15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
alright here are some pics of the two cola plant i topped i used a stick for stability for the plant and twisttytied it to it and tied down both sides the oppisite direction and took off two fan leaves, and the one i lstd this mornin is already perfectly standin straight up i shoulda got a pic but here it is had to throw in a couple shots of the dogs ill get some of the ones at my dads today and post my little female in the middle of my avatar is pregnant with the brown dog spur



New Member
Your buds are excellent! It's saturday night and I'm thinking everyone is stoned! (me included) I like the puppy! My son is getting an American bulldog.


Well-Known Member
i just noticed the whole time your at ur party until your wasted your going to be thinking about your plants.. cuz of those red cups.. i kno i would
yep ur right bro i will be and we r playin pong on my pool table gonna cover it with plastic and thats the room where my plants r in but im not to worried everyone that comes to my house knows i grow and are terrifyied of my dog he dosent fuck around about the grow room and he is a trained protection dog so no worries here and all the people that r commin r cowboys nd shit they all want me to set them up shit lol


Well-Known Member
no ones gonna comment on my pics damn pride took a fall o well lol

you kno i always comment good or bad bro hahaha i jus been to stoned to walk my ass to the desk hahaha sad part its at the end of the couch but yeah they do look pretty good so u ur gonna have puppies soon?


Well-Known Member
yea bu ti keep my dogs until they r 3 to 4 months old and started in the training of the owners choice otherwhise they all have basic obedience sit lay stay hand signals and whistle of your choice training. protection dog at 6 months would go for 2500


Well-Known Member
hell yeah thats what im training my lil lady in never trained before but im learning as she is haha


Well-Known Member
hell yeah thats what im training my lil lady in never trained before but im learning as she is haha
haha ive been working with dogs since i was 6 years old ive studied training and work with all kind of dogs i love it i train pits to work cattle for protection i can train any dog cuz most of the time its not the dog its the people they have the roles reversed


Well-Known Member
hell yeah dude thats pretty sweet ya got to grow up training my buddie grew up jus like that up in TN damn im gonna be comin to you for pointers tho haha


Well-Known Member
yea man nytime and i got a fgirl panda that is gonna throw down on lights a 400 watthps with mh conversion ballest in a cooltube and it is 248 and then some seeds for 44 fem seeds gonna make a mother plantr out of one of em with the 150 watt light she is even gonna split the electricity bill with me my girl isnt to happy but she iwll understand


Active Member
Moving on up..MOVING ON Up



mmm new vaporizer for me ^^

Keep on truckin Pit only keeps getin betta


New Member
I can tell you have a new vape! I always start singing about 20 min later! LOL! Shit, now that song is in my head! Better go to the grow roon and listen to some Marley!


Well-Known Member
hahah congrats on the new vape lol ive got two new babies yay 4 still havent cracked yet but r still germin the two i transplanted dident go through any shock at all so im pleased with that they r already showing new growth


Well-Known Member
read read read read read hahaha but anyway haha glad u said somethin bout seeds crackin i totally spaced bout mine shit and thats pretty sweet on the new light man hell yeah