Is Obama competent?

I didn't vote for him but come on, you've gotta admit that hes doing a good job and the people who are crying about President Obama did not vote for him and neither did any of the teabagging protesters.
You are dodging what was said (paraphrased) 'even those that voted for him are regreting it. '

He is nothing more than an 'artful dodger' just like all lying fat mouths. He's a good reader - until the teleprompter go down- then it's the real thing! Nothing but a conman caught on stage.

But even an ACORN finds a blind pig every now and then.


Well-Known Member
He's doing a good job at what ?? Guareenteeing that our kids and grandkids will be strapped with so much debt that it will be pointless to try to fix the problem at the rate we are going America is no longervthe land ofvthe free but the land of debt. Sorry if I don't think stimulated chinas economy is a good thing. Borrowing money from china so our stupid ass citizens go to walmart with their 600 dollar stimulas package and buy 600 dollars worth of worthless Chinese products is a good thing. The generation that is growing up now is the first generation in the HISTORY of the united states to not to live better than their parents sorry if I thnk that is a bad thing. Left right both giving our country away.

Cloud City

New Member
You are dodging what was said (paraphrased) 'even those that voted for him are regreting it. '

He is nothing more than an 'artful dodger' just like all lying fat mouths. He's a good reader - until the teleprompter go down- then it's the real thing! Nothing but a conman caught on stage.

But even an ACORN finds a blind pig every now and then.

Do tell us all where are these people who regret voting for Obama? Because to me it just sounds like sour grapes and wishful thinking from a deranged suffer of Obama Derangement Syndrome. The folks who are unable to get over the FACT that Obama is the President are mostly racists who cant accept the fact that a black man is President and other extremists who are bitter over President Obama winning the election.

Cloud City

New Member
He's doing a good job at what ?? Guareenteeing that our kids and grandkids will be strapped with so much debt that it will be pointless to try to fix the problem at the rate we are going America is no longervthe land ofvthe free but the land of debt. Sorry if I don't think stimulated chinas economy is a good thing. Borrowing money from china so our stupid ass citizens go to walmart with their 600 dollar stimulas package and buy 600 dollars worth of worthless Chinese products is a good thing. The generation that is growing up now is the first generation in the HISTORY of the united states to not to live better than their parents sorry if I thnk that is a bad thing. Left right both giving our country away.

Well so far President Obama has stopped the recession and if he keeps on track by 2012 hopefully the economy will be in good shape. And that 600 dollar stimulus check you're thinking of was passed by Bush.
It has nothing to do with 'race' or 'winning' an election. It has everything to do with him being nothing but a puppet for the banks/big business and being a card carrying commie.
Why do you idiots keep saying it has to do with race? Or winning? We are NOT as shallow as you people are.

Cloud City

New Member
Put down the kool aid and look around you, the Obama hate has everything to do with race. The whole birther movement is nothing but a bunch of racist bigots.


Well-Known Member
Raciest hahahahaha you sound like Johnny Cochran hHahahahahaha find a new argument we just find that the dude is inept. He has the wool pulled over his eyes( like you cloudcity) that or is a flamingo with his head in the sand. I am saying that the past few elections the choices have sucked dick majorly. It's like we find the biggest scumbags and put them up as nominees McCain. And whatshername would have done no better.
Hey Puff... hate to break the bad news to you this way bro but... it's an Ostrage that puts his head in the sand. Not a flamingo dude> That pulled down your whole arguement man.
You might as well go take a shower bro.
( LOL ! )


New Member
Put down the kool aid and look around you, the Obama hate has everything to do with race. The whole birther movement is nothing but a bunch of racist bigots.

That's nonsense and using that argument weakens your case.... since Obama was elected by many of the same so called racists.... nonsense. You can't have it both ways....

Okay.... first we'll elect him, then we protest :roll:


Well-Known Member
Well so far President Obama has stopped the recession and if he keeps on track by 2012 hopefully the economy will be in good shape. And that 600 dollar stimulus check you're thinking of was passed by Bush.
Okay Mr. Conservative (I couldn't type that with a straight face), exactly how has PrezBO stopped the recession?

Unemployment? It went up. Way up. Far beyond the Messiah's prediction of what would happen if we did not pass the porkulus bill.

The Dow hitting 10,000? You mean of course the stock market that is overvalued by 40% and heading for an ugly correction?

Automobile Sales? Cash for Clunkers did what typical feel-good now Progressive initiatives do, it put off future pain for a good time now. Well the 'good time now' which benefited Japan's economy greatly, has passed and now comes the future pain. To top it off, taxpayers bailed out two of the Big Three automakers, then had to pony up (borrow) the dough for C4C.

