To Think Like a Nazi


New Member
In the end, who cares where the inventions come from... it's what you do with them that counts.

Europe has been crumbling for centuries and two world wars lay directly at their feet, no one else's.

The USA has outperformed every other society because of our constitution and capitalist democracy. We take ANY invention and run with it better than anyone else. At least we used to... :lol:


Active Member
What an ignoramus. The new world order was an aspiration of the Nazis.

It is the Left that does all the whining. Just like you are your ilk are always whining because you can't afford to pay my taxes. Keep it up and I won't let your father to cut my lawn next week you loser.

And it was the entrepreneurial spirit created by Capitalism that created all of those inventions, was it not? Those things certainly weren't invented by some pathetic Left wing bum like you.

Stop jacking the thread and go cut another lawn retard.
Oh really? Because if you look at all the threads in this forum. You will notice a huge thread count about Obama this, Liberal that. I guess you wouldn't notice that because you repukes have taken a heavy dosage of the FOX news koolaid which apparently blocks out reality. It's like little Sean Hannitys running around in the politics section. lol

Why are you assuming I make lower wages than you because I'm a liberal?(You probably think I'm black) For the record, I don't cut lawns and I'm working on my law degree. I'll be making more money than your little roofing/ lawncare business or what ever it is rednecks without a highschool diploma do. Keep it up with your name calling and ignorance.
(A line in the movie Star Wars - regarding the original topic)

"Stay on Target... Stay on Target !"

[Swish, bang, bang- -boom, boom, boom]

(it's much better in the original)
To think like a Nazi:

Nazi: "All our problems are because Jews and Blacks and all other people not like us- are alive and kicking. They're messing up our dream of the master race... let's kill'em !"

NWO: "All our problems are coming from the conservatives, white, black and all other people not like us and it's sickening. Iit's really begining to effect our ability to take over the human race.... Let's kill'em !"

(what would a liberal say?)
Libs: [reply here]

And, to be fair- What do you think a lib would say?


Well-Known Member
Oh really? Because if you look at all the threads in this forum. You will notice a huge thread count about Obama this, Liberal that. I guess you wouldn't notice that because you repukes have taken a heavy dosage of the FOX news koolaid which apparently blocks out reality. It's like little Sean Hannitys running around in the politics section. lol

Why are you assuming I make lower wages than you because I'm a liberal?(You probably think I'm black) For the record, I don't cut lawns and I'm working on my law degree. I'll be making more money than your little roofing/ lawncare business or what ever it is rednecks without a highschool diploma do. Keep it up with your name calling and ignorance.
Good luck with that. I have news for you, my corporation isn't so little and IF you do become a lawyer you still won't be able to pay my taxes and you will still be less educated than me. I hire and fire lawyers regularly.

Funny how you left wing kooks just assume everyone who disagrees with you is a redneck who does manual labor. You are nothing but a little boy still in school and here you are acting like you know the first thing about life. All you know in life is which game is the best for Play station II.

Your generalizations about those on the Right demonstrates your ignorance and your bigotry.


New Member
Fiscally conservative folks tend to be wealthy... because ... drum roll ... they make good choices and understand how the economy actually works.


New Member
I'm certainly not a con. I merely can't justify socialism like you can.

The country is waking up. No more ramming bills through Congress on wild spending sprees, without reading or fully discussing it first.

In less than 10 months, the left has lost its credibility with the rest of the country.


Well-Known Member
Hitler was far right wing just like you cons!

It is the left who promotes fascism. It is the Left who tells people how they must think. It is the left who pushes state run programs. It is the left who wishes to micromanage society. It is the Left who indoctrinates youth. It is the Left who is anti-religion. It is the left who is against individual liberty.

Hitler, like the left, was all these things.

The Left just calls the Right evil and claims that therefore all evil people are on the Right. Most dictators have more in common with the Left than the right.


Active Member
if you cant get your point across without evoking hitler/nazism/holocaust, its probably not worth stating.


Well-Known Member
if you cant get your point across without evoking hitler/nazism/holocaust, its probably not worth stating.
As a Jew I am particularly sensitive toward people making off the cuff comparisons to the Holocaust and to Hitler. In no way am I trying to equate the evil of the Nazis to the Left. In fact, I don't consider the Left evil at all.

This is not a reduction to Hitler, but more of a serious academic look at how the thinking of the left parallels that of the Nazis. In particular is the emphasis on group think that is so common to the left. in fact, I would go so far as to say that it is highly unlikely that many people would arrive at the conclusions of the Left were it not for the social proof of the university and Hollywood. After all, who by way of his own logic, concludes that Socialism which has been a global historic failure is the future of the most prosperous nation on Earth?

Leftist thought is demonstrably a product of following the herd much more so that Conservative thought. Universities systematically alienate Conservative students while Liberal ones march with the herd in lock-step. I have little doubt most of these little goose steppers are merely falling in line with how the power structure tells them to think. I likewise have little doubt that the thousands of German citizens who followed Hitler were a similar breed of ultra-conformist. I think my analysis is valid.


Active Member
As a Jew I am particularly sensitive toward people making off the cuff comparisons to the Holocaust and to Hitler. In no way am I trying to equate the evil of the Nazis to the Left. In fact, I don't consider the Left evil at all.

This is not a reduction to Hitler, but more of a serious academic look at how the thinking of the left parallels that of the Nazis. In particular is the emphasis on group think that is so common to the left. in fact, I would go so far as to say that it is highly unlikely that many people would arrive at the conclusions of the Left were it not for the social proof of the university and Hollywood. After all, who by way of his own logic, concludes that Socialism which has been a global historic failure is the future of the most prosperous nation on Earth?

Leftist thought is demonstrably a product of following the herd much more so that Conservative thought. Universities systematically alienate Conservative students while Liberal ones march with the herd in lock-step. I have little doubt most of these little goose steppers are merely falling in line with how the power structure tells them to think. I likewise have little doubt that the thousands of German citizens who followed Hitler were a similar breed of ultra-conformist. I think my analysis is valid.
baseless speculation and irrelevant connections.