylight" bulbs on each one making 4 in total. There are also two 2600 Lumen (can't remember the Watts, but it was quite a bit) on a splitter between the daylighters. This power strip hangs from a simple reflector made from a piece of duct that was unbent. This hangs from the shelf above it with some low grade chain. On either side of the power strip, there are 2 more independently hanging 2600 Lumen bulbs. I am hoping to drop these inside the plants for closer light since the heat is so low on them.

In the Veg Box

Main area

Alright, I think that is enough info as of right now. I am proud to say that last evening started the extravaganza and was coined DAY 1.


The seeds soaked in ph adjusted water overnight under the main area grow lights. The temperature was recorded at 76* F and the humidity was at 53%. I also adjusted a bowl of water down to about 5.5 and soaked 5 rockwool cubes.

Since it is just an overnight thing, I am counting today as day 1 too, plus I think I started soaking my seeds in the early AM hours. Regardless, today I went in and took a look at them and I already had some opening and root tip pointing out. So today I have been keeping them in the light and letting them soak still.

Even if the above is organized, don't let it fool you. I know what I have researched, not what I have learned from experience which tends to stick better for me. So, this is my first grow and I will be needing help. Along the trip if anyone has any questions, comments, concerns etc please direct them my way because I need it!!!

That being said, the first question:

My camera is currently uploading some high res pictures of my seeds to my computer. I will attach them to the bottom but I was wondering if I was ready to chuck them in the rockwool cubes? I have one complete crack, 3 popped open with a tip, and 1 with a very small opening.

Germination Station!

Should I chuck them into the rockwool now, or just the one that cracked maybe?

Thanks guys I can't wait to hear from you all!
u can leave ur seeds soaking or put them in ur rockwool.i let mine soak till i have a root come out.i use rapid rooters instead of rockwool.i soak and sit in the dark for 2-4 days in warm temperature then out them in my rapid rooters and place them in grow media and leave water on them.
good luck and if u want to see photos i will send to u.


Well-Known Member
Checked on them earlier today and everything looks good. My little vent tube idea made the box for the mother much cooler so I am glad it worked. The flowering ladies are looking good. They had a slight yellowing to them so I added some more Micro nutrient because it was the highest in Nitrogen. Hopefully that will also help get the smaller chutes to grow more.

Fuck, now I'm studying for 5 hours.

enjoy the world series


Well-Known Member
So I am realizing that I think I need more lights. I currently have 227 total watts on the two plants. this includes 2 6500k, 2 2700k, and a 4000k bulb. I am afraid of getting fluffy buds so i guess I need to go and buy some more 2700k bulbs. Is it okay to pull those 6500k bulbs? i know you are supposed to cover the entire spectrum the whole time, but I feel like I have way too much 6500k going on in there.

Also, I'm not sure how else to set them up under that hood, I may have to rig some shit up and try and keep it cheap


Well-Known Member
So I am realizing that I think I need more lights. I currently have 227 total watts on the two plants. this includes 2 6500k, 2 2700k, and a 4000k bulb. I am afraid of getting fluffy buds so i guess I need to go and buy some more 2700k bulbs. Is it okay to pull those 6500k bulbs? i know you are supposed to cover the entire spectrum the whole time, but I feel like I have way too much 6500k going on in there.

Also, I'm not sure how else to set them up under that hood, I may have to rig some shit up and try and keep it cheap
uh.. i'm drawing a blank... OH RIGHT GOT IT!
thats plenty of light 5 bulbs for the two plants? for sure good.
what you want to do though is emphasize the 2700k.
you only need like ONE 6500k to really even things out.
that one 6500k adds in some sort of UV effect, and encourages resin production.
(^^that fact has been filtered down so many times before it got to my ears, i'm not really sure what the deal is, i just understand balance the spectrum for better buds)
if you're looking for more answers than i have, research research research!

all i got for now, good luck.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Shack, yea that is what I ended up doing. I went ahead and bought 4 23W 2700k bulbs for $7.98 at the Depot, not bad at all. I also picked up a few more Y splitters. I took out one of the 6500ks and tried to set it all up decently. I have the one 6500k close to the middle laying on it's side. Around it now I have those 4 23W 2700k bulbs and 2 42W 2700k bulbs. I was doing reading and I scared myself that I would ruin my buds. It was only like 17$ total, so hopefully the improvement is pretty good. The glow now is much more red as it should be for flowering. I also lowered the lights down and got them closer to the buds like I had heard recommended in some readings I did. I am hoping for the best. I am just too scared and for some reason I can't tell if I am on the right track with these.

Also, my MOther is becoming a bit of an issue. She is really big and I think she is getting unhappy in that box. I am debating on what to do with her I would love to have her just Veg in the main area of the bathroom, but I'm not sure how I would set up the lighting.

Can't really think of too much. She still has that speckling, and now she has some dark dark leaves, which I know is N overdose. I am going to chuck some more water her way and hope things look up a bit. I'll post pictures in a bit


Well-Known Member
if you're mom is getting big, just give her a haircut. you don't have to clone EVERYTHING that comes off of her. but if she is taking up the space, trim her up. no harm at all, she's a mom she expects it :D



Well-Known Member
Alright here are my ladies.

This is mammadukes at Day 60

And the Flowering ladies are on day 24 of Flowering

Here is the new flowering lighting situation

What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Spaghetti anyone? AWESOME root structure you have there. EVERYTHING looks healthy on those girls, leaf, stem, pistils, and jesus the roots especially!! I see you had some issues with mama bear, no worries, thats a big vigorous plant, balance your pH levels and keep the your nutrient levels in check, i'm sure you'll have no problems. all in all, VERY good looking grow!! (i added some duct work to my tent, to bring temps down... sort of worked, they havent gone up since i added it lol)



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support Shack. Yea, I'm not exactly sure what her problem is haha, but hopefully Mamma will recover soon. My theory is that she is a fucking brick shit house of a plant and she is not going anywhere. I feel like she may be able to survive nuclear winter haha.

I'm glad you think that my flowering ladies look good. Do I still look a bit behind on flowering for this far in? I feel like it's not a big deal if I'm behind right? It just means that I will have to flower longer?