Wonder Woman in 5 gallon dwc bucketeer


Active Member
This is my first grow and i want to make sure that i get the best harvest as possible with the equipment im using.
I will be growing one femal wonder woman plant in a 5 gallon dwc bucket. I have a 150 watt hps light, the dual spectrum 65 lights from the stealth hydro site, and a full spectrum flourescent light i was going to use at the beggining of vegging. I also have the grow and bloom feed from the stealth hydro site. Does anybody have any advice on how i should grow them? Or has anybody else tried it and have some pics?


Active Member
So the seeds just came tonite, about 6 days after shipping. I only have one germinating because i was going to do them all one at a time. Its 11-1-09 hopefully i can plant it in the system by 11-3-09. Hopefully i get a pretty decent yeild with this setup.


Well-Known Member
my wonder woman stayed pretty short even at the begining of flower when the snow whites decided to jump 20 inches. flowering started a bit slower on the WW than expected but the calyx's are frickin huge. twice the size of the Snow Whites. looks like its gunna be some dense nug.


Well-Known Member
I only have one germinating because i was going to do them all one at a time. Its 11-1-09 hopefully i can plant it in the system by 11-3-09. Hopefully i get a pretty decent yeild with this setup.

Man you should play the odds a little more and roll the dice....one seed? The general rule is that you germ twice as many as you want to flower and finish.


Active Member
Yea but they were feminized i was hoping for a 100% germ rate. I jus checked and the seed cracked and has a little sprout already!! Overnight.


Active Member
So im kinda nervous now. The germinated seed didnt seem like it was sprouting anymore so i started getting the dwc bucket ready. I started to rinse the hydroton and i guess i didnt rinse it to good because the water i had sitting in the bucket(I was told to let the water sit in there 3 days before i put the seed in it) turned brown. So i emptied it out and started with a fresh batch of tap. The rock wool soaked about 20min before i put the seed in. So now i set it all up, put the hydroton in a net pot and the seeded rockwool in it with the bubbles goin and a 85watt full spectrum flourescent light over it. My worrys is that the regular tap will kill the seed, if i hadnt already just from taking it out of its paper towel almost every 4 hrs to check on it. Also wondering if the light should be over it now. I was going to keep the light on 24 hrs for about a week or so until it is ready for the hps and cfls. Any advice?


Active Member
im growing Wonder woman too. I had only 3 of 5 seeds germinate for me , and only 2 lived. but the plants are well worth it.

i germinate seeds by soaking the rockwhool cubes in 5.5 ph water then put the seed into the rock whool . then put them in a big zip lock bag and create a tent with it.

Put the floresent light right above the tent. It needs to be warm and humid for best sucsess. in 2 to 4 days you should see it sprout. let the sprout fully extend and make sure the first root is coming out the bottom of the rockwhool then put it in to the hydroton.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Scribed I got Wonder WOman too. She is the best out of all of my plants and strains. Definitely my number 1 choice for my next run. Im 34 days flowering. Check my grow in sig. scribed plus rep


Active Member
Well i planted it in a spot i cud see the seedling and theres no growth at all from yesterday and im hopint i didnt kill it. Am i just being to cautious and not giving it enough time? Or is it gone


Well-Known Member
Long gon, you should have waited a while before putting it in the hydroton....... good luckk in your future UNSUBSCRIBED


Active Member
Well as much as i didnt wana do it i tossed the seed. I had another rockwool gettin ready soaking in water mixed with a sprinkle of stealth hydro's grow formula. So it soaked about 8 hrs and i put another WW seed in this morning. Then i put the rockwool in a ziplock, the ziplock in a little cardboard box, the box in a 4'x'4'x6' tent, and turned the heater on low in there. So from my understanding i wait until i can see roots coming through the rockwool then put it in the hydroton with the flourescent light. Am i right? Please help, this is my first grow. I need specific details on evrything i need to know.


Active Member
Well as much as i didnt wana do it i tossed the seed. I had another rockwool gettin ready soaking in water mixed with a sprinkle of stealth hydro's grow formula. So it soaked about 8 hrs and i put another WW seed in this morning. Then i put the rockwool in a ziplock, the ziplock in a little cardboard box, the box in a 4'x'4'x6' tent, and turned the heater on low in there. So from my understanding i wait until i can see roots coming through the rockwool then put it in the hydroton with the flourescent light. Am i right? Please help, this is my first grow. I need specific details on evrything i need to know.
you dont need any fertilizer for seedlings they have enough energy to last a couple of weeks without any ferts. make sure the tent stays at 100% humidity. make sure you give it 24 hours of light once it pops out of the rockwhool. leave a little crack in the tent for just a little air to get in. let the seedling fully extend and for the first root to break out of the bottom of the rock whool. about a inch or so then you can put it in your medium. go to 18 hour light at that time keep the seedling moist by misting it, but dont over do it. hope that helps Also i would use the floresent light for heat just put it right above the tent about a inch away, just make sure you close the hole were you put the seed in so it doesnt get light. most important have patiance:!:


Well-Known Member

Man you should play the odds a little more and roll the dice....one seed? The general rule is that you germ twice as many as you want to flower and finish.

I bought ten seeds last year and have been planting one at a time. 4 seeds have been used and I just plop it in the middle of a 3 gallon bucket. 100% germination rate, no paper towels, no constant transplanting no extra unneeded steps that can fuck up and slow down the process. Plant it and it shall grow.


Well-Known Member
I am personally a soil grower and would go that route. Hydro sounds fun and exciting, but the lows can be bad as well. Not saying soil can't. I just stay in my comfort zone for now, and try and make it better. Hydro is intriguing and I have several hydro setups, but I haven't gotten the results Im looking for.


Active Member
Well...kinda pissed. Had the seed germinatin in the tent and i went to check on it 2day to find out it was a dud. Not even a crack in the seed. It wudnt be as bad if that wasnt the last rockwool i had. I dont think any stores around me have any so im probably gonna end up spending more on shipping than the actual cubes. Another setback...


Active Member
Don't throw the seed out. Some take longer than others. I've had them take up to 10 days then all of the sudden pop. Or even scrape them a little bit too to coax them out.