New Residential Construction? Fail.

How do you measure his success in stopping the Great Recession? More to the point, how do you define stop?


New Member
He's mainlining his kool aid.

This just in.........

The President is still gathering information on what to do about Afghanistan.

Man, I'm sure glad no lives are on the line. That's a relief!!

KABUL – Taliban militants wearing suicide vests and police uniforms stormed a guest house used by U.N. staff in the heart of the Afghan capital early Wednesday, killing 12 people — including six U.N. staff. It was the biggest in a series of attacks intended to undermine next month's presidential runoff election


New Member
I didn't vote for him but come on, you've gotta admit that hes doing a good job and the people who are crying about President Obama did not vote for him and neither did any of the teabagging protesters.
A good job at what, exactly? Name one thing the guy has accomplished since being placed in office. Other than polarizing the American people, that is.


Well-Known Member
Well as far as Putin is concerned, Obama is highly competent!!!

Looks like Pravda loves the new POTUS.

This is chilling and ominous....

America Moving from Kingdom of Cash to Socialism Slowly but Surely

Obama’s decision not to build the Missile Defense System in Poland and the Czech Republic and his Noble Prize have not yet been comprehended from a philosophical viewpoint. It’s time to do it.

Power of Money against Power of Spirit
The last turning point similar to the current one happened approximately 400 years ago. The Western European society discovered a new hierarchy of values. Feudalism that valued service and chivalry was replaced with capitalism.

jeff f

New Member
ahhh you guys quit-yer-bitchin he is doing a fine job. at this pace the democratic party will be destroyed in about 2 years. just hope we make it that long

Illegal Smile

Heh... I agree with that much...:lol: If we survive all this, it will be the end of the left wing dem's for decades.
That's what republicans said after 9/11. And it's what dems said only a year ago. How soon we forget.


Well-Known Member
That's what republicans said after 9/11. And it's what dems said only a year ago. How soon we forget.
that's just it, we do forget and all too quickly. unless it is drilled into us on the evening news each night or placed in twenty-four hour rotation on the cable news outlets, we tend to ignore the lessons of history in favor of a sixty second sound bite. is it any wonder we keep making the same mistakes over and over again?
Well so far President Obama has stopped the recession and if he keeps on track by 2012 hopefully the economy will be in good shape. And that 600 dollar stimulus check you're thinking of was passed by Bush.
In looking thru the posts made by CC it is obvious that he has no idea of conservative principles. Or maybe he does, but does not believe in them. However it shakes out, CC is no conservative. With apologies to Lloyd Bentson, let me say, I know conservatives, many of my friends are conservatives, and you sir are no conservative.
If you read the Federalist Papers, or the Constitution, you should know that there are limited powers given (by the people) to the government. They are very specific and nowhere is mentioned bank bailouts, federalization of the banking industry, no bailouts for auto companies. In fact, there are very few government programs that fall under the scope of the Constitution. Certainly Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac don't qualify, yet with these agencies the Federal Government will hold close to 40% of home mortgages in America.
In the last ten months, the Federal Reserve has doubled the amount of currency in circulation, for the first time there is discussion of moving the international standard of valuation for oil to something other than the US dollar.
Obama is systematically dismantling the bill of rights, and will soon engage in censorship of talk radio.

I could go on for hours here, but anyone who thinks this president is doing a good job is: a) stoned WAY too much, 2) not paying attention, or III) just a dumb shit lame brain liberal who is behind this program.
This CC posting follows the outline for seminar callers on the radio. Claim to be a long standing Republican, conservative who is just so impressed with this new President that they just have to give him credit. Bullshit.
No true conservative would support the things going on in America. Perhaps a Lloyd Graham conservative, or perhaps an Arlen Specter conservative. But certainly not a Reagan Conservative as I am, and apparently many, many others here as well.

Don't get me wrong CC. You have every right to state your opinion and I enjoy a good discussion, but don't pretend to be something you are not. You don't express conservative ideas. Perhaps you feel that by moving conservatism to the left it brings Obama closer to the center. Whatever the motivation, claiming to be something that you are not only reduces your credibility and makes your statements unbelievable.

Standing by for the personal attacks that are sure to follow from the libs...

I don't know who said it first but, if you are not a liberal when you are young, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative when you are old, you have no brain.

Cloud City

New Member
Thank God that President Obama is taking the time to thoroughly assess the situation and think about what to do in Afghanistan rather than just sending in more troops without first considering the options